Reuters and other news sources are reporting that a band of 10 US evangelicals with Idaho-based New Life Children’s Refuge were arrested at the Malpasse border crossing (above picture in better days) trying to take 33 undocumented Haitian children into the Dominican Republic. The five women arrested were from the Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, and the five men from the East Side Baptist Church in Twin Falls (new reports indicate a couple men were actually from out-of-state). The 10 are currently housed in what I assume is the extremely unpleasant Haiti Judicial Police headquarters. I have pulled quite a bit of information on New Life and the child smugglers, and intend to write about this incident at length tomorrow. I don’t want to put out wrong information so, I need to clarify some of the documents I’ve collected. In the meantime, I’ve thrown a little bit together to get the word out. Here are the relevant parts of the story as published so far (my emphasis): Authorities said the Americans had no documents to prove they had cleared the adoption of the 33 children — aged 2 months to 12 years — through any embassy and no papers Continue Reading →


I have launched a new blog site: End Child Exportation and Trafficking in Haiti. It is not affiliated with Bastard Nation. The unethical and often illegal removal of children from Haiti and subsequent identity erasure under the guise of “humanitarian aid” to serve small special interests is unprecedented in US child welfare history and policy. It is directly related to adoption secrety and control of information. The bastard and adoptee voice is being heard , but not loud enough. Here is a description of the blog: Stop Child Exportation and Trafficking is a collection of my blogs on Haiti published originally on my main blog, The Daily Bastardette. It is also a resource page for media, researchers, and the public interested looking for material and opinion on the ethics and legality of fast track adoption, babylifting, “humanitarian aid,”identity, historical and cultural erasure, and corrupt practices in international adoption, especially in the current Haitian earthquake crisis. It includes links to blogs, news articles, reports, and Haitian sources that are not available on The Daily Bastardette. We will publish occasional guest writers. Please visit and support it!


For once we have some good news! California AB 372 is officially dead! The January 22 deadline for it to pass out of committee and on to the Senate floor went by with no action. Although nothing official has come from sponsor Sen Fiona Ma, her office told CalOpen that the bill would “will not be pursued.” Astoundingly, CARE (California Adoption Reform Effort) as of tonight, has not seen fit to announce the demise of their bill on its website. It’s last update is dated May 28, 2009. That’s what we’ve come to expect, though, from fake reformers who scrub their website of their own history and embarrassing documents, dismiss an ideology of rights. embracing instead “non-emotional” wishes and desires”, (whatever that means), and posit that adoptees need to be “navigated by professionals” rather than ourselves. Veteran grassroots bastard activists who have actually gotten clean bills passed were ordered to take a hike by the dilettantes of CARE. We’re sure CARE, like herpes, will come back. Jean Strauss and CARE are all over the March 18-21 AAC conference in Sacramento. CalOpen and Bastard Nation continue to hold the line in California. There is much work to be done there, and Continue Reading →


Baby Love Child has published stunning blog today: Adopting Kids Out of Satan’s Haiti for the Glory of His Kids & The Slowing of Child Export Flights. It is separate from her ongoing Hatian series.This is by far the best piece I have seen anywhere (and I’ve downloaded lots of stories and blogs) about babylifting, it’s impetus and purpose. This is a long piece that will turn the stomach of anyone concerned about the ethics and purpose of adoption. This is a small excerpt: This from the “religion” section of their page on Haiti: “Mission work in Haiti faces enemy onslaught as this is a country that is yearly dedicated to Satan in a contractual form. There are voodoo practices and worship of the dark.” While some may find that statement rather stunning, it is sadly a more common attitude within the evangelical and “missions” subculture than many would care to think. Pat Robertson’s comments along these lines were merely a reflection of a commonly held belief across numbers of people within his subculture. An historic explanation of the role of Voudou symbolism, language, and drumming is beyond the scope of this post, suffice it to say, all played a Continue Reading →


(NOTE: My other Haiti entries are directly below this. I am placing them on a separate page, which I hope will be ready tomorrow.) There is no rest for the wicked. Like yesterday, I didn’t plan to post today on Haiti, but some things just lend itself to plugging away on the keyboard. More disaster evangelism, disaster adoption, and Very Important People appeared in today’s Columbus Dispatch with the arrival of Nephtalle Jean-Pierre, soon to be renamed Gracie Hansley. Nephtalle is a former resident of Maison des Enfants de Dieu aka For His Glory Adoption Outreach in Port au Prince. Home from Haiti First, as if we don’t already know it, we learn that God, with his super quake powers, is the great distributor of adoptees. From the way people talk lately you’d think that without God’s hand in natural disasters there would be no adoption. “God really did bring her sooner,” Hansley said after she stepped off a plane from Florida yesterday and strode into the terminal at Port Columbus holding Gracie in her arms. But what God can’t do with an earthquake, our local pols can: Gracie and other Haitian children arrived in Florida on Saturday, where Hansley Continue Reading →


