Yesterday I wrote about four unnamed and heretofore unpublicized missionaries who stayed in the Dominican Republic to ready the orphan hotel while Laura Silsby and her child snatchers went into Haiti to gather up the swag (left). I have now identified the church: The First Baptist Church in Andrews, Texas. My information is from the February 2, 2010 CBS 7 (Odessa) News, Andrews connection with American missionaries accused of kidnapping. Go to the right of the screen and click on the video (couldn’t find a separate link) and check out old pictures of the luxurious hotel that is in real life is no longer luxurious These pictures no doubt were used to spirit the kids away from their families. (I’m working on a separate blog on that) The news report places the First Baptist Church, on the ground floor of Larua Silsby’s pre-quake orphanage scheme. It also places Silsby’s Central Valley Baptist Church as an active sponsor of the orphanage and the trip to Haiti , despite various church self-reportings to the contrary (my emphasis): Pastor Jeff Donnell of First Baptist Church in Andrews says the Central Valley Church in Idaho contacted them well before the earthquake to build an Continue Reading →


Giving new meaning to the word chutzpah. Jorge Torres Puello has just put up a webpage: Jorge es It includes his biography, legal documents (including a certificate of good conduct), audio tapes, videos…and Martha Stewart! Many of the videos show the release of the “missionaries” and their return to Idaho. Apparently Yoram doesn’t realize that these are some of the most hated people in the US today, and that most of us think they belong in jail right next to Dick Cheney and Tim Geithner. To win friends and influence people he does not want to take credit for that. The page is in Spanish, and I need to go through it yet. The audio didn’t work, but I trust that will be fixed soon. The reinvention begins!


The Twin Falls Times-News today reports that more New Life “missionaries” than previously known were in the Dominican Republic preparing the so-called “orphanage” while Team Silsby was busy gathering up the boodle. We already knew that Eastside Baptist Church members John Requa and Matt and Lora Crider remained at the “orphanage” while church pastor Paul Thompson, his son Silas Thompson, and member Steve McMullin crossed into Haiti. (I thought I had already posted about Requa and the Criders, but they are in an unfinished blog that I hope to get up soon. Baby Love Child, covers them here.) Now we learn that Nancy Rodriguez, wife of Paul Rodriguez, Magic Valley Baptist Association director of missions, and four “missionaries” from an unnamed group in Texas were also at the “orphan” hotel. This makes (so far) 17 onsite New Life adoption traffickers recruited by Laura Silsby. According to the News-Times: The plan had been to gather up orphaned children and take them across the border to an orphanage in the Dominican Republic. Eastside members Matt and Lora Crider and John Requa were joined in Haiti’s neighboring country by Nancy Rodriguez – wife of Paul Rodriguez, director of missions for the Magic Valley Continue Reading →


NEVER MIND: I no sooner got this up than we learned that the bill is DEAD. RIP HB 1223, SB 152 and South Dakota’s civil rightless bastards. South Dakota HB 1223 was defeated Friday and is supposedly being reconsidered today. Please go to below to the original action alerts and send a message of support for a clean bill and reconsideration. It’s been very confusing. The bill’s sponsor who claimed to want a clean bill, voted YAY for the corrupted amended version and the sponsor of the corrupted version voted NAY against his own amendment! Please contact the House and asked members to (1) strike the amendment on the floor (2) if the amendment is not struck on the floor, urge members to vote NO. Contact information: Here is my letter: I understand that HB 1223 is scheduled for reconsideration today. This bill started as a clean bill to restore the right of all South Dakota adoptees to access, with no restrictions, their own pre-adoption (originial) birth certificate upon request. The bill was amended with adisclosure veto (under a false title of “birthparent contact preference,”) that creates a special right for birthparents to ban access–a special right that no Continue Reading →


This evening I received a series of posts to The Daily Bastardette from “Yoram” purporting to be Jorge Torres Puello. I have verified that the posts came from OneMax, an ISP in the Dominican Republic, which one of our commenters determined earlier was connected to Torres Puello. My Site Meter also indicates the posts came from DR and the time matches perfectly with the posting times. Since these posts were intended to be comments, I will post them as comments, but am also posting them here in separate blogs–one for each post. I am releasing them in the order they were sent (1-7 top to bottom.) These “comments” will also be posted on my other site End Child Exportation and Trafficking of Children in Haiti. What I find so..well, interesting about these posts is that 95% (or more) pertain to the writer proving his Jewish, not his innocence of the crimes for which he is accused. I will comment on these later, but I wanted to get them up now.Below is post #1. Message 1: February 18, 2010 4:55:09PM Yoram has left a new comment on your post “WHO IS JORGE PUELLO, PT 2: JUMPING DOWN THE RABBIT…“: I am Continue Reading →


