I seldom do petitions, but this story is so outrageous that ‘m posting it here. The story needs to get out. The petition is circulated by PEAR: Parents for Ethical Adoption Reform PLS SIGN THIS PETITION Monday, February 22, 2010 Call for Full Investigation into Amelya Frances Kirkpatrick’s Adoption in Utah According to a court document obtained by PEAR, on February 9, 2010, Scott and Karen Banks, former owners of adoption agency Focus on Children, were allowed to adopt another child, originally from China. The Banks were indicted on 135 Federal counts in 2007 for a fraudulent adoption scheme in Samoa. In 2009, they pled guilty to Aiding and Abetting the Improper Entry of an Alien in a plea deal made with the US Attorney’s office in Utah. They were given a sentence of five years probation during which time they are forbidden to participate in the adoption business and are required to make payment into a trust for the victims. The recent adoption occurred after evidence of their illegal activities with their Samoan adoption program were put on record in Utah courts. Also supplied was information regarding the Banks two previously adopted Romanian children. According to numerous media sources Continue Reading →


This just in and too good to keep to myself. I’m posing it without comment: Heidi Cox from Gladney is teaching a webinar on adoption ethics. Say say it isn’t so, Chuck! The National Council For Adoption is pleased to announce an important and timely Adoption Ethics Webinar on Thursday, March 25, 2010. This three hour seminar will be accredited for three hours of CEU from Catholic University School of Social Work and reviewed for three hours of accreditation from the Texas and Virginia Bar Association for attorneys. The presenters are two highly regarded attorneys who also represent the adoption community. Moderator: Chuck Johnson, National Council For Adoption · Heidi Bruegel Cox, the Executive Vice President and General Counsel for Gladney Center for Adoption · William P. Rosen III, Attorney and Co-founder of La Vida International and Chair of the International Adoption Committee, American Academy of Adoption Attorneys As of this posting the announcement isn’t posted on the NCFA page, so you’ll just have to take my word for it. Could I make this up?


At the end of the last session, New Jersey piece-a-crap reunions-for-the-special bill, A752 was left to die without a floor vote. But you know how these bills are. This session we have virtually the same bill, S799, (Adoptees Birthright Bill) scheduled for a hearing on March 4 in the Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee. All or nearly all committee members support it. What does SB 799 “give” us: An obc except for a white-out disclosure veto that replaces the real thing with a state-mutilated original birth certificate with all identifying information including the address of the parent(s) at the time of birth (if it appears on the cert), deleted. Only in the bizarro world of adoption reform can this be considered an “improvement.” S799, in fact, doesn’t even come up to usual sorry reformist standards. In order to get something out of this lousy deal, reformists intend to blackmail veto-prone birthparents by requiring them to submit a completed intrusive and probably illegal (think HIPAA) medical and family history form that will be passed along to the poor bastard in lieu of the obc. If the form isn’t submitted within 60 days of receipt of the veto request, Continue Reading →


Speaking of birth certificates… I was listening to Alex Jones the other day. His guest was Phil Berg, the godfather of the birther movement. Berg bellowed on about Obama’s birth certificate, this time claiming the president is adopted; therefore, ineligible to be president, since he somehow lost his US citizenship by being “adopted” by his Indonesian stepfather. (And all this time I thought Obama was born in Kenya, and that was the problem!) Berg is more convoluted than healthcare “reform.” Now, I have no idea what the definition of “adoption”in Indonesia was then, or is now. It’s not like USians are knocking down the doors of Java and Sulawesi to relieve the locals of their baybees–yet. Anyway, adoption is forbidden by Islamic law, so I wonder how Obama could have been adopted. Perhaps Mr. Berg means kafala, a type of guardianship, the only kind of “adoption” permitted under Islamic law. That makes the point moot. For what it’s worth, here’s my little tete a tete over on Berg’s ObamaCrimes forum with the birthers. Like I said over there, if Berg and his busybodies had their way adoptee lites Bill Clinton and Gerald Ford wouldn’t have been president since their original Continue Reading →


Listen to this. As of July 1, 2010, all of Puerto Rico’s previously issued birth certificates will be invalidated. This means that over 4.1 million Puerto Rico-born US citizens–over 1 million living off the island, mostly in the United States–will be forced to get new bcs or be treated like security risks with no legal existence. Kinda like adoptees. According to an article published by the Associated Press, Shock over voided Puerto Rican birth certificates, the new bcs are needed to combat identity fraud due to a lucrative trade in birth certificates and other ID documents stolen from schools and other institutions. The papers are then sold and used to get illegals into the US and to establish US citizenship. (Until this year Puerto Ricans on average were forced to get about 20 bcs in their lifetime, since everything from schools to sports teams required certified bcs kept on file.) Kenneth McClintock Hernandez, from the US State Department says that up to 40% of identity fraud in the US is generated out of Puerto Rico. The stolen bcs go for $5,000 – $10,000 each on the black market. (Note to Bastardette….oh, never mind!) The article indicates that the new law Continue Reading →


