Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture Conference 2012: Call for Papers

The Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture announces: The 4th International Conference on Adoption and Culture Mapping Adoption: Histories, Geographies, Literatures, Politics March 22 – 25, 2012 The Claremont Colleges, Claremont, California Call for Proposal sFor our 2012 conference, we are expanding our concerns to include not only adoption in its many historical and cultural variations but also parallel institutions such as foster care, orphanages, and technologically-assisted reproduction, as well as various forms of forced relinquishment or family separation. We seek proposals that explore the cultural meanings and/or political locations of any of these practices, and we encourage analyses of relationships among them. We will include academic work from a wide range of scholarly disciplines and areas—literature, film and popular culture and performance studies, cultural studies, history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, political science, law, women’s and gender studies, etc.—as well as artistic presentations of film, creative writing, graphic art, music, or productions in other media. We also encourage interdisciplinary panels, presentations, and productions.Proposals may address adoption or related practices or their representation in any way, but we especially encourage work addressing race, class, gender, nationality, and/or sexuality and sexual orientation, and/or investigations of topics such as state and institutional Continue Reading →

Baby Dump Pimps Remain Bold; Brag About Hospital Dumps

NOTE: I originally intended to write only a short piece on the West Covina story below. But once I started I decided it was important for new readers, and those readers who might have forgotten, to go back and put the case in context from material I’ve written previously that I recently updated, but haven’t published. This piece does not cover how baby dump laws are used as a weapon against Class Bastard and the restoration of our right to our original birth certificates, which has been discussed in depth on this blog elsewhere. Baby dump pimps have no shame as they continue to widen their net, reframe language, and cook the books. Take this story from the May 23, 2011 Whittier Daily News (and other southern California papers) (my emphasis) WEST COVINA – A woman surrendered a newborn infant at a West Covina hospital – the first “safe surrender” in the county this year, a county supervisor said Monday. The woman gave birth to the baby girl at the hospital and asked to surrender the newborn on May 20, Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe’s office announced in a statement… …”This case could have ended in tragedy, but because Continue Reading →

Oh, No! Bethany Supports Baby Dumps

You never know! According to Florida’s A Safe Place for Newborns Facebook page, Bethenny Frankel, late of The Apprentice: Martha Stewart, The Real Housewives of New York, Bethenny Getting Married, and now Bethany Ever After (how does one make herself that important and get away with it?) auctioned off three dresses and one set of ice skates worn by Herself on Ever After and Skating with the Stars (came in 2nd against All My Children’s Rebecca Budig.) We’re sorry we didn’t find this earlier. Bidding closed on May 23 with a total take of $2271. Recipients included Nick Silverio’s baby dump, A Safe for Newborns, and The Candie’s Foundation of Bristol Palin fame. Hit here for more information and links to the various eBay auctions. BTW, the skates went for $830.00. At least she’s not talking about adopting a saved-from-the-gutter refugee. Yet. A Baby for Bethenny?

Bastard Nation Action Alert: Write Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to Veto SB 351. This is not an adoptee rights bill!

Distribute Freely BASTARD NATION ACTION ALERT! STOP RESTRICTIVE MISSOURI SB351 ASK GOV. NIXON TO VETO Read full text of SB 351 here. Please contact Missouri Governor Jay Nixon immediately and urge him to veto SB 351. (Contact information below.) If you are from or in Missouri or have a Missouri connection, mention it in your communication. Be sure to put: “Please veto SB 351 in the header Bastard Nation’s letter to Governor Nixon is here and directly below this blog. THE BILL SB 351 makes superficial changes to OBC /original identity access structure, removing adoptive parent sign-offs, while maintaining retrospectively and prospectively the other restrictions which keep Missouri adoptee birth records and identity a state secret. It allows adoptees, under certain conditions, to access identifying information about siblings, and permits adoptees’ lineal descendants under certain conditions, to access identifying information if the adoptee is deceased. The bill, however, does not even mention the term “original birth certificate” or what “identifying information” could be released and in what form. A letter from the court? An original birth certificate? SB 351 is convoluted. Below is the official legislative summary posted on the bill’s webpage: Current law allows for nonidentifying information, if known, Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation’s Letter to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon: Please Veto SB 351. This is not an adoptee rights bill!

Dear Governor Nixon: Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization is the largest adoptee civil rights organization in the United States. We support full, unrestricted access for all adopted persons, upon request, of their own true, unaltered original birth certificates (OBC). We do not support SB 351 and ask that you veto this badly flawed legislation. Under current Missouri law, the original birth certificates/identities of all Missouri adoptees are sealed and generally cannot be released to the adoptee except by court order and only with the consent of both the biological and adoptive parents. This 4-signature consent is the most restrictive OBC/identity access law in the United States. For as long as we can remember, Missouri adoption reform advocates have been attempting to free the state’s adoptees from these onerous restrictions. Unfortunately, SB 351 is not the bill to overturn the current law. SB 351 makes superficial changes to access structure, removing adoptive parent sign-offs, while maintaining retrospectively and prospectively the other restrictions which keep Missouri adoptee birth records and identity a state secret. The bill also allows adoptees under certain conditions to access identifying information about siblings, and permits adoptees’ lineal descendants, under certain conditions, to access identifying information if Continue Reading →

ACTION ALERT: Support Adoptee Rights for All, Not Privilege for Some. Tell Gov. Christie to Veto A1406

