The Miracle of Adoption: Madonna and David Banda do the Ralph Lauren angle

Madonna & David 1I managed to avoid Sunday night’s Grammys, but the Grammys found me anyway. Tonight, while innocently eating dinner and watching Inside Edition,  I was confronted with the horror that is Toddlewood followed by a pre-performance shot of Madonna,55, and her filched adopted son David Banda, 8, in look-alike outfits. I’m not kidding.

I ran to my computer to look for more pictures,  and as usual, the UK’s Madonna fetishzing  Daily Mail, (includes short video) didn’t let me down.

According to the Material Girl, via the Mail, David has become quite the styler (‘the Ralph Loren angle” according to Madonna) , picking out their matching suits himself.  Madge had no option but to obey–except for the shoes and walking stick.

It gets better–or worse –depending  on your POV.  The Mail reports that Madonna has promised David a grill for his birthday, but they haven’t had the time to do it yet. The dentist and all, you know, is tough working into the schedule.  In the meantime, Madonna showed hers off, mainly, she says, to piss people off,.

Madonna grill 2

Isn’t David  a bit young and she a bit old for this fashion accouterment? I wonder if they’ll match.

Apparently David was Madonna’s only guest for the evening.  No mention of her new boytoy,  Lordes, Mercy, or the unfortunate Rocco  who got disniggaized a couple weeks go.  Would it be harsh to speculate that David’s appearance has something to do with damage control?

The Miracle of Adoption



Madonna & David 2


Wonder if she used her federal adoption tax credit

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