Goodbye National Adoption Month: I won’t miss you!

Well, I’m not sure if we conquered, but bastards and adoptees certainly held our own this National Adoption/National Adoption Awareness Month–the longest month of the year. Especially  long if you’re force-writing every day while tin horn blowers and tin hat wearers, shysters in 3-piece suits, flim-flamers,  do-gooders, Biblicalticians ,Grundys, neurotics, pschchotics, happy dappies, and woundies are all out to get you from one side or the other. Me thinks the whole world is crazy except me and thee; and sometimes I wonder about thee. Continue Reading →

National Adoption Month and National Adoption Awareness Month. Is there a difference?

After reading the article three times, the only difference I can see is that NAM is government sponsored (paid by you know who) to educate the public and celebrate adoption. NAAM, is the privately sponsored brainchild of adopta evangelical gadfly Mardie Cardwell (funded by you know who) to educate the public and celebrate adoption. Ms Cardwell, enjoys the additional distinction of being the only adoptee I know of who has ever been nominated for the Demons of Adoption Award (2013). Continue Reading →