Over the last couple days I’ve collected dozens of new resources on Haiti child lifting schemes–so many that I’m working in overdrive. I am sorting out the the new information. To read my pieces on Haiti, please go to Bastard Nation’s Statement on Haitian Adoption and Babylifts, Operation Pierre Pan Postponed; Politicians Pander, Haiti Child Evacuation: A New Operation Pedro Pan (my keystone Haitian entry), Haiti: Misc. Updates on Adoption and Pat Robertson, and Pat Robertson and Adoptee Rights . ****** We knew it wouldn’t take long! Judie Brown’s American Life League (those rascally friends of the American Center for Law and Justice, NCFA, Tennessee Eagle Forum, and odious others who tried to stop records access to some adoptees in Tennessee) has blown a gasket over International Planned Parenthood sending condoms and birth control to Haiti. If we didn’t know better, we’d think the press release came from Weekly World News. Many of ALL’s press releases read like they do. ALL hints that that IPP is practicing secret eugenics and wants to kill off what Haitian women are left. ALL doesn’t mention that IPP-Haiti is in the field giving primary and essential health care to earthquake survivors. This is sick,” Continue Reading →


Please distribute freely For the last week, Bastard Nation, like the rest of the world, has been watching the devastation of Haiti. The images are frightening, sad, and heartrending, especially those of the children. We have also watched with alarm the rush to rescue Haitian children by adoption. Within three days of the earthquake, Catholic Charities of Miami had set up a scheme modeled on Operation Pedro Pan, a joint State Department-CIA-Miami Diocese project in the early 1960s to separate children from their parents, creating young pawns in the US war against the Castro government. Although “Operation Pierre Pan” in Haiti is on hold, at least for now, numerous evangelical churches and ministries, adoption agencies, secular organizations, unfinalized adoptive parents and other individuals–many with conflicts of interest–have joined the rescue mission call to remove children immediately, no matter what their family status, to the US for the purpose of adoption. Haiti is still under rubble. Aid is slow to arrive. Survivors are spread out in shelters and camps, or live in the streets. The dead are unnumbered, unknown, and unnamed. Family members continue to search for each for other, and it will take weeks or even months for final conciliation. Continue Reading →


Please go to my previous entries, Haiti Child Evacuation: A New Operation Pedro Pan (my keystone Haitian entry), Haiti: Misc. Updates on Adoption and Pat Robertson, and Pat Robertson and Adoptee Rights for the context of this entry ****** Last night, Anon Guy posted an article on the new Pedro Pan scheme, now publicly and unembarrassedly dubbed, “Operation Pierre Pan,” in the comments at my “Child Evacuation” entry. It appears that some “reasonable” heads have prevailed temporarily, but only out of expediency, not lack of enthusiasm for a mass childlift to the US. I was going to post the full article published in Friday’s Sun Sentinel, but on second thought, Anon Guy did such a nice job of culling and emphasizing the important parts, I decided to post his vetted version instead. I urge you to read the entire article, though, since it also deals with the anti-immigrant nativists poised to throw a hissy fit over little black kids “sneaking” into the country–which is not in any way, shape or form related to our objections. Organizers say too soon to implement “Operation Pierre Pan” for Haitian orphans Randolph McGrorty admits it’s a little too soon to focus on what some Continue Reading →


Please go to my previous entries, Haiti Child Evacuation: A New Operation Pedro Pan (my keystone Haitian entry) and Pat Robertson and Adoptee Rights for the context of this entry. Juan Cole, in his Informed Consent blog, has written an excellent review of the Haitian slave revolts and the 1804 Revolution, with a rebuttal to Pat Robertson’s racist dullwittery. It was published Wednesday but I found it only today. Here is an excerpt: Pat Robertson’s Racist Blaming of Haitian Victims; Televangelist Misuse of History So Robertson’s account sees the assertion of African religion in 1791 against slaving Christianity as a ‘pact with the devil’ that then led Haiti to be cursed ever after. But even in his own terms, how does he account for the multiple steps by subsequent Haitian states reinstating privileges for Christianity? Even if he does not count Catholicism as Christianity, what about the fact that about a quarter of Haitians are now evangelical Protestants? Didn’t the earthquake hit them? And, why is West Africa where the initial African version of voudoun originated and is still practiced by a minority, among the least earthquake-prone regions in the world? Ultimately, Robertson’s version of Haitian history as cursed replicates Continue Reading →


This is long, but I think it’s important. “Anon guy” was kind enough to post the following article from the Miami Herald as a comment on Haiti’s children to the Pat Robertson entry below this. I am posting it in its entirety: Church, immigrant groups plan to airlift Haitian orphans to South Florida”BY ALFONSO CHARDY AND SERGIO BUSTOS In a move mirroring Operation Pedro Pan in the 1960s, Catholic Charities and other South Florida immigrant rights organizations are planning an ambitious effort to airlift possibly thousands of Haitian children left orphaned in the aftermath of Tuesday’s horrific earthquake. “We will use the model we used 40 years ago with Pedro Pan to bring these orphans to the United States to give them a lifeline, a bright and hopeful future,” Catholic Charities Legal Services executive director Randolph McGrorty said at a news conference in the offices of Rep. Mario Diaz–Balart. “Given the enormity of what happened in Haiti, a priority is to bring these orphaned children to the United States,” he said. Archdiocese of Miami officials and other local organizations have already identified a temporary shelter in Broward County to house the children, McGrorty said. He also said they had been Continue Reading →