To read my other pieces on Haiti, please go to: It’s not about Haiti, Damn It! It’s All About Adoption! It’s All About US! Haiti: A Little Bit About Important People in Their Own WordsHaiti: Adoption Business Trumps Aid Haiti: Women’s Health Care: “All About Abortion;” Solar Powered Bibles in the Food Line American Life League Says No to Condoms and Contraceptives for Haitians Bastard Nation’s Statement on Haitian Adoption and Babylifts Operation Pierre Pan Postponed; Politicians Pander Haiti Child Evacuation: A New Operation Pedro Pan (my keystone Haitian entry) Haiti: Misc. Updates on Adoption and Pat Robertson Pat Robertson and Adoptee Rights I wasn’t going to post anything today until I ran across this article from today’s Toledo Blade a few minutes ago: Quake in Haiti hastens long awaited adoptions. It’s about Seth and Amber Newlove who find a silver lining (see yesterday’s entry on disaster silver liningism) in the destruction of a country and its people. The earthquake, see, is an awesome example of how God works in mysterious ways. Why, without the earthquake, she and Mr. Newlove would still be waiting to bring Snyder home to Arlington, Ohio from H.I.S. Home for Children, a Lima, Ohio-based orphanage Continue Reading →


To read my other pieces on Haiti, please go to:Haiti: A Little Bit About Important People in Their Own WordsHaiti: Adoption Business Trumps Aid Haiti: Women’s Health Care: “All About Abortion;” Solar Powered Bibles in the Food Line American Life League Says No to Condoms and Contraceptives for Haitians Bastard Nation’s Statement on Haitian Adoption and Babylifts Operation Pierre Pan Postponed; Politicians Pander Haiti Child Evacuation: A New Operation Pedro Pan (my keystone Haitian entry) Haiti: Misc. Updates on Adoption and Pat Robertson Pat Robertson and Adoptee Rights As I wrote last week, Washington politicians couldn’t even wait for the aftershock to figure out ways for the Haitian earthquake tragedy to be all about adoption January 15, 2010, The Seattle Times: Adoption advocates met Thursday in the Capitol Hill office of Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., (right) to discuss the quake’s impact on adoptions. Many parents have been pushing to see if the State Department can expedite adoption proceedings, because they fear orphanages will need to serve other children left homeless or alone after the quake. Although we’ve seen the quotables of random politicians since then, and the highly publicized Rendell baby lift of healthy uninjured BRESMA ” orphans,” some without Continue Reading →


To read my other pieces on Haiti, please go to Haiti: Adoption Business Trumps Aid Haiti: Women’s Health Care: “All About Abortion;” Solar Powered Bibles in the Food Line American Life League Says No to Condoms and Contraceptives for Haitians Bastard Nation’s Statement on Haitian Adoption and Babylifts Operation Pierre Pan Postponed; Politicians Pander Haiti Child Evacuation: A New Operation Pedro Pan (my keystone Haitian entry) Haiti: Misc. Updates on Adoption and Pat Robertson Pat Robertson and Adoptee Rights The shark pool grows hourly. I’ve been reading news articles, blogs, and tweets of numerous mock heroic evangelical childlifters “leading” babies out of Haiti like they are Henry Stanley bringing out Dr. Livingston. But just a few days ago, it wasn’t the never-heard-if-’em church crowd, but important people, connected people, people who aren’t connected but know somebody who is connected that lead them out. I may write more about this at some later time, but tonight I’m adding three quotes about the Rendell lift as a supplement to what I wrote earlier today. This is about important people and priviledge–in their own words. The quotes are from an article accounting in great detail Rendell’s “rescue mission” into the heart of darkness Continue Reading →


To read my pieces on Haiti, please go to Haiti: Women’s Health Care: “All About Abortion;” Solar Powered Bibles in the Food Line American Life League Says No to Condoms and Contraceptives for Haitians Bastard Nation’s Statement on Haitian Adoption and Babylifts Operation Pierre Pan Postponed; Politicians Pander Haiti Child Evacuation: A New Operation Pedro Pan (my keystone Haitian entry) Haiti: Misc. Updates on Adoption and Pat Robertson Pat Robertson and Adoptee Rights Yesterday I participated in a 2-hour government teleconference held by the USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services) Office of Public Engagement and International Division “to outline Haitian adoptions policy and address questions and concerns.” Partners in the teleconference were the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of State, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Customs and Border Protection. (The alphabet soup is actually bigger than that in terms of smaller divisions working in the mess that is Haiti, not to mention Pentagon operations which have largely been ignored by the press.) There was an extensive Q & A session. I never made it through, but someone asked a similar question that covered some of it. At the end of the session there were about 40 callers left Continue Reading →


To read my pieces on Haiti, please go to American Life League Says No to Condoms and Contraceptives for Haitians, Bastard Nation’s Statement on Haitian Adoption and Babylifts, Operation Pierre Pan Postponed; Politicians Pander, Haiti Child Evacuation: A New Operation Pedro Pan (my keystone Haitian entry), Haiti: Misc. Updates on Adoption and Pat Robertson, and Pat Robertson and Adoptee Rights . Who knew that Haiti was so ripe for crisis tourism? Everybody (that is, the crony corporatists who run the US) want a piece of the pickins. It’s a wonder any relief planes get in at all what with politicians and preachers in and “orphans” out.” There are already dozens of articles and blogs on the corporate evangelical takeover of Haiti. (I’ll leave the secular takeover for another day). Bible pounders are practically knocking each other off the plane playing who’s on first. I hope somebody is making a compendium of these stories. I have quite a few and most likely will use some for reference in the coming weeks. At the moment, though, I’m continuing to comment on the evangelical demand for International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF) that I wrote about directly below this entry, to bury itself under Continue Reading →