I didn’t plan to post anymore on Team Silsby tonight, but then I got a couple news stories that just struck me as…well, you’ll see. Felicia Middlebrooks from WBBM-AM Chicago is in Haiti and tracked down Laura Silsby and Charisa Coulter in their inconvenient jail cell. Go here and listen to it. Much of Middlebrook’s report is her own complaints about the conditions. Holy Jorge Puello! There’s no air conditioning…and..and…and….it’s 90 degrees…and…and…and… there’s no eletricity…and…and…and…there’s no plumbing or at least the kind American ladies and gentlemen use willingly. Middlebrooks fails to mention that Team Silsby has a roof over its head, unlike hundreds of thousands of Haitians living in tents and streets. They have real homes to return to when they get out, even if Silsbuy’s been foreclosed. Homes with air conditioning, electricity and plumbing Then there’s Drew Culberth, the Kansas firefighter and youth minister who got roped into child snatching by his brother-in-law Eastside Baptist Church pastor Paul Thompson who got roped into child snatching by Central Baptist Church patron Laura Silsby. Seems Drew, Pastor Thompson, and detainees Silas Thompson and Steve McMullin had a little party at the Bethany Baptist Church in Topeka before the latter three headed Continue Reading →


Nebraska has its first catch of the season! Last Wednesday a perfectly safe, healthy, and possibly identified newborn was saved from the jaws of the trash compactor when she was dumped off “anonymously” at the Regional West Medical Center in Scottsbluff. According to news reports, two women (KNEB says they were “a young girl and an older woman’) dropped off the infant at the ER counter. The women according to reports, spoke briefly to the admissions clerk “but gave little information.” But maybe enough: [Police Capt. Kevin] Spencer said police were checking on the welfare of the mother, who was believed not to have received medical care after giving birth. Criminal charges were not being considered against the woman, who probably gave birth at home. KNEB (Scottsbluff) filed a slightly different report: Helser says the mother and father of the child, and the baby’s exact birth date, is unknown. Scottsbluff Police, worried about the welfare of the mother, have encouraged the public to provide information to help locate her. Police don’t believe she received any medical care while delivering the child. Over on Nebraska Television, Beth Baxter, from the Orwellian-sounding Region 3 Behavioral Health Services, sort of tsks tsks Nebraska’s Continue Reading →


Here’s a small update on Silsby and Coulter’s newest hearing that I posted earlier. Reuters reported last night that the dynamic duo’s hearing will drag on for a few more days, so it appears that the orphaholic martyrs will be buried in their well-deserved jail cell until midweek. Hopefully longer. Investigative judge Bernard Sainvil said that before freeing Laura Silsby and Charisa Coulter he wanted witnesses that he had already examined in the Dominican Republic to give their testimony in Haiti. “The Americans will have to stay in jail while I hear those people … the hearings will take place Monday and Tuesday, and they won’t be released before I finish,” Sainvil told Reuters. In case you haven’t seen this video of Silsby and Coulter going to court the other day….note that Ms Coulter’s lack of charm school training is showing.


Gratuitous plug: I am presenting a paper on baby dumping. It is a genuine honor to be included in such an outstanding group of scholars. Please join us! The ASIC throws the best adoption conferences with the coolest people!…and a good selection of Bastard Nationals and friends presenting! *Adoption: Secret Histories, Public Policies* A conference sponsored by the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Cultureat MIT, Cambridge, MAApril 29-May 2, 2010 Keynote speakers: *Anita L. Allen* Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Henry R. Silverman Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania Law School.—Allen’s work has focused on the law and ethics of privacy and data protection,race relations and feminist philosophy. She is the author of numerous articles and several books: Privacy Law: and Society (2007); /Why Privacy Isn’t Everything: Feminist Reflections on Personal Accountability,/ (Rowman and Littlefield, 2003); /Uneasy Access: Privacy for Women in a Free Society/ (Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, l988) and /The New Ethics: A Guided Tour of the 21st Century Moral Landscape/ (Miramax Books/distributed by Hyperion Books, 2004). *Ann Fessler *—is an installation artist, filmmaker, adoptee and author of The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children Continue Reading →


No details yet, but the New York Times reported minutes ago that Laura Silsby and Charisa Coulter will not be released until next week. It looks like Judge Saint-Vil is trying to nail down Rob Chenvert, Jose Hildago, and Jean Sanvil. Does anybody know if Isaac Adrien has been called on the carpet yet? My emphasis: Judge Bernard Saint-Vil tells reporters that he has asked two real estate agents and a pastor from the Dominican Republic to testify in Port-au-Prince about property the missionaries rented to set up an orphanage. That is expected Monday. If they do not show, Saint-Vil says he still expects to rule next week. 2/26/2010: Tiny Update: A report from the European Press Photo Agency (in Spanish) says that “persistent” comments by defense attorney Aviol Fleuernt regarding the the exact release date of Silsby and Coulter put Judge Saint-Vil in a “delicate position with respect to the release: Sin embargo, fuentes judiciales sostuvieron que las persistentes declaraciones del abogado Aviol Fleurant sobre la fecha precisa de liberación de las dos misioneras que permanecen detenidas, colocó al juez en una “situación delicada” con relación a su decisión de poner fin al proceso. I’ve gotten behind in my Continue Reading →