Mary Fuller and Triona Guidry have blogged first person accounts of Tuesday’s Illinois Judiciary show hearing for HB 5428. If HB 5428 is so damned great for adoptees, then why do sponsor Rep Sara Feigenholtz and her friends in high places want to keep us silent? Why did they not only hide the bill fro public view, but keep opponents from testsifying? Mary Fuller/Rights of AdopteesCorrupt IL HB 5428…For 30 years I’ve been an advocate for open records. I do understand that HB 5428 is a horrid bill. What I don’t understand is how any legislator who is serving the people can vote Yea. My thought is that the length of the bill was meant to confuse as many as possible. How many legislators actually sat down and read through 80 pages (67 if saved into a Word file). I was at the hearing and saw first-hand how some of the senators were talking among themselves and laughing. Of course I don’t know what they were laughing about but their minds did not seem to be totally on what was being said at the hearing. I won’t go into what all I viewed but the rudeness and disrespect did stand Continue Reading →