Odds & Ends: Adoption & Dobbs Scholarship Update, West Virginia, Texas

Catching up on a few odds & ends– not big enough for separate blogs, but information we need to get out. Continue Reading →
Catching up on a few odds & ends– not big enough for separate blogs, but information we need to get out. Continue Reading →
I planned originally to post a list of sorts: things and people I am thankful for, so I could bypass the settler-colonial dialogue. My own family was just that starting in 1632. A few years later, one of them was a magistrate in Stratford, Connecticut, He hanged a “witch,” Goody Basset. I can’t find a reference on this right now, but one of the charges against her was ownership of a ladder Continue Reading →
Dobbs certainly impacts the restoration of adoptee rights to records, history, family, and identity. It establishes a state-backed pattern of purposeful creation and growth of an adopted class without normal identity rights and maintains the spurious ethics of adoption secrecy. It promotes the commercialization of child adoptee bodies and attempts to invent adult adoptee gratitude and adherence to adoption and its institutions. Should we expect a big boom in therapy in 20 years? These are things we need to think about: Continue Reading →
MEOW!!!!!! The baby box company is NOT in the child placing business, nor should it be. It is not an adoption agency. It is not an adoption law firm. It does not include a licensed social worker on staff. It does not perform home studies. What in the world would qualify it for such a serious task? Continue Reading →
Anyway, I knew what I was going to write about–a response to comments posted on a certain political enemy’s Facebook page. My response was pretty short and simple but would qualify as a blog post. I went over to the FB page, cut and pasted what I needed, and wrote. It didn’t take long. An hour or so later I returned to FB to get the link and–guess what! The post was gone. Continue Reading →
I have reached the nadir of NAM/NAAM/NanoPoblano. I have nothing to say. No. I take that back. I do have something to say, but time is running short this Saturday night. I have no idea what I did today, but eat too much and play around with setting up my Mastadon account. Although I plan stay on Twitter, it doesn’t hurt to get another forum going. I had huge plans for the day, and now it’s gone. Yikes! Did I have a black-out? I don’t think so…Here is what I plan to write about next week: Continue Reading →
Maybe someday I’ll write a little memoir about the good old tough-and-tumble days on the alt hierarchies in the 1990s. No moderation, no control. Trolling was a fine art. Jobs were lost, marriages destroyed, cops were called. alt.adoption was called the “meanest newsgroup in town. We didn’t take prisoner, and it’s where Bastard Nation and the 2nd wave of the adoptee rights movement was born. Continue Reading →
Under Oklahoma’s traditional safe haven law, babies up to 30 days of age can be dropped off. Mrs. Kelsey, seems to imply in the article, though, that that age restriction isn’t adequate. Does she mean that parents need more than 30 days to decide if parenting is “right” for them? That safe haven laws pressure parents to decide early? I dunno. I’m old, and I remember when drive-by parenting was discouraged. Unthinkable. Condemned. Continue Reading →
For once I am not writing about National Adoption Month. (I am so sick of it!) This is the third poem in Grief Cycle I wrote in March. Today is Soier’s birthday. Continue Reading →
I really would like you to go over to SSHBBN and look around and make some comments if you have a few minutes. It’s the only page in the entire world (seriously! like it. I know this sounds mercenary and pretentious. I Continue Reading →