Zoom in on Adoptee Concerns: 2 Adoptees United Discussions coming up!

Bastard Nation friends Greg Luce and Adoptees United hold bi-monthly zoom discussions on topics that concern Class Bastard. and the state of adoption worldwide. I’ve missed a couple of them, for which I kick myself.  I am making a real effort not to over-nap (late afternoon wipes me out) or get otherwise distracted, The next two meetings promise to be insightful and important to us as adopted people and adoptee rights activists. Continue Reading →

Resources: Haiti Adoption. What’s the background? Why is it a big deal with Amy Coney Barrett?

With the nomination of Haiti “orphan” adopter Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court, Haiti and Haitian orphans are back in the news–hot and sweaty with adoption mythology, white saviorism, and lots of political and religious bashing. If you are not adopted, the subject may not be important to you. If you are adopted, it is. Continue Reading →