I’d rather vote for something I want and not get it than vote for something I don’t want, and get it.,,,Eugene V. Debs A sad day for Massachusetts adoptees: Governor Deval Patrick signed SB63. The ABC crowd couldn’t be happier. Though they have made no formal statement this was posted on their website this afternoon (September 6): We thank Governor Patrick, Senator Frederick E. Berry, Senator Karen E. Spilka, Representative John Lepper, Representative Stephen P. LeDuc, the Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities and the Massachusetts Legislative Children’s Caucus for making this bill law. We are also grateful to all the supporters in the adoption community who worked with us to get his bill signed into law. AND THEY WONDER WHY WE CALL THEM DEFORMERS!ABC* has done what no other “adoptee rights” organization has done. In its eagerness to “stop the clock” and play the hero, ABC lobbed an entire generation of adult adoptees into the great “dustbin of history.” It has (1) “legitimized” the false doctrine of ‘implied promises” promoted by NCFA et al for nearly 30 years ; and (2) acceded to the demands of blockhead politicians, adoption “professionals” and special interests to sell out the Continue Reading →


Yesterday, the State of New Hampsphire issued its 1000th original birth certificate. Adoptee rights advocates held a party to celebrate. You can read about it in Foster’s Daily Democrat. For those interested in numbers, according to the latest figures from New Hampshire Vital Stats, only 12 “do not contact” preference forms have been submitted to the state–11 in 2005; 1 in 2006 and 0 this year. New Hampshire media has reported no social disruption (including ax killings) due to the restoration of adoptee civil rights. Adoption in New Hampshire, contrary to the dire warnings of conservative secret keepers, liberal record sealers, and extremist adoption industrialists, remains healthy. Bastard Nation is proud and happy to have been a part of liberating New Hampshire adoptees from the stigma and shame of sealed birth records. Back in 2004 BN’s own Rep. Jane Allen played a key role it passing of SB335. Janet, in fact, was the first person to receive her obc when records were unsealed on the first day of business 2005 (left). She was present yesterday when No. 1000 was issued. Many worked for the New Hampshire victory, Most of these heroes have gone unrecorded and unrecognized. We’d like to thank Continue Reading →


And the Bad Binkie goes to….The North Carolina House Judiciary Committee! Not only did the committee ditch a clean birth certificate access bill (HB 445) yesterday, but amended it into a Draconian fox-in-the-henhouse bill which puts adoptee identity “rights” into the hands of the state’s adoption agencies– the very people who profit most from sealed records. AND YOU THINK YOUR STATE IS BAD…Laughingly called a “compromise,” HB 445 “2nd edition“will “allow” adoption agencies, if they desire (and are still in business!), to act as “confidential intermediaries” between adoptees 21 years and older and a “biological parent.” With the written consent of each, the agency “could” facilitate contact between the parties or (gasp!) share identifying information. The Associated Press notes that the compromise bill would permit agencies to “obtain” and share non-identifying information between the two sides. Obtain? Don’t agencies keep that information on file already? For all we know, they don’t, and Bastardette bets her advance copy of The Baby Thief, that plenty of people want to keep it that way. North Carolina currently does not even permit agencies to freely pass on information between adoptive parties upon mutual request. The state, in fact, bars agencies from telling adopted adults Continue Reading →


Bleating behind their Yankee co-religionists at UConn (see previous blog) the “editorial board” of the University of North Carolina Daily Tar Heel, in a misnamed editorial, Adopt a New Law, has decided that the clean records access bill (and here) currently under debate in the NC legislature, is “fundamentally unfair to birth mothers.” No mention is made that the state’s sealed records law in place since the 1940s is “fundamentally unfair” to adopted people. Of course, not. The “editorial board” considers us all perpetual, and petulant children undeserving of being treated the same as the non-adopted–whom Bastardette presumes they are: In North Carolina, the birth certificates of children given up for adoption are sealed and cannot be retrieved by adopted children later in life…. We sympathize with adopted children… Adopted children, by searching out their biological parents… …the state should find other ways to contact birth parents besides releasing their identities to the adopted child. …If birth parents whose children already have been adopted under the previous law wish to allow their children’s birth certificates… I haven’t followed the North Carolina campaign as I should, but I am pretty sure that North Carolina Coalition for Adoption Reform chair Roberta McDonald Continue Reading →