New Jersey: What is a Conditional Veto?

As expected, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has conditionally vetoed NJCare’s bad S799/A1399 bill; combined parts of the New Jersey Catholic Conference/ACLU, NJRT/Quigley S3672 badder bill, and submitted “recommendations” to create the baddest bill. Christie’s recommendation statement is here. While Bastardette is glad that Christie vetoed the bill, he’s on the road to creating an even bigger mess and maze for Jersey adoptees to travel. This new scheme, timed as it is, will make it more difficult than ever for the rights of all New Jersey bastards to be restored. I’m going to be away a good part of today, and won’t have time to analyze the changes; so I won’t have anything online until this weekend. I have A LOT to say! In the meantime, people have asked what a conditional veto actually means. Good question! The New Jersey legislature now has three options. (1) Affirm Christie’s recommendations making them law. (2) Override Christie’s veto and 799/1399 becomes law. There are not enough votes to do that. (3) Take no action; come back next year or when Christie is no longer in office and try again. Since Christie and the legislature overall want something “fixed” my bet is Option Continue Reading →

ACTION ALERT: Support Adoptee Rights for All, Not Privilege for Some. Tell Gov. Christie to Veto A1406

Please Distribute Freely BASTARD NATION ACTION ALERT Support adoptee rights for all, not privilege for some Write New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today Ask him to veto A1406/1399/S699 A1406/1399/S699 is on its way to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for signing. Gov. Christie’s views on the bill are unknown. Please take a few minutes to write the governor now and ask him to veto this flawed legislation and to support a clean bill that includes the restoration of the rights of all the state’s adoptees. For information on the bill go here: Letters should be short, around 200 words. Hard copies are preferable. Governor Chris Christie Office of the Governor PO Box 001 Trenton, NJ 08625 609-292-6000 You can also use this template Below is Bastard Nation’s letter: May 11, 2011 Governor Chris Christie P.O. Box 001 The State House Trenton, NJ 08625-0001 RE: Please Veto A1406: Adoptees’ Birthright Bill Dear Gov. Christie: Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization, the largest adoptee civil rights organization in North America, opposes A1406: The Adoptees’ Birthright bill, which passed the General Assembly earlier this week. Please veto this bill. A1406 will permit some New Jersey adopted adults to receive their true and Continue Reading →

Sad Day for New Jersey Bastards: A1406/1399/S799 Passes. Adoptees Sold Down the River

A few minutes ago, the New Jersey General Assembly, as expected, passed A1406/1399/S799: 44 Yay26 Nay2 Abstain The Speaker chastised NJ Care proponets for applauding. Shame on NJCare for selling out the rights of those it claims to represent. Shame on NJ Care for creating new classes of anonymized adoptees: those wiped clean by third party vetoes and state-pimped “safe haven” victims. Shame on NJ Care for protecting the state’s adoption industry from liability for illegal and unethical practices. We do not begrudge anyone who accesses their Original Birth Certificate under this abomination, but they need to remember that their privilege is built on the continued disenfranchisement and erasure of their fellow Bastards. We have no idea what Governor Christie will do when the bill hits his desk. Bastard Nation will be in contact with his office again. We urge those who object to the legislative quarantine of non-qualifying bastards to contact him as well. More information shortly. Bastard Nation thanks everyone who saw this through with us and wrote and called the NJ General Assembly with our objections. Read about the bill here and here.

Take Yourself Out of the Discourse! My response to Jean Strauss’ HuffPo blog

November NaBloPoMo is coming to the end, and boy am I glad! I had planned to write some dynamite posts this month, but the task of writing every day (it takes 8-12 hours for me to write one blog usually) just wore me out and my life, such as it is, was put on hold. At the moment my house is a pigsty and both ears are plugged shut with a sinus infection that’s out of control. I am sick of National Adoption Awareness Month and it’s MSM cotton candy puff pieces, fat cat celebrations, and deformers selling our rights up the creek. I don’t remember when I’ve been so sick of adoption as I am tonight. So, I planned originally to write a short Goodbye NAAM blog, until Jean Strauss’s Absurd Dilemmas Caused by Secrets in Closed Adoptions showed up in Huffington Post this afternoon. (Please someone, tell me how does one become a HuffPo blogger!) Here’s my rush job. Benedict Bastard Strauss, who rode into California on her white horse and skeeved out on her ass,( here and California Adoption Reform sidebar) frames her HuffPo essay around the fallacious claim that original birth certificate access is about getting Continue Reading →

