BASTARD NATION ACTION ALERT: It’s Not Too Late to Stop Illinois HB 5428!
DISTRIBUTE FREELY! It’s not to late to ask Illinois Governor Pat Quinn to veto HB 5428. Quinn will make his decision on the bill by the end of the week. Even if you have already contacted the governor’s office, please do it again. Let the real voice of adoptees be heard. Web contact (email) form: Springfield OfficeOffice of the Governor207 State HouseSpringfield, IL 62706Phone: 217-782-0244FAX 217-763-8710TTY: 888-261-3336 Chicago OfficeOffice of the GovernorJames R. Thompson Center100 W. Randolph, 16-100Chicago, IL 60601Phone: 312-814-2121FAX 312-867-0801 Here is Bastard Nation’s second letter to Governor Quinn: Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization once more urges you to veto HB 5428, a so-called “adoptee rights” bill promoted as a progressive piece of legislation to correct Illinois’ long-standing Draconian treatment of its adoptees and their families of origin. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The bill’s stated purpose and its final product are diametrically opposed. The introduction to the bill reads: The General Assembly recognizes that it is the basic right of all persons to access their birth records, and, to this end, supports public policy that allows an adult adoptee to access his or her original birth certificate. The rest of the bill guts Continue Reading →