Bastard Nation Letter to NJ Legislature: Vote No on A1406/S799

Dear __________: Privilege is the opposite of right Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization is the largest adoptee civil rights organization in the United States. We support full, unrestricted access for all adopted persons, upon request, of their own true, unaltered original birth certificates (OBC). We oppose A1406/S799: the Adoptees’ Birthright Bill. A1406/S799 permits some New Jersey adopted adults to receive their true and accurate original birth certificates. Others, through the compromise language of the birthparent disclosure veto, will receive only a false and mutilated government document with the name and address of the parent(s) bureaucratically excised by the Department of Health and Senior Services by order of the birthparent(s). Bastard Nation rejects this special veto right of “birthparents” to remove their names from the birth certificates of their own adult offspring. No other parent has that right. Why should “birthparents,” whose parental rights were terminated decades ago, have different rights and rules? A1406/S799 is promoted as an “adoptees’ birthright” and OBC “access bill.” Unfortunately, it is neither. The bill reinforces out-dated adoption secrecy through the disclosure veto. It also seals by default, the OBCs of babies surrendered under the state’s “safe haven” program (apparently whether they are adopted later Continue Reading →

Happy New Year 2011: Guy Lombardo Can Save Us

New Year’s Eve any year. eechhhh!!!!! Another year gone. Nothing accomplished. Things, in fact, have probably gotten worse. They did in 2010 and most certainly 2011 will be a nightmare. And all those people on drink and drugs tooting in the new year with screeching horns and ugly hats made in China. I spent several NYEs walking the neighborhood contemplating throwing myself into oncoming traffic. One of my few NYE respites occurred when the Russians were in residence. We’d throw Russian New Year’s feasts with black bread, blini, mushroom soup, beet salad, cheese, cold cuts, boiled potatoes, and ham. (The Russians did the cooking.) And lots of vodka and champagne and toasts with every round. We’d call our friends in St. Petersburg, 8 hours ahead of us, and scrape them off the floor. The only thing that can bring New Year’s Eve to its deserved glory is Guy Lombardo. Not that I was a huge fan of Guy Lombardo growing up, but when he died anything good about New Year’s Eve died with him. The great Lombardo was replaced with Dick Clark (with Ryan Seacrest and the vomitrocious Jenny MacCarthy), Carson Daley–and OMG, Megan Kelly on Fox– and a cheezy Continue Reading →

In Memory of Jack Jennings Reese, My Father

My father Jack Jennings Reese died Tuesday night. He was 83. I was never supposed to know his name. I was never supposed to know him. That’s what adoption means. Jack’s name was not on my original birth certificate. My “non-ID” from Toledo Crittenden helpfully informed me that my father was a man. Oh, and that he had blue eyes, was a high school drop-out, working class, and Protestant. (That last part is a stretch. I don’t think he was an atheist, but he had no quarter with organized religion. He refused to be baptized.) He must have been from Akron, since that’s where my mother lived. I got that information in 1980. Not until 1996, however, did I learn in a letter from my mother, Jack’s initials: JR. As in Ewing. That small slice of information was treasured. It meant, as it can only mean to the adopted, that I wasn’t dropped out of a UFO or born in a cabbage patch. I wasn’t an immaculate conception. I already knew I had a mother, of course, but now I had a father. In Akron. Or someplace. It turned out to be Buffalo. . My mother described Jack as “nice Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation Letter to NJ Gov. Chris Christie – Please Veto S799/A1399

I’ll be blogging on the current situation in New Jersey in a couple days, as well as posting a Bastard Nation Action alert regarding S799/A1399. In the meantime, here is the letter BN sent to Gov. Chris Christie asking him to veto the bill if it’s hits his desk. Governor Chris Christie Office of the Governor PO Box 001 Trenton, NJ 08625 PLEASE VETO S799/A1399: the Adoptees’ Birthright Bill Dear Governor Christie: Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization, the largest adoptee civil rights organization in North America, opposes S799/A1399: The Adoptees’ Birthright bill. We ask you to veto it if it comes to your desk. The bill is currently awaiting a vote on the House Floor on January 6 or 20, 2011. If passed, this bill will permit some of New Jersey’s adopted adults to receive their true and accurate original birth certificates. Others, through the compromise language of this bill, will receive only a false and mutilated certificate with the name and address of the parent(s) bureaucratically excised by the Department of Health and Senior Services by order of the birthparent(s). Bastard Nation rejects this newly created special right of birthparents to remove their names from the birth certificates–the Continue Reading →

