I’m cross-posting this entry from my latest Theoconia blog since the subject matter relates to adoption. *****It’s that time again! The annual Life Chain protest, aka the most boring anti-abortion protest in Columbus was held late this afternoon at the Ohio Statehouse. (October 7, 2009) The event was sponsored by Columbus Right to Life. I’ve written about Life Chain before ( on Theoconia, go to the “Topics, People and Organizations Covered” sidebar on the right and click on “Life Chain Columbus” and “Life Chain National” for previous posts.) My October 13 2006 “Kool Aid” post details Life Chain history, and mission in relation to Columbus-based Mark Harrington-CBR Genocide Awareness ideology and actions. (For some reason my pictures for that entry have disappeared, though they are still embedded in my entry.) This year, due to the temperate weather, rather than mingle with the crowd, I situated myself at an outside table at Pot Belly directly across from the Statehouse, where I could do a 3-fer: enjoy a late lunch, read a book, and watch LifeChain from a comfortable distance. It’s not like anything much interesting would happen. As usual, the protest started late and no one seemed to pay the protesters Continue Reading →