Message 2: February 18, 2010, 4:58:30PM Yoram has left a new comment on your post “WHO IS JORGE PUELLO, PT 2: JUMPING DOWN THE RABBIT…“: Sorry for the link it wont work that way use this one and tipe my name JORGE TORRES or UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VS JORGE TORRES read it below SUPERIOR COURT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OFMONTREAL No:500-36-003375-048 DATE:June 9th, 2004 ______________________________________________________________________ PRESIDING:THE HONOURABLEMr. JUSTICEJ. FRASER MARTIN, J.S.C.______________________________________________________________________ TORRES, JORGE ANIBAL Petitioner v. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Respondent And LE DIRECTEUR DU CENTRE DE DÉTENTION R.D.P. Third party______________________________________________________________________ JUDGMENT______________________________________________________________________ [1] I am inclined in particular circumstances of this case to take a rather restrictive view of article 69 of the Extradition Act. [2] There is one thing that is clear. This is intended to be an expeditive procedure, the act is drafted in that fashion, delays are set out and the delays stand to be respected. [3] There is no doubt that to some considerable degree Mr. Torres is the author of his own misfortune, in view of the (numerous, huge) number of letters that have been sent on an ongoing argument at various dates to the Ministry of Justice but that does Continue Reading →


Message 3: February 18, 2010 5:00:52PMYoram has left a new comment on your post “WHO IS JORGE PUELLO, PT 2: JUMPING DOWN THE RABBIT…“: If you want a letter of my sinagogue in canada I will send it to everyone, I BELONG TO THE OLDEST SYNAGOGUE IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, even before all this Sphardic hater Kuzzars came to america. We are the true jews the Jews from the Arab Countries and Sepharad. The Ramban, Rambam, Rashi, Onkelos, Don Senior etc. Are all Sephardic. You don´t see any Auskenazim. or Black Hats or Schreimers in during the golden age of Judaism. It makes me sick that all this Kuzzars whant to step over our sages decision. > [ויקרא-Vayikra. 26:44]


Message 4, February 18, 2010, 5:01:54PM Yoram has left a new comment on your post “WHO IS JORGE PUELLO, PT 2: JUMPING DOWN THE RABBIT…“: > [יִרְמְיָה, Yirmĭyahu. 31:37] > [סנהדרין‎-Sanhedrin 44a] – Hide quoted text – > [R. She’ adyá ben Maimon ibn Danan, Khemdah Genuzah, 15a] In views of Divine, Prophetic, Talmudic and post-Talmudic understanding, an apostate Israelite is still an Israelite. It follows that an Anous, who was forced into avoda zara / foreign cult, and their children who are born in a state of duress among non-Jews, are also Israelites: > [R. Abraham de Aboab – year 1694 — Deber Shemuel, No. 45(S. 18c f.)] It hardly ever occurred to the Sages of Israel in the Ottoman Empire, Italy, Algiers, Morocco, Amsterdam, London – in fact every where the most brilliant luminaries of our tradition flourished – to call Anusim “gentiles” much less “proselytes”. Because, as received in the mouth of Rabbi Samuel de Medina from his teacher R. Taytazak, as confirmed by Gaon Zemah, in relation to the Anusim:


Message 5 February 28, 2010, 2010 5:03:42PM Yoram has left a new comment on your post “WHO IS JORGE PUELLO, PT 2: JUMPING DOWN THE RABBIT…“ > [Responsa III, 112] In other words, the proof for the matrilineal descent lies with the accuser . . . Not with the alleged victim. Why? In the Mishna – the compilation of Oral Torah – we find an injunction that says: > [Kiddushin 4:10] In another responsum, now in regards to the Anusim of Ashkenaz (Germany) in the 12th c., Rabbi Salomon bar Simson said: > [Geshichte der Juden in Deutschland a.a. O. p. 29, Bernfeld a.a. O.S. 192.] Why? Very simple, to speak wrongs on Israel leads to impiety, as exposed by Maimonides, of blessed memory: > [Iggeret ha-Shemad, Halkin’s translation, (Philadelphia, 1993) p. 17] Now I am also held accountable. The very claim of the Anusim carries authority, and establishes the main reference point for rabbinical defense. The Rabbis dialogue underneath the voice of the Anusim. We hardly find any actions to the contrary. And since it is in the majority of opinions to consider Anusim as part of Israel, it follows that it is treated with the utmost respect and Continue Reading →