This is cross-posted from my Nikto Ne Zabyt (Memoriam for Russian Adoptees Murdered and Abused by their Forever Families) blog.These are “before” and “after” pictures of Artem Saveliev/Artem Justin Hansen. The first picture isof Artem and Forever Mother Torry Ann Hansen taken mid-end September 2009 at his orphanage in Primorye. The second picture is of Artem at Domodedovo Airport, Moscow, April 8, 2010 Here is a picture of the note Forever Mother Torry Ann Hansen sent with her throw-away.I am writing in depth today, but I wanted to get these pictures up. They’re important.


This is cross posted from my Nikto Ne Zabyt (Memoriam for Russian Adoptees Murdered and Abused by their Forever Families) blog.Большое спасибо моим друзьям в Москве Свет и Кайл Китон (Windows to Russia) за эту статью. (Much thanks to my friends in Moscow Svet and Kyle Keeton (Windows to Russia) for this story. Breaking news out of Russia! Russian media reports that a 7-year old boy, adopted six months ago by an American couple, is now back in Russia after being “refused” by his Forever Family. Artem (Artyom) Saveliev, adopted name Artem (Artyom) Justin Hansen, arrived in Moscow last Saturday on a flight from Washington accompanied only by a note from his Forever Mother, Torry Hansen, saying she’d been “mislead” by Russian authorities, the adoption was a “mistake” and she was abandoning–er–I mean, returning him. She asked that the adoption be “disannulled.” Artem’s situation was discovered at immigration control when he told authorities he had flown in by himself. The note was found in his pocket. You can read it here. RT Russian Television reports: That’s the letter the boy had with him, where his adopted mother says that she is disappointed, that she is sorry, that she sees that Continue Reading →

Laura Silsby: Will God Overcome All This?

I’m in the middle of real Work Hell at the moment and am weeks behind on my Haiti work. I did want to post this recent quote from Silsby, though: God will release me. I’m confident that God will overcome all of this and ultimately enable me to be released,” Silsby said during the interview that was taped several days before Easter. So what does this do to Silsby’s faith if God doesn’t “overcome all of this?” Does this mean that Judge Bernard Saint-vil and the Haitian courts, even in shambles, are more powerful than God? Or will she blame it on Voudou?


It is imperative that people show up in Springfield next Tuesday. This just in from Illinois Open: Illinois HB 5428 is on the move again. A hearing on HB 5428 will be held by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, April 13th at 2:30 pm in the Capital 400 Springfield – Springfield, IL Contact: [email protected] [email protected] An action alert is forthcoming and will be posted here as soon as I get it. Don’t let the State of Illinois create more layers of adoption bureaucracy. Don’t let the State of Illinois gut your right to unrestricted access to your birth certificate.


Sneaky Sara Feigenholtz’s HB 5428, the Illinois Adoption CI/Registry Cash Cow Protection Act, has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee. This is very bad. Of the 11 members of the Judiciary Committee, two are Senate sponsors: Judiciary Committee Chair AJ Wilhelmi and Ira Silverstein. Other powerful members of the committee are Majority Caucus Whips Terry Link and Don Harmon. Harmon is also the Assistant Majority Leader. And don’t forget, Sara Feigenholtz’s mentor, John Cullerton, is president of the Senate. HB 5428 could be a slam dunk for Sneaky Sara and her adoptee-soaking special interests unless its stopped now. If passed, while other states continue to unseal our original birth certificates and free them from pinch-nosed bureaucrats and politicians without controls and restrictions, Illinois adoptees will be tied up in a ball of red tape for decades. All to fill somebody’s pockets. So far, no Senate hearings have been announced, but then none in the House were announced either, though the bill in its earlier identical forms had huge opposition from adoptee rights advocates. This time around, without public announcement and airing, no one knew this travesty, introduced as a unctuous shell, even existed until it passed the House. Sara Continue Reading →


The other day I got an email from the National Council for Adoption announcing its new and improved website. Sort of a launch into its 30th anniversary celebration capped off in July by its annual conference (Note to Chuck Johnson: I’ll be there. I promise to behave if you promise to keep adoption attachment whacko Karyn Purvis from speaking again–and please–no baby massage this time!) The conference is followed in November by The Bow Tie and Pearls gala at the Willard where the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute will be given NCFA’s Friend of Adoption Award. I can already hear Dr. Pierce jumping on heaven’s trapdoor over that one. Me, too. The website announcement included this curious greeting from NCFA’s acting CEO Chuck Johnson: Whether you are a birthparent, an adoptive family, adoption agency, a representative of the government, the media, or you are simply a person interested in adoption, you will know exactly where to click to find the information you’re looking for.” –Chuck Johnson, NCFA vice president and chief operating officer Thank you Chuck for admitting finally that after 30 years of posturing to the contrary, NCFA, offers nothing to bastards and adoptees. (“Birthmothers” will have to take Continue Reading →


Missouri lawmakers preach that adoptees getting their own birth certificates is a gross invasion of privacy, but say that mandated criminal investigations into the sex lives of the state’s teenage girls isn’t. Tuesday the Missouri House passed HB 1327, which if it becomes law, would require abortion clinics to inform prosecutors when women under the age of 18 inquire, about getting an abortion. They don’t have to get one; just ask about it. Of course this is for their own good. And ours. From KMOV-TV, St. Louis: Supporters say the intent is to help identify men who may have impregnated teens through rape. Other parts of the bill would create a new crime of coercing a woman to obtain an abortion and expand the information that must be provided to a woman 24 hours before an abortion. The Associated Press reports further: Missouri’s proposed mandate to inform prosecutors about minors seeking abortions could be a first nationally if it became law, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks reproductive-rights issues. Missouri law already requires the consent of the minor and a parent, guardian or judge before a physician performs an abortion on someone younger than 18. It also requires abortion Continue Reading →


IMPORTANT CORRECTIONRE: CONTACT INFO IL HB 5428 Evidently, Illinois does not have any legislative email system. Our colleagues report that every single one of the emails published in our first Action Alert came back as undeliverable. Therefore, the ways to reach an elected official is by phone, FAX, or snail mail. (The latter might work because we are told that the Senate is not reconvening until April 13th.) We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. In an effort to try and spread the word about this bill, you might want to send your letter to some newspapers at the same time. Still one letter – but the string of email addresses is for newspapers around the state. The newspaper info appears under the Senators’ revised contact information. Senate Sponsors: Senator A. J. Wilhelmi (D)43rd DistrictSpringfield Office:Senator 43rd District311A Capitol BuildingSpringfield, IL 62706(217) 782-8800 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (217) 782-8800 end_of_the_skype_highlightingDistrict Office:2200 Weber RoadCrest Hill, IL 60403(815) 207-4445 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (815) 207-4445 end_of_the_skype_highlighting(815) 207-4446 FAX Senator Ira I. Silverstein (D) 8th DistrictMajority Caucus WhipSpringfield Office:Senator 8th District121B Capitol BuildingSpringfield, IL 62706(217) 782-5500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (217) 782-5500 end_of_the_skype_highlighting(217) 782-5340 FAXDistrict Office:2951 West DevonChicago, IL 60659(773) 743-5015 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (773) 743-5015 end_of_the_skype_highlighting(773) 743-4750 FAX Continue Reading →


Did you know that the Illinois Legislative page does not list email addys? Addys are not posted on the “contact” page and my personal sampling of leggies personal pages shows only one pol (Sara Feigenholtz, no less) who has an email contact listed. The few addys we do have don’t work. What could this possibly mean? I’ve held up posting the BN action alert due to this…er…problem. We’ve got phone numbers, faxes and mail addresses.