Donald Trump’s Lawyer Jay Sekulow is an Adopteephobic Bigot

I know I’ve written about this before, but it can’t be said enough:  JAY SEKULOW IS AN ADOPTEEPHOBIC BIGOT. He believes we have no right to our OBCs and other records. But besides this general disability, he has claimed we are conniving dupes and baby killers. Yes, according to Sekulow, the adoptee rights; movement is a front for “abortion advocates.” Continue Reading →

Adoption Not Abortion: Pimping Adoptees for a "Higher Purpose""

I did not intend to write as much as I have about abortion in this month of National Adoption Awareness but the subject just keeps getting in the way. Abortion is the wild card that pops up in even the best laid plans of reformists and activists. In some weird fit of cognitive dissonance, anti-aborts claim that the  fetus shares the same rights as the already born, but reject the notion that if this sacradotaled fetus is brought to term, born and adopted that it should be treated equal under law once it is secularized. In other words, once the word becomes flesh, it’s on its own.  Adoption and abortion, of course, have little in common, though the increasingly Gospelized adoption industry and the anti-abortion corpos make a seamless fit.  Together they present adoption as a  happy win-win-win solution for the principals involved, when they are actually  manipulating, propagandizing, redeeming and reconstructing these principals for the higher purpose of political pimping. It’s bad enough as is, but  during National Adoption Awareness Month (NAAM), we get a booster shot of happy-dappy juice from the evil twins. STUDENTS FOR LIFEJust as NAAM was gearing up, I received a tweet from Students for Continue Reading →

Pat Robertson and Adoptee Rights

By now you’ve probably all heard Pat Robertson’s hideous remarks about the earthquake in Haiti. A deal with the devil? And, he can’t even get history right. Napoleon III! I think not! Perhaps the devil was whispering disinformation in his ear to make him look stupid. No wait! He doesn’t need the devil to do that. CBN published a clarification “statement” later, that if anything, makes Robertson looks more stupid now then he did before. Here is a video of Pat broadcasting his dementia to the world. It includes commentary from the Young Turks. I’ve been an avid viewer of 700 Club for 30 years, and have watched Pat edge from pure malevolent crazydom to Altzhmierism before my very eyes. To make Robertson’s looniness relevant to adoption this afternoon, here’s a dialogue between Pat and Jay Sekulow, director of Robertson’s theocentric legal arm, the The American Center for Law and Justice. The ACLJ represented Promise Doe, Jane Doe, Kimberly C, Russ C, and NCFA agency member Small World Adoptions in Doe v Sundquist, the unsuccessful attempt to overturn a Tennessee law that opened records for some adoptees in the state. The ACLJ was backed by amici briefs issued from NCFA, Continue Reading →