Florida HB357/SB576: CUB joins opposition. Occupy Florida, please go home!

This makes 25 national, state, and international organizations opposed and 0 (zero) organizations that support the bill unless you count the murky anonymously-operated Occupy Florida FB “group” that claims legislators want to hear “rights” connected to adoptees. Occupy, instead, spouts nonsense that the sealing of OBCs and other adoption records are just a matter of “policy” not “rights.” In a November 17, 2017 FB post* Occupy Florida got even sillier: Continue Reading →


Call for Presentation Proposals Concerned United Birth Parents Retreat Hamburger University and Hyatt LodgeOakbrook, Illinois Sept. 28th- 30th 2007 Hamburger University, McDonald’s beautiful 88-acre corporate campus, is the setting for CUB’s annual retreat this fall. Once again, CUB invites all members of the adoption triad and their significant others to meet with others who understand our common challenges. The CUB retreat theme has always been one of sharing and support and we are seeking proposals along these lines. We are eager to hear from old friends and new, and hope to have many wonderful presentations to choose from. We will get back to you promptly and hope to have a brochure out in June. Even if your presentation is not chosen this year, we hope you will attend what promises to be a wonderful and renewing retreat experience. IMPORTANT DATESSubmission Deadline (Midnight ET): May 20, 2007Proposal Notification: on or before May 31, 2007 Target AudienceCUB expects anywhere between 75 and 150 participants. The retreat is open to all members of the adoption triad and their significant others. However, most of the participants of past retreats have been birth parents, followed by adoptees, with some adoptive parents and significant others also Continue Reading →