Bastard Nation Letter to PEI Assembly: Reject Bill No, 29

Bill No. 29 clearly holds PEI’s adopted citizens to a greater set of birth record access requirements than the not-adopted who can access their record for the asking, Disclosure and contact vetoes, fines and jails cells all go against best practice adoption standards. These provisions are not only insulting to PEI’s adoptees but are cruel and ugly. They pathologize adoptees and adoption as a social institution. They make adoption and adoptees shameful and suggest to the public that we are dangerous. Continue Reading →

Action Alert URGENT! Prince Edward Island Bill 29. Contains veto and criminalizes contact. Vote No!

In the name of “adoption reform, the Prince Edward Assembly is attempting to sneak a bill through that will continue to abrogate the right of the province’s adoptees to access their Original Birth Certificate, without restriction or conditions. Assembly Bill No. 29 was introduced and received the first reading on November 20 and received a second reading the following day. A final vote can take place as early as this coming Tuesday, November 26. Continue Reading →

Prince Edward Island: New bill contains vetoes and criminalizes contact

If you think your state or province is bad, try this on for size.  The bill contains the following provisions:

*disclosure veto
*criminally enforceable contact veto with a threat of a $5,000 fine and 1-year jail term
*prohibits adoptees from “publishing any identifying information about the person who provided the content preference.” Continue Reading →


Bastardette received a post this morning from her favorite adoptee activist and shit kicker, Ron Morgan, director of the Adoptee Rights Organzing Project in San Francisco and organizer of the “notorious” Honk if You’re My Daddy event at Studio City in LA last January. Referring to Bastardette’s The Great White North Snows Adoptees, (see below) Ron brings up excellent points regarding the ethical implications of Mr. Anonymous Adopter’s secrets and shame letter and Member Klees’s reading of it into the record. Since when should personal pathology be elevated to public policy? With Ron’s permission I am posting the entire letter below. —– Original Message —–From: “Ron Morgan” Sent: Thursday, May 05, :32 PMSubject: ] Appalling testimony in Ontario Legislative Assembly > Hello everyone,>> I’m writing tonight to bring your attention to testimony read into> the record during a debate in the Legislative Assembly of> Ontario, Canada, over a bill that would change regulations> regarding access to adoption records.>> Personally, I don’t support the bill in question, neither does> Assembly Member Klees, who introduced the letter into the> record. However, I find the letter deeply troubling. Here is the> URL for the portion of the debate that contains the letter:>> Continue Reading →