Please Distribute Freely BASTARD NATION ACTION ALERT Support adoptee rights for all, not privilege for some Write New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today Ask him to veto A1406/1399/S699 A1406/1399/S699 is on its way to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for signing. Gov. Christie’s views on the bill are unknown. Please take a few minutes to write the governor now and ask him to veto this flawed legislation and to support a clean bill that includes the restoration of the rights of all the state’s adoptees. For information on the bill go here: Letters should be short, around 200 words. Hard copies are preferable. Governor Chris Christie Office of the Governor PO Box 001 Trenton, NJ 08625 609-292-6000 You can also use this template Below is Bastard Nation’s letter: May 11, 2011 Governor Chris Christie P.O. Box 001 The State House Trenton, NJ 08625-0001 RE: Please Veto A1406: Adoptees’ Birthright Bill Dear Gov. Christie: Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization, the largest adoptee civil rights organization in North America, opposes A1406: The Adoptees’ Birthright bill, which passed the General Assembly earlier this week. Please veto this bill. A1406 will permit some New Jersey adopted adults to receive their true and Continue Reading →

Attention Columbus Area Bastards and Friends! Free Press Second Saturday Salon. The War Against the Adopted

I’ll be speaking at the Columbus Free Press Second Saturday Salon on May 14. Here’s the information: Day: Saturday, May 14 · 6:00pm – 9:00pmLocation: 1021 E. Broad St (side door, parking in rear) Columbus, Ohio Phone: 614-253-2571 [email protected] I’ll be discussing: The War Against the Adopted: Ohio and Beyond. Join with other progressives to network, socialize, eat, drink and have fun. Music by Steve Dodge, presentation by Marley Greiner, the Executive Chair and co-founder of Bastard Nation the Adoptee Rights Organizations, the largest adoptee rights organization in North America.

Sad Day for New Jersey Bastards: A1406/1399/S799 Passes. Adoptees Sold Down the River

A few minutes ago, the New Jersey General Assembly, as expected, passed A1406/1399/S799: 44 Yay26 Nay2 Abstain The Speaker chastised NJ Care proponets for applauding. Shame on NJCare for selling out the rights of those it claims to represent. Shame on NJ Care for creating new classes of anonymized adoptees: those wiped clean by third party vetoes and state-pimped “safe haven” victims. Shame on NJ Care for protecting the state’s adoption industry from liability for illegal and unethical practices. We do not begrudge anyone who accesses their Original Birth Certificate under this abomination, but they need to remember that their privilege is built on the continued disenfranchisement and erasure of their fellow Bastards. We have no idea what Governor Christie will do when the bill hits his desk. Bastard Nation will be in contact with his office again. We urge those who object to the legislative quarantine of non-qualifying bastards to contact him as well. More information shortly. Bastard Nation thanks everyone who saw this through with us and wrote and called the NJ General Assembly with our objections. Read about the bill here and here.


Distribute Freely BASTARD NATION ACTION ALERT! STOP DISCLOSURE VETO/WHITE OUT LEGISLATION IN NEW JERSEY!!! ASK THE NEW JERSEY ASSEMBLY: VOTE NO ON A1406/S799 Read full text of A1406 here.Read full text of S799 here A1406 (companion to S799 already passed in the NJ Senate) is scheduled for a floor vote on MONDAY MAY 9, 2011. Please contact Assembly members immediately and urge them to VOTE NO ON A1406/S799. (Contact information below.) If you are from or in New Jersey or have a New Jersey connection, mention it in your communication. Be sure to put: “Vote No On Adoptee Birthright Bill “in the header Bastard Nation’s letter to the Assembly is here (and directly below this alert) A1406/S799 is: restrictive, discriminatory, creates a new, special and temporary ”right” for “birthparents,” and exempts the state’s adopted adults from equal protection and treatment regarding the release of the government-generated public record of their births. THE BILL *includes a 12- month open enrollment period, starting after the Department of Health releases regs for A1406/S799 implementation, that allows “birthparents,” to file disclosure vetoes (DV) before obcs, past and future, are unsealed *authorizes the state to replace the original birth certificat, of those subjected to the Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation’s Letter to the New Jersey General Assembly – May 7, 2011 – VOTE NO on A1406

RE: Please vote NO on A1406/S700: Adoptees’ Birthright Bill Privilege is the opposite of right Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization is the largest adoptee civil rights organization in the United States. We support full, unrestricted access for all adopted persons, upon request, of their own true, unaltered original birth certificates (OBC). We oppose A1406/S799: the Adoptees’ Birthright Bill. A1406/S799 permits some New Jersey adopted adults to receive their true and accurate original birth certificates. Others, through the compromise language of the birthparent disclosure veto, will receive only a false and mutilated government document with the name and address of the parent(s) bureaucratically excised by the Department of Health and Senior Services by order of the birthparent(s). Bastard Nation rejects this special veto privilege of “birthparents” to remove their names from the birth certificates of their own adult offspring. No other parent has that right. Why should “birthparents,” whose parental rights were terminated decades ago, have different rights,privileges, and rules? A1406/S799 is promoted as an “adoptees’ birthright” and OBC “access bill.” Unfortunately, it is neither. The bill reinforces out-dated adoption secrecy through the disclosure veto. It also seals by default, the OBCs of babies surrendered under the state’s “safe haven” Continue Reading →