The Chicken or the Egg: Deformers Feed Their Opponents

There’s been a lively discussion on my New Jersey: Deborah Jacobs lobs another foul blog. Ms. Jacobs, the executive director of the New Jersey ACLU, has been brave enough to enter the fray. One comment that has scored a sour note amongst our comrade mothers-in arms is her allegation that she has received scads of letters from anonymous “birthmothers” begging for anonymity. Ms. Jacobs writes: I also have a stack of letters in my office, most sent anonymously, from birth mothers thanking me for the ACLU-NJ’s work on this issue, talking about their experiences with adoption, and explaining why they desperately wish to remain anonymous. They include rape and incest victims, among others. They express terror at the prospect of an unwelcome knock at the door that will force them to revisit painful personal traumas of the past. I’m sure Ms. Jacobs meant well. I don’t think she’s a bad person at all. But, save for whistleblowers, Wikileaks and secret groups fighting Hitler, anonymity has no place in honest political and policy discourse, especially when it’s about one of the country’s most murky and controversial social policies. Adoption, though, with its built-in secrets and lies, makes anonymity acceptable for the Continue Reading →

New Jersey: ACLU’s Deborah Jacobs Lobs Another Foul

A few days ago, the Parsippany Daily Record published a letter from Peter Franklin, a supporter of New Jersey’s hugely flawed “Adoptees Birthright bill”, ie, what passes for adoptee rights in the state. Mr. Franklin pointed out that while the American Civil Liberties Union protects the rights of “criminals and terrorists” (a practice Bastardette supports completely) it refuses to even entertain the thought that the Adopted Class has a right to its own original birth certificates. Mr. Franklin then turns the screw, observing that the NJ-ACLU board, which constantly yabbers about transparency in government, bars its great unwashed general membership from attending, much less speaking, at its meetings. Sunday, Deborah Jacobs, the NJ-ACLU’s bastard phobic executive director, wh onever met an adoptee who shouldn’t be duct taped, responded to Mr. Franklin with a snooty letter in which she banged the ACLU’s drum loudly proclaiming its grand authority in rights, implying that bastards are just dumb non-nuancing clucks who should be grateful somebody took us in. The ACLU’s experience negotiating tensions between competing rights has established the organization as an authority on the nuances of the law with respect to individual rights and freedoms. Jacobs, who knows as much about adoption Continue Reading →

NEW JERSEY UPDATE: Adoptees’ Birthright Bill Reported Shelved Until Fall–But Act Now to Kill It

Unofficial word (that is, it’s not on the New Jersey Leg website yet) is that the Adoptees’ Birthright Bill has been shelved until fall. According to news distributed earlier today to various lists, rumors of Gov. Chris Christie’s possible veto are very real. (Once it appears, I’ll link the official notice of postponement here.) *NOTE–I received official notice this morning. (see end of blog) The following message came from NJCare under Pam Hasegawa’s signature. It reads in part: From: Pam Hasegawa To: jersey Ad-v cates. Jersey Ad-vocates , NJad pt _network , A N S Adopti n-N ws-S rvice , Ad ption Umbrell After consulting with prime sponsors and other co-sponsors we reached a consensus that it is in our best interest to avoid a veto or conditional veto by the Governor. With at least one meeting scheduled with the Governor’s staff next month, the Adoptees’ Birthright Bill was removed from the board list of bills to be considered by the Assembly this Thursday. Actually, Thursday has become a committee meeting day and the final vote on the budget will be next Monday. Then recess until September. We will continue through the summer reaching out to legislators who have reservations, Continue Reading →