For Bastardette’s special New Year message scroll below this entry. ****** It’s 12:01 AM and obcs are officially open in Maine! Happy New Year! It’s been a long wait from June 25, 2007 when LD 1084 was signed into law to today when the restoration of our rights in Maine went into effect officially. Bastard Nation salutes Mainers and sends many happy returns of the day. Of course, no celebration is complete without a Grinch, even if it’s not Christmas. The Grinch in Maine comes in the lumbering form of the Portland Press Herald editorial board. On the prowl for something to spoilsport at the end of the holiday season, the paper pounced on the dead issue of records and identity rights for the state’s adopted class. Adoption records should be accessed with caution/People seeking information about themselves should also respect the privacy of others. The editorial warns of the dire consequences snoopy adopted folks pose to the stability of Maine’s apparent fragile family infrastructure which will collapse without the studied discretion and good manners of the newly-loosed adopted class on closet-cringing parents. Boo! Here’s what the paper says about the imminent danger: Birth parents, who were promised anonymity when Continue Reading →


There’s nothing like ringing in the new year with the classic Soviet New Year’s film The Carnival Night. Made in 1956, the film is shown each year at New Year’s on Russian television. For the uneducated (which is about everybody west of the Baltic Sea) here is a synopsis of this great film: It is the New Year’s Eve and the employees of an Economics Institute are ready with their annual New Year’s entertainment program. It includes a lot of dancing, singing, and even magic tricks. Suddenly, an announcement is made that a new director has been elected and that he is arriving shortly. Comrade Ogurtsov arrives in time to review and disapprove of the scheduled entertainment. To him, holiday fun has a different meaning. He imagines speakers reading annual reports to show the Institute’s progress over the year, and, perhaps, a bit of serious music, something from the Classics, played by the Veterans’ Orchestra. Obviously, no one wants to change the program a few hours before the show, much less to replace it with something so boring! Now everyone has to team up in order to prevent Ogurtsov from getting to the stage. As some of them trap Ogurtsov Continue Reading →


NOTE: I’m not here to argue which de jour term is appropriate, but to discuss how the misuse of language in a recent op-ed piece in USA Today can negatively affect public perception. ****** Al Neuharth posted a really annoying blog in Friday’s USA Today. (The media mogul is founder of the paper). In Little Caylee’s legacy: No child unwanted, Neuharth argues that the Caylee Anthony case “should help us focus on two prime human problems in our society: unwanted children by women who get pregnant by mistake wanted children by women who can’t get pregnant Unless some new evidence develops, it’s apparent that Casey Anthony was a lousy mother. At best she’s stupid or crazy. At worst, evil. The press has widely reported that she wanted to put Caylee up for adoption and was pressured by her mother, Cindy Anthony, to keep her. For the record I believe that motherhood should be consensual and no woman should be forced, coerced, or pressured to either carry to term or to keep or not keep a child after it is born. The decision should be her responsibility and hers alone. What annoyed me about Neharth’s piece was not so much the Continue Reading →


Vu Doc Long, head of Vietnam’s International Adoptions Agency has announced that French rock icon and notre rocker national Johnny Hallyday, 65, and his 5th wife, Laeticia Baudou, 37, have adopted a second Vietnamese child. The government declined further information such as the name and age of the girl or the name and location of the orphanage. An unidentified source said the girl was from a social welfare center in northern Vietnam. No speculation yet on if strings were pulled to get this adoption going, though it’s reported the couple visited the French embassy on Christmas Eve. In 2004, the Hallydays adopted Jade, 3 months old, from the Thanh Ba orphanage 40 miles northwest of Hanoi. That adoption caused a stir in France where the Hallydays were accused of line jumping about 350 waiting couples when Bernadette Chirac, wife of then French president Jacques Chirac, reportedly whispered the magic word “celebrity” in the ear of Vietnamese authorities. The adoption was clearly fast-tracked. Jade was adopted and home in Gstaad 6 weeks after she was reportedly abandoned at the orphanage. In an interview with the magazine VDS, Baudou skirted around the fast-track. She denied the couple had been given special treatment Continue Reading →


Catching up on today’s abandoned babies stories, I found Police search for abandoned infant’s mom in today’s Chicago Sun-Times, a follow-up on a newborn recently discovered in the unheated vestibule of an Uptown apartment building. Thankfully, the baby is doing fine. But at the very bottom of the article under “Related Blogs”this gem, dated November 17, 2008 is linked to the story courtesy of Carbolic Smoke Blog: Number of children abandoned under Nebraska’s safe haven law jumps from 34 to 852 when Father Flanagan drops off orphans from Boys Town at local hospital. Witnesses say Flanagan was “downright giddy,” rubbing his hands together and laughing. He told befuddled hospital workers that “the kids are your responsibility now. It was either this or bankruptcy, so they boys had to go. This will give me a chance to reorganize and turn Boys Town into something profitable, like a Walgreens. I’ll have some genuine good news from the Nebraska Fiasco up this weekend.


