When Neal Young released his 1979 LP Rust Never Sleeps we doubt if he had Sara Feigenholtz in mind. Yet, that’s the phrase that came to mind when I read Feigenholtz’s latest interview with the press in Saturday’s Springfield State Journal Register and other Gatehouse publications.
Listen to Sara:
We have to stop stigmatizing adoption. Adoption is a beautiful thing. We have nothing to be ashamed of. This legislation turns the corner on the stigmatizing of adoption.
From an email sent by Feigenholtz or a member of her staff, to Washington State bastard activist Lori Jeske, after Jeske objected to HB 5429’s failure to recognize obc access as a right for all adopted, not a government favor for some:
Thank you so much for your kind remarks about HB 5428.
We will pay for your travel and housing expenses if you will come here and start working on a new bill that completes the effort so that all adoptees get their obc.
Listen to Sara:
I am always a true believer in restoring rights to people, and I feel that the sealing of adoption records was a very barbaric thing to do.
21 birth parents have exercised the option of anonymity, according to Feigenholtz, who doesn’t anticipate a dramatic spike in that number.
Listen to Sara:
Illinois is the 10th and largest state in the nation to enact such a law, according to Feigenholtz.
Only six states, Kansas, Alaska, Oregon, Alabama, New Hampshire, and Maine recognize the right, without restriction, of all their adoptees to their own birth records. Deformers such as Feigenholtz float Tennessese (as I wrote the other day) and Delaware as open states although obcs are sealed with disclosure vetoes. Tennessee also has a contact veto criminalizing bastards who contact first family members without parental permission. Feigenholtz, who can’t tell the difference between an “open” and closed” records state, is hardly an expert witnesses–or pusher- for records access.

Addenda: Go to Bastard Granny Annie for Don’t Copy Illinois
Great blog!
We’ve got to keep speaking the truth about Sara and Melisha. Lies normally catch up with people and hopefully our speaking out will help speed up their day of becoming known for who they really are.