1. I’ve always found the quote to be only a half truth.

    Mourning AND Organizing on my end.

    No two ways about it, Illinois represents loss, and it’s ok to Mourn that loss- so long as that is then taken as fuel for the organizing and learning from it that must come next.

    Failure to learn those lessons, and failure to fully get our heads around what just happened here will only lead to more.

    That said, organize forward.

  2. Ms Sara really is a ‘special’ human..

    “”FEIGENHOLTZ: I am blessed to have been adopted and raised by a loving family right here. I grew up right here in the City of Chicago. But that’s not really where my story began. My story began on a piece of paper that I have never been allowed to see.

    Feigenholtz says anyone who wants to give their child up for adoption and remain anonymous can still do so.””

    Her ‘story’ began on a piece of paper??? She was born of ‘paper’??? Dang..she should be in the Guinness World Book of Records.
    And talk about the Loyal/Grateful stuff..”blessed to have been adopted”. She must have been part of God’s Merciful Plan for Adoption. She speaks of ‘paper’ as if the ‘paper’ was her human bio mother.
    Does anyone know if Sara searched and was refused contact? Is she reunited or never searched?

  3. Yeah, metaphors confuse politicians, who can’t tell the difference between reality and myth anyway.

    It’s my understanding that SF has a relationship with her bio mother. I would not be surprised if she has her obc, but I don’t know.

  4. Glad I am not Feingenholtz’s mother she probably is an older mom as F looks older so she is taking the crumbs thrown to her while the grateful adoptee side strokes the adoptives.

    If my son said his story started on a piece of paper I would have to set him down and tell him the facts and how he came into this world.

    SF is under her adoption delusion and if she wants to live like that so be it brainwashing and all.

    Bet she does have her obc while other adoptees will never know the
    how there story “began on a piece of paper”

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