Pat Robertson and Adoptee Rights

By now you’ve probably all heard Pat Robertson’s hideous remarks about the earthquake in Haiti. A deal with the devil? And, he can’t even get history right. Napoleon III! I think not! Perhaps the devil was whispering disinformation in his ear to make him look stupid. No wait! He doesn’t need the devil to do that. CBN published a clarification “statement” later, that if anything, makes Robertson looks more stupid now then he did before. Here is a video of Pat broadcasting his dementia to the world. It includes commentary from the Young Turks. I’ve been an avid viewer of 700 Club for 30 years, and have watched Pat edge from pure malevolent crazydom to Altzhmierism before my very eyes. To make Robertson’s looniness relevant to adoption this afternoon, here’s a dialogue between Pat and Jay Sekulow, director of Robertson’s theocentric legal arm, the The American Center for Law and Justice. The ACLJ represented Promise Doe, Jane Doe, Kimberly C, Russ C, and NCFA agency member Small World Adoptions in Doe v Sundquist, the unsuccessful attempt to overturn a Tennessee law that opened records for some adoptees in the state. The ACLJ was backed by amici briefs issued from NCFA, Continue Reading →


This story should have legs–should run all over AdoptionLand. But will it? Johnson & Johnson heiress,socialite, wannabe actress, fiancee of attention pig Tila Tequila, and now dead Casey Johnson left behind a 3-year old adopted daughter acquired in Kazakhstan: Ava-Monroe (after Marilyn). Parent Dish has the best article on this travesty that I’ve seen so far: Opinion: Why was Casey Johnson allowed to adopt? Little seems to be known publicly about the adoption, but we can assuredly answer Parent Dish’s question: $$$$. For those unfamiliar with Ms. Johnson and the adoption, here’s a rundown from Parent Dish with links left in for your convenience: The socialite moved in star-studded circles and counted among her best friends Paris and Nicky Hilton. Her lifestyle was far from stable, as revealed by the fact that her mother, Sale, felt it necessary to take custody of Ava, The Huffington Post reports. Just last month, Johnson and her girlfriend, reality TV star Tila Tequila, flew from Los Angeles to New York City in an attempt to regain custody of the child — and came home empty-handed… But Johnson’s case is different: How is it possible that her wealth and family name outweighed the obvious facts Continue Reading →


INCREDIBLE! This just in from Nick Silverio at Florida’s Safe Haven for Newborns. Press Release: Subject: A baby boy named Abraham! A pregnant woman contacted us via our helpline nine (9) weeks ago seeking information and assistance, explaining that she was not able to provide a future for her child. She received medical care throughout her pregnancy and gave birth to a very health little boy. His name is Abraham. We coordinated the “Safe Haven” process for her with the hospital. The mother praised the hospital staff saying “This was a very difficult time for me. They were so compassionate, kind and did not judge me. I am so thankful for that. Also, I don’t know what I would have done if it wasn’t for the guidance, assistance and support of the Safe Haven for Newborns staff.” Saving Lives………………………………………………….……….. This is a graphic from the front page of Safe Haven for Newborns. Did Lil Abe meet the promotional criteria? Can it be any more clear that this is what, as we predicted ten years ago? In the words of Safe Haven grandaddy, Bill Pierce: non-bureaucratic surrender. Lil Abe was secreted away and disappeared right into Florida’s private adoption mill under Continue Reading →


This week James Marsh has published two blogs about Masha Allen’s case: PA’s lax judicial oversight in the Masha Allen case : During the past four years numerous questions have been raised about how and why then-Allegheny County Judge Cheryl Lynn Allen was allowed to preside over the adoption of Masha Allen by her namesake and former roommate Faith Allen. Includes links Marsh’s documents regarding Masha (Have a strong stomach and a crash helmet on while reading.) Masha Allen’s celebrated adoption–What went wrong?, a collection of quotes from the the media and public figures who supposedly stood in Masha’s corner, including this from Cong. Phil Gingrey (above left with Masha and Faith Allen’s Angel in Adoption co-sponsor): Faith Allen is a shining example of the selfless love adoptive parents give their children. Faith is more than just Masha’s adoptive mother; she is her pillar of support, providing encouragement as Masha bravely shares her story. Everyone who spends time with Faith and Masha feels the warmth and kindness that make Faith an Angel in Adoption.” Gingrey hung Marsha out to dry when allegations of abuse by Faith were made known to him. To quote Marsh, Gingrey claimed it was a “‘parental Continue Reading →


I wrote previously about Missouri’s dumb records “access” bill HB 1237. This entry is about an alternative bill: the dumber records “access” bill. Introduced by State Senator Rita Heard Days, SB 594 is prospective and retro. Sorta. The first part of the bill, “permits” adoptees whose adoptions are completed after August 28, 2010 (that is, those not only not yet born, but not yet conceived) to get their original birth certificates at the age of 18 unless prohibited by a disclosure veto, which Days calls a “contact preference” though “contact” has nothing to do with “disclosure” and a “veto” is not a “preference.” The second part of the bill “permits” adoptees finalized before August 28, 2010 get their obc if Mom is dead or gives permission (no mention of Dad). We’re interested on how the state will determine Mom’s life status. A possible solution would be for the bastard to kill Mom and then claim the state made him do it to get his obc. Here’s the official summary: SB 594 – This act modifies provisions regarding birth certificates and adoption records. The State Registrar shall develop and, upon a birth parent’s request, provide both a contact preference and a Continue Reading →