Safe Space and Trigger Warnings Should Not be the Tools of the Adoptee Rights Movement

“Safe spaces” is really about the fear of the free flow of ideas– an attempt to shut people out and up. If you don’t agree that all adoptive parents are “adoptaraptors and child abusers, or that adoption is slavery, for instance, you’re “pro-adoption” (whatever that means), you “don’t understand,” you’e a shill for the adoption industry, or worst yet–a bully. See, the universal safe space crowd attempts to bully those it disagrees with by calling them bullies Continue Reading →

S2275: Good news for international adoptees in the US–but let’s read the bill first

Known popularly as the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2015, the bill reportedly will close the gap left by the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2000, which left thousands of older cross-country adoptees in the US without the protection of US citizenship (and newer ones with) because adoption agencies, adoptive parents and even INS/ICE in the past failed to comply or follow-through with US law when these adoption were finalized. S2275 will automatically grant US citizenship to all IA’s upon finalization, and their new families will not be required to apply for naturalization for their internationally adopted children.

Despite the myth of the “forever family,” currently older international adoptees are subject to deportation to their countries of origin for any reason the national security state deems appropriate. Jao Herbert, adopted as child from Brazil and reared in Wadswrotoh, Ohio, near Akron, for instance, was deported after he was convicted of a misdemeanor pot charge . Federal law left the judge no wiggle room. He was subsequently murdered outside his home in Campinas. Like other adoptee deportees he had no familial ties, or cultural and language skills left over from his country of origin. Strangers in a strange land. Continue Reading →

God Bless the Child Who’s Got His Own

Unlike legislators, policy wonks,and paid lobbyists, who sell their labor for big bucks and usually have no dog in the fight, those of us in adoptee rights live the cause. It is our civil rights, narratives, histories, relationships, and health, that are affected adversely by archaic sealed records laws. We don’t have aides to do our scut work. We don’t have the luxury of going home at night and forgetting it all. We squeeze in time between work and personal responsibilities to get the work done. Continue Reading →

Bastard Reading; Bastard Learning

I don’t make it a secret that I don’t read a lot of adoption literature. I read a lotof books, but adopta-lit isn’t high on my reading list. I prefer 19th century English and American novels, mysteries. pop culture, American history, organized crime ( my field in grad school) and auto/biographies. But I do have a list of adaption books that I’ve enjoyed over the years and find the political and the personal. Occasionally, I”m asked what adoption-related books I like. Here is a non-fiction list: Continue Reading →

Demons of Adoption 2015 – Vote!

We congratulate the Class 2015 for demonstrating the continued greed, penury, corruption, malfeasance, and arrogance that marks the American Adoption Industry and its hangers-on. We trust that they will serve as a model for nominees in future years.

This years nominees are Continue Reading →

Music to Abandon Your Baby By

In all my musical head trips it never occurred to me to write or think about or visualize or musicalize about abandoning a baby. No doubt there are plenty of Scottish and Irish ballads about baby dumping (or killing), but–old dead baby jokes aside– they’ve not made their way into modern pop culture. Continue Reading →

Does the Radiance Foundation Support Adoptee Rights? Apparently Not.

Abortion is about not wanting to be pregnant. Adoption is about not being able or wanting to parent. The link between abortion and adoption has been totally debunked except for anti-aborts who need it to,ball gag adoptees, an activity increasingly more difficult to accomplish. In the example above, though, the Radiance plea goes farther than false linkage. Not only must these “babies” be saved from the abortotorium, but family preservation and mother and child relationships and affection aren’t even in the organizational vocabulary. Radiance views abortion at any state of pregnancy as murder. It also assumes that women caught in unplanned and unwanted pregnancies will opt for abortion unless they can be “saved” through adoption.. Thus, any pregnant woman in the “right” circumstances is a potential murderer.

It is not enough then for babies to be “saved.” We need to pray that adoption rates increase. That is,”saved” and “safe” babies, need to be ripped from their mother’s wombs and transported into the aching arms and gated homes.of the Worthy Class while courageous relinquishing mothers bask in the radiance of selflesness. Radiance has several projects going, and the closest that comes to actually recognizing biological mothers is Sally’s s Lambs, which gives out baskets to newly de-babyed women that include Bibles, lotions candles, restaurants gift cards, and a book of poems by Helen Steiner Rice. to “help her feel cherished and remind her of the beauty of her decision.” I gave my baby away and all I got was this lousy basket. Continue Reading →

Planned Parenthood, “Right to Life” and Baby Dumps – Slurping at the same trough

This PP news was pretty much ignored in AdoptionLand, but anti-aborts went nutso. You’d think that PP was hustling women to turn in their newborns for body parts (though in May, that’ wasn’t an issue.)

Sarah Zagorski from LifeNews opined: Planned Parenthood is hardly a safe place for newborns considering the fact they support late-term abortion and consistently refuse to protect infants born alive at abortion facilities.

Dr. Mark Hodges, writing for Lifesite News, chimed in: Many pro-life advocates strongly support Safe Haven laws. But with abortion as its top-grossing “service,” Planned Parenthood is not a “safe haven” for any preborn baby. The pro-abortion giant – which takes the lives of over a third of a million American babies each year – favors late-term abortions up to the moment of birth

Evoking Goodwin’s Law, The American Coalition for Life posted: There is no way Planned Parenthood can be a “safe haven” for anyone, let alone a newborn baby. Their legacy is one of genocide, not saving people. In my opinion, this is the same as allowing the death camps in Nazi Germany and its occupied territories the status of a safe, no-fire zone during the war where everyone, including the Jewish people are allowed to go for safety. This is an appalling development in the war to stop abortion.

Dave Andrusko, from National Right to Life, obviously upset that PP had moved into his “neighborhood,” blustered: Why could/would/should it surprise you that Planned Parenthood, which corrupts everything it touches, also leads the galaxy in hypocrisy?He implied, as much as he could without threat of a Cease and Desist Letter that PP had an ulterior motive for being on the “safe haven” list: Planned Parenthood is the most aggressive seller, promoter, and exporter of abortions anywhere in the world. It is quite willing to abuse unborn babies up to the last possible moment–the very same babies who are capable of feeling excruciating pain as they are killed.” Continue Reading →

Sojourner Truth Speaks to Adoptees: If my cup won’t hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn’t you be mean not to let me have my little half-measure full?

What is really ironic is that Bastard Nation is considered “radical,” for demanding restoration of adoptee civil rights, and making Class Bastard the co-equal of the majority Not Adopted Class. But who is the real radical?

What is more radical than the goverwnment confiscating and sealing the public birth records of 6 million Americans because they are adopted?.

What is more radical than …. Continue Reading →