Life’s Not Fair: I’m Still Waiting for my Pony…

…and abandoned Sumatran orangutan Silvestre, 11 months, got a trans-Atlantic cruise. The Daily Mail reports that Sly had great time in his 4-bed 1st class cabin he shared with Maribel Bustiamente, his Santilla (Spain) zookeeper who was escorting him to his new home at Monkey World, an ape rescue center in Dorset. He got to meet passengers and crew and swing from table to chair to bunk ladders. The Mail reported that Silvestre was abandoned by his mother after his zoo birth. She “put him down and walked away.” Since then, Silvestre has been bottlefed and cared for by zookeepers. According to Chris Jones, spokesperson for Brittany Ferries, “because Silvestre, was so young and has been separated from his mother, he had to be near his keeper all the time he was traveling.” Dr. Alison Cronin, director of Monkey World, told The Mail, “At a year old it is a perfect time for him to move in full-time with other orangutans where he can develop physically and mentally with his own kind.” Now anybody who knows me knows that I’m not into the junk science that imbues contemporary adoption. but I’m fascinated that an 11-month old orangutan gets more consideration Continue Reading →

A Merry Spike Jones Christmas

I grew up with Spike Jones in the house. Even after probably a thousand listenings of Cocktails for Two, I still find it hilarious. Especially the 1945 video I’ve linked here. I intended to put up All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth, but then I ran across Mommy, Won’t You Buy a Baby Brother, which I’d never heard before. It’s oh so appropriate for a Merry AdoptionLand Christmas.

Last Minute Christmas Suggestions

What would you like for Christmas, little bastards and bastardettes? I realize the hour is drawing nigh, but it’s not too late to add to your loot list. To help you out, I’m posting some toy commercials from the 1950s and 1960s. I mean, that’s when a lot of us were born, and since we adoptees never grow up… There’s enough here for consumer, feminist, and parent do-gooders to carp about until next year. Darcy the Cover Girl: the woman your little girl will want to be. Yikes! Images of Betty Draper dance in my head. OK, I’ll fess up! At a certain point in my life, Bridgette Bardot was someone I wanted to be. I scared my mother. The trucks are pretty cool (and loud). Interesting how cars are OK for girls to play with as long as they are for Baby Go Bye-Byeing tasks, not to bring home the bacon. Some things never change. I like the Maverick swag from Kaiser Quilted Wrap, too, When I wasn’t pretending to be BB, I was Bret Maverick. In fact, my entry into the world of literati occurred at the age of 12 when I wrote a screenplay about Bret’s childhood Continue Reading →

Questions for the Vaughns

For background go to Adoption as a Public Event: Media Perception and the Grayson Wyrembek Case, and The Adoption Industry Does the Innuendo: The Misappropriation of Adoptee Rights and the Demonization of Ben Wyremek ****** Early Friday morning I posted the following questions on Jason and Christy Vaughn’s Keeping Grayson Home webpage forum under the thread, Grayson’s Abuse. These are questions I discussed earlier in my “Innuendo” blog directly below this entry: 1. What is Why is not locatable through any web search? 2. Is Keeping Grayson Home a 501 (3)(c)? Does it have a tax number? If yes to both or either, under what name(s) are they incorporated? If they are not incorporated, especially KGH, who is the Fiscal Agent. 3 Why is the case being promoted as an “adopted children’s rights” case when there is no such thing as “adopted children’s right.” There is neither a right to adopt nor a right to be adopted. 4 Why is the genuine adoptee rights movement being co-opted and our language misappropriated? I have also asked several times why, if their case is so egregious, that no adoption reform organization or pro-adoption professional or lobby group has stepped up to Continue Reading →