The scavengers landed in Lincoln last Friday. Baby Safe Haven New England’s Jean and Mike Morrisey, and their teen baby dump diva Renee Marcou pecked their way into the zippity-do-dah session of the Unicam, where leggies couldn’t wait to pass LB 1, normalize child abandonment, and be out the door. Here’s a picture of Mrs. Morrisey in her notorious white suit, “safe haven” spokesinger Ms. Marcou, and Sen. Arnie Struthman, who started the whole Nebraska Fiasco with LB 157. From the look on Struthman’s face, he can die a happy man now. It’s not everyday a fella can wreck his state’s child welfare system AND get a thankful hug from an up-and-coming pop star hottie. Maybe they submitted testimony, twisted arms, or wagged appropriate cleavage behind closed doors, but neither the Morriseys nor Marcou testified during the Special Session, That would hardly keep them from the photo op, though. with the hint that they were important players in baby dump 2.0 According to a thinly veiled press release distributed by Baby Safe Haven Maharishi Mike Morrisey. (compare the November 23 press release on Marcou’s MySpace blog page to the article in the November 25 edition of Marcou’s hometown paper, the Continue Reading →