If you are looking for information on the Dmitry Yakolev/Chase Harrison case and other Russian adoption news, please scroll down to previous blogs ****** For those who remember the days of gracious living: TOM AND JERRY Seperate egg in two bowls. Add Rum & Brandy to the yolk and beat together until frothy. In th other bowl beat the egg white until it peaks then add sugar and bet until stiff. Fold into the liqour mixture. Pour into a coffee mug and top with the water, milk or coffee. Ready made batter can be store bought – for this simply add alcohol and water, milk or coffee. Ingredients: 24 eggs 2 lb. powered sugar 2 tsp cinnimon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/2 oz. vanilla extract 1/2 jigger aum 1/2 jigger Brandy 1/2 cup boiling hot water Mixing instructions: Beat egg whites stiff with electric beator, Add sugar gradually, add cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla, add in half of the eggs yolks blend until smooth. In Large mug fill with 1/2 batter 2 shots of 60% rum and 40% brandy (mixture) balance with boiling hot water. Stir well and sprinkle with nutmeg. From: The Webtender


If you are looking for information on the Dmitry Yakolev/Chase Harrison case and other Russian adoption news, please scroll down to previous blogs ***** Just a few more days and Maine joins the charmed circle of free states: Alaska, Alabama, Kansas, New Hampshire and Oregon that allows full and unrestricted access to all adoptees of their original birth certificates. Here is a press release from OBC for ME about the grand records opening and surrounding events. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Bobbi BeaversCo-founder, OBC for MESouth Berwick, [email protected] Cathy RobishawCo-founder, OBC for MEFalmouth, [email protected] New Law Affects Maine Adoptees Maine has restored a basic human right to all Maine-born adult adoptees – the right to know their identity at birth! Just as New Hampshire, Alabama and Oregon legislatures have done in the past 12 years, the 123rd Maine Legislature made the decision in June 2007, via LD 1084, to correct an injustice the Maine Legislature enacted in 1953 when they declared that the original birth and adoption records of adoptees were to be sealed upon adoption of any child after August 8th of that year and leaving adoptees access to their original identity only at the discretion of the courts and Continue Reading →


If you are looking for information on the Dmitry Yakolev/Chase Harrison case and other Russian adoption news, please scroll down to previous blogs. Curried Sweet Potato Latkes * 1 pound sweet potatoes, peeled* 1/2 cup all-purpose flour* 2 teaspoons sugar* 1 teaspoon brown sugar* 1 teaspoon baking powder* 1/2 teaspoon cayenne powder* 2 teaspoons curry powder* 1 teaspoon cumin* Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste* 2 large eggs, beaten* 1/2 cup milk (approximately)* Peanut oil for frying Grate the sweet potatoes coarsely. In a separate bowl mix the flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, cayenne pepper, curry powder, cumin, and salt and pepper. Add the eggs and just enough milk to the dry ingredients to make a stiff batter. Add the potatoes and mix. The batter should be moist but not runny; if too stiff, add more milk. Heat 1/4 inch of peanut oil in a frying pan until it is barely smoking. Drop in the batter by tablespoons and flatten. Fry over medium-high heat several minutes on each side until golden. Drain on paper towels and serve. Makes 16 three-inch pancakes. This and more recipies are here.


NOTE: Please go to Nykto Ne Zabyt for a dedicated page for all my entries on Russian adoption. This collection includes posts on all known Russian adoptees who have been killed by their US “forever families,” as well as the case of Masha Allen. Go to “labels” on that blog’s sidebar for individual cases. Russian language readers can translate the entire page with the Google Russian translator at the top of the page. Reverso translator is right below it for Russian and other languages. The acquittal of Miles Harrison does not reside in a vacuum. Since 1996, 14 other Russian children have died at the hands of their forever families. Except for Dmitry Yakolev/Chase Harrison, all were victims of physical abuse, starvation, and systematic torture by adults who were judged by the US adoption industry and the US and Russian governments to be fit to adopt someone elses children. The Polreis case attracted national attention, but most cases have rarely gotten more than a few lines. The Russian press has covered some, but not all of the cases, and covered the Harrison case extensively. Below is a summary of the legal outcomes of each case. These summaries are taken from Continue Reading →


If you are looking for information on the Dmitry Yakolev/Chase Harrison case, please scroll down. “You darkness, that I come from, I love you more than all the fires that fence in the world, for the fire makes a circle of light for everyone, and then no one outside learns of you. But the darkness pulls in everything; shapes and fires, animals and myself, how easily it gathers them!— powers and people— and it is possible a great energy is moving near me. I have faith in nights.”– Rainer Maria Rilke, On Darkness