Deja Vu All Over Again–Sneaky Sara Feigenholtz Part 2: Illinois HB 5428 and The Odor of Mendacity

There ain’t nothin’ more powerful than the odor of mendacity… You can smell it. It smells like death.……Tennessee Williams, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof ****** This is Part 2 of what has now, due to length, become three parts originally only one blog: Deja Vu All Over Again-Sneaky Sara Feigenholtz, Part 1: HB 5428 State Secret. Please read that entry first to put Part 2 in context. For further context go to my 2008 Illinois Warning! Trainwreck ahead for records rights and Illinois and That train keeps a rollin’–more pile-a-crap legislation. (I wrote more about Illinois in 2008, which you can find in a search, but those are the major pieces). Much of what I wrote then is relevant to the current situation in Illinois. Not much has changed except the bill number. ****** Illinois HB 5428 is a “new and improved” version of HB 4623 and older similar registry/confidential intermediary bills that Rep. Sara Feigenholtz has been flogging for 15 years. All have met with universal opposition from adoptee rights and adoption reform organizations in Illinois and throughout the country either from the onset or due to rights stripping amendments added later. Though she is a “reunited” adoptee Continue Reading →

Florida Moves to Make Teens the Brood Mares for the Adoption Industry

Another one of those just when you think it can’t get any worse… Florida HB 1449 and its companion SB 2446. Under the rubric of family friendly “parental consent,” these bills are designed to create more obstacles for teenage women seeking abortions. The Miami Herald reports: The measure would require a judge to determine by the elevated standard of “clear and convincing evidence” that a minor is “sufficiently mature” to choose termination. Another provision prevents so-called judge shopping by requiring a pregnant girl to make the petition only at the local courthouse; requires a parent’s signature get notarized for consent; and allows longer delays, up to three weeks, for final approval. These provisions, are clearly intended to create even greater state ownership of the female body than already exists in Florida. If that is possible. Once normalized with teens, this ownership will eventually extend to legally adult women, who as we know, are all too stupid or “dangerous” to be trusted to handle their pregnancies in a private and autonomous manner without the supervision of the state. But hold on! There’s more! Last Tuesday, a really really really special provision was added to the House version taking women a few Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation Letter to the Illinois Senate: Vote NO on HB 5428

Below is Bastard Nation’s edited-down-from-testimony letter to the Illinois Senate asking members to VOTE NO. Please contact Senators and tell them to stop this travesty. Go to the BN Action Alert for more information, including contact information. HB 5428 is misleading. The bill’s stated purpose and its final product are diametrically opposed. The bill simply beefs up the current confidential intermediary/registry system that controls adoptee access to their own public records and adds penalties for so-called “misuse” of information from the registry. 1. conflates rights with reunion. It confuses OBC access with contact with a parent. It retains the Illinois Adoption Registry and Medical Exchange (IARME), and currently outsources the registry process to the privately owned Midwest Adoption Center as the OBC gateway; thus, keeping the vital records of the state’s adoptees at the mercy and whim of “confidential intermediaries” and paid “searchers” in an inherently arbitrary system accountable to no one. 2. vacates, though parental disclosure veto power (see #4) 750 ILCS 50/10) (from Ch. 40, par. 1512) FINAL AND IRREVOCABLE CONSENT TO ADOPTION 3. divides Illinois’ adopted citizens into two arbitrary classes based solely on date of birth: worthy and unworthy. Worthies are born before January 1, 1946. Continue Reading →

The Weird World of Torry Hansen: An Accusation from Hayfork

This is cross-posted from my Nikto Ne Zabyt (Memoriam for Russian Adoptees Murdered and Abused by their Forever Families) blogThe Daily Bastardette and Nikto Ne Zabyt is probably the only place you will find this!Our quick-witted commenter “blueheron” caught the following comment on the Redding Record/ article, Russian boy case linked to Redding and added it to my Weird World of Torry Hansen comments (on the Daily Bastardette site.) I’m posting it here because I think the comment deserves wider distribution and shouldn’t just set as a comment.–especially since it has been disappeared from it’s original site newspaper site. We can’t judge the veracity of the writer, but it’s an intriguing clue to the Hansen puzzle. From what we know of similar abuse cases involving the Forever Families of Russian adoptees, social isolation plays is a key marker. blueheron wrote:Here is a comment from the article about the Hansens in Redding and Hayfork. I can’t vouch for the truth, but it is interesting. Any errors are in the original. Here’s the link to the article/comments: southforkmom writes:The other part of this story has no one questioning the mother’s role in this picture. The real story here is that Torry Continue Reading →


It’s not too late to let your voice be heard! STOP HB 5428 ! Don’t let Illinois continue to gut the rights of Illinois adoptees! TAKE ACTION THIS WEEKEND!CONTACT ILLINOIS SENATORS THE BILL IS HERE: Talking points HB 5428: conflates rights with reunion. It confuses OBC access with contact with a parent. It retains the Illinois Adoption Registry and Medical Exchange (IARME), and currently outsources the registry process to the privately owned Midwest Adoption Center as the OBC gateway; thus, keeping the vital records of the state’s adoptees at the mercy and whim of “confidential intermediaries” and paid “searchers” in an inherently arbitrary system accountable to no one. 2. vacates, though parental disclosure veto power (see #4) 750 ILCS 50/10) (from Ch. 40, par. 1512) FINAL AND IRREVOCABLE CONSENT TO ADOPTION which states in part:That I do hereby consent and agree to the adoption of such child. That I wish to and understand that by signing this consent I do irrevocably and permanently give up all custody and other parental rights I have to such child. That I understand such child will be placed for adoption and that I cannot under any circumstances, after signing this document, change my mind Continue Reading →


