Baby Dump Pimps Remain Bold; Brag About Hospital Dumps

NOTE: I originally intended to write only a short piece on the West Covina story below. But once I started I decided it was important for new readers, and those readers who might have forgotten, to go back and put the case in context from material I’ve written previously that I recently updated, but haven’t published. This piece does not cover how baby dump laws are used as a weapon against Class Bastard and the restoration of our right to our original birth certificates, which has been discussed in depth on this blog elsewhere. Baby dump pimps have no shame as they continue to widen their net, reframe language, and cook the books. Take this story from the May 23, 2011 Whittier Daily News (and other southern California papers) (my emphasis) WEST COVINA – A woman surrendered a newborn infant at a West Covina hospital – the first “safe surrender” in the county this year, a county supervisor said Monday. The woman gave birth to the baby girl at the hospital and asked to surrender the newborn on May 20, Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe’s office announced in a statement… …”This case could have ended in tragedy, but because Continue Reading →


INCREDIBLE! This just in from Nick Silverio at Florida’s Safe Haven for Newborns. Press Release: Subject: A baby boy named Abraham! A pregnant woman contacted us via our helpline nine (9) weeks ago seeking information and assistance, explaining that she was not able to provide a future for her child. She received medical care throughout her pregnancy and gave birth to a very health little boy. His name is Abraham. We coordinated the “Safe Haven” process for her with the hospital. The mother praised the hospital staff saying “This was a very difficult time for me. They were so compassionate, kind and did not judge me. I am so thankful for that. Also, I don’t know what I would have done if it wasn’t for the guidance, assistance and support of the Safe Haven for Newborns staff.” Saving Lives………………………………………………….……….. This is a graphic from the front page of Safe Haven for Newborns. Did Lil Abe meet the promotional criteria? Can it be any more clear that this is what, as we predicted ten years ago? In the words of Safe Haven grandaddy, Bill Pierce: non-bureaucratic surrender. Lil Abe was secreted away and disappeared right into Florida’s private adoption mill under Continue Reading →


Remember long ago when “safe havens” were supposed to save newborns from dumpsters? This is the latest from Nick Silverio at in Florida: May 13th, 2009 Dear Friends of “Safe Haven”, A little boy was born this month at a Hospital in North Florida under the “Safe Haven” program. He and his mother were doing very well. This is the one hundred and thirty first (131) baby saved from the dangers of abandonment, from an almost sure death. The mission continues…..saving one life at a time. Sincerely,Nick Silverio How can a baby be born “under a ‘Safe Haven’ program”? “Safe Haven” laws at the very best, were meant as emergency custody procedings and have nothing to do with birth procedures. Now in Florida, at least” it seems there’s a special type of program for those who can’t be bothered–or who are purposefully kept from knowing how– to make a real adoption plan or get real counseling or make real informed consent. Or how to keep their baby. As we warned, baby dumping has become normalized. Just another consumer choice and on the state’s dime to boot. Talk about abuse of a bad law.