For Bastardette’s special New Year message scroll below this entry. ****** It’s 12:01 AM and obcs are officially open in Maine! Happy New Year! It’s been a long wait from June 25, 2007 when LD 1084 was signed into law to today when the restoration of our rights in Maine went into effect officially. Bastard Nation salutes Mainers and sends many happy returns of the day. Of course, no celebration is complete without a Grinch, even if it’s not Christmas. The Grinch in Maine comes in the lumbering form of the Portland Press Herald editorial board. On the prowl for something to spoilsport at the end of the holiday season, the paper pounced on the dead issue of records and identity rights for the state’s adopted class. Adoption records should be accessed with caution/People seeking information about themselves should also respect the privacy of others. The editorial warns of the dire consequences snoopy adopted folks pose to the stability of Maine’s apparent fragile family infrastructure which will collapse without the studied discretion and good manners of the newly-loosed adopted class on closet-cringing parents. Boo! Here’s what the paper says about the imminent danger: Birth parents, who were promised anonymity when Continue Reading →