Mary Fuller and Triona Guidry have blogged first person accounts of Tuesday’s Illinois Judiciary show hearing for HB 5428. If HB 5428 is so damned great for adoptees, then why do sponsor Rep Sara Feigenholtz and her friends in high places want to keep us silent? Why did they not only hide the bill fro public view, but keep opponents from testsifying? Mary Fuller/Rights of AdopteesCorrupt IL HB 5428…For 30 years I’ve been an advocate for open records. I do understand that HB 5428 is a horrid bill. What I don’t understand is how any legislator who is serving the people can vote Yea. My thought is that the length of the bill was meant to confuse as many as possible. How many legislators actually sat down and read through 80 pages (67 if saved into a Word file). I was at the hearing and saw first-hand how some of the senators were talking among themselves and laughing. Of course I don’t know what they were laughing about but their minds did not seem to be totally on what was being said at the hearing. I won’t go into what all I viewed but the rudeness and disrespect did stand Continue Reading →


Hit the Haiti link at the top right of The Daily Bastardette to go to my complete collection of Haiti blogs. Mainstream media reported Thursday that charges against nine of ten TeamSilsby members have been dropped. Then the Haitian Attorney General said, hmmm…no, they haven’t. I’m working on other projects and don’t have the time to comment. Baby Love Child, though, has. Her Charges not dropped against American Baptist missionaries despite Thursday’s reports reviews the latest Silsby (in this case government-media complex) faux pas. You’d think by now the State Department would figure out its not the arbitrator nor interpreter of Haitan law. Since MSM, does believe State is, however, reporters failed to follow a very basic rule: verify verify verify. And so did TeamSilsby and its legal team who rushed to their keyboards with the great news. BLC’s blog includes a link to Topeka Silsbyite Drew Culberth’s 14 minute TV interview made after he got the good news, but before he got the bad news. The interview doesn’t reveal anything new about the group’s venture in Silsby’s heart of darkness, but it is valuable in detailing their jailhouse life. Culberth still doesn’t “get” that the group did anything wrong. Continue Reading →


It never ceases and amaze me how creative deformers are. How many ways can a birth certificate be folded, spindled, and mutilated, run through the shredder, and the detritus be considered “rights”? Yesterday, the Rhode Island Judiciary Committee passed H7877 , a twisted sister “adoptee rights” bill. The bill includes a disclosure veto. But just not any disclosure veto. This is a very special veto: Any birth parent, or parents or adult sibling of a deceased or incompetent birth parent, may file a no release form with the division and the division will thereafter not release a copy of the adoptee’s birth certificate. The division shall post the no release form and filing instructions on the division’s website . the birth parent, or parent or adult sibling of a deceased or permanently disabled birth parents may revoke his or her no release form at an time. That is, not only can your parent(s) file a disclosure veto and hold your birth certificate hostage, but so can relatives you’ve probably never even heard of. Even the very people who might have forced you into the adoption mill. And…these mystery relatives can speak for the dead, too! What’s to stop strangers, in Continue Reading →

JCICS Attempts to Flood ‘Net and Russia with "Positive Adoption Stories"

This is cross-posted from my Nikto Ne Zabyt (Memoriam for Russian Adoptees Murdered and Abused by their Forever Families) blog Just like cockroaches under the sink, JCICS is all over the Internet today with its We are the Truth Petition and National Adoption Blogger Day–all meant to force Russia to shut up and to continue send their orphans to US Forever Homes–while, of course, decrying the Saveliev/Hansen case as an “rare” exception., not systemic rot. I was going to write about this, but Baby Love Child has already done it (and- shameless plug– also promoted by Russian work): Russian adoptees & an “Adoption Blogger Day” Ah! How Special Today the Joint Council on International Children’s Services (JCICS) an adoption industry trade lobby here in the U.S. desires to clog social media with “positive adoption stories” in other words, adopter spam, (and no doubt grateful adoptee spam as well) culled from its member agencies’ adoptive parents files and email lists in a last ditch desperate attempt to try to stop Russia from ending American adoptions in the wake of the one way flight that took Artyem Saviliev from his “forever family” in the United States back to Russia. They’ve called for Continue Reading →


This is cross-posted from my Nikto Ne Zabyt (Memoriam for Russian Adoptees Murdered and Abused by their Forever Families) blog The Russian Foreign Ministry has put a freeze on all adoptions to the US until an agreement can be made between the two countries to better protect the rights–and we presume bodies and minds–of children placed in US homes. New York Times:“Future adoptions of Russian children by citizens of the United States, which are now suspended, are possible only if such an agreement is reached,” a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Andrei Nesterenko, (right) said at a briefing on Thursday.Officials at the United States Embassy in Moscow said they had not received official notification of a suspension and were seeking more information from their Russian counterparts. Fox News adds:Today State Department sources were caught unawares by the announcement of a freeze. A U.S. diplomatic source told me “we don’t know anything about it, the Russians have told us nothing officially”. The National Council for Adoption sent out a press release (not yet online) this morning which reads in part: The National Council For Adoption (NCFA) has spoken with Russian officials in the Ministry of Education (the Russian department with Continue Reading →