Bastardette’s Back!

I’ve been pretty much wiped out this month with bronchitis (again) I went to the Hard Rock with it, came back with it, and kept it. I’ve wasted nearly the whole month reading my collection of James M. Cain novels and playing computer games on FB. I think this are better, so I’m back. I’ve got plenty to say. And don’t get me started on Obama’s bc and Donald Trump. Actually, I am started, and that’s what I’ll be writing about.

Rhode Island: Bastard Nation Testimony – in Support – H5453

TESTIMONY SB 5453 an act to permit adoptees to obtain a non-certified copy of their original birth certificates Rhode Island House Judiciary Committee April 12, 2011 SUPPORT Privilege is the opposite of rights Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization is the largest adoptee civil rights organization in the United States. We support full, unrestricted access for all adopted persons, upon request, of their own true, unaltered original birth certificates (OBC). We fully support HB 5453 and its companion S0361. We support no other bill in either chamber. ****** Bastard Nation is delighted to endorse and support SB 5453, a bill that restores the right of all Rhode Island adopted persons, without restrictions or conditions, to access their original birth certificates upon request. SB 5453 is inclusive. The bill, as written, is a simple-to-understand measure that recognizes the presumed right of all Rhode Island adults–adopted and not adopted– to unrestricted access and ownership of their true birth certificates. SB 5453 is about rights not reunion. It is about the relation of adoptees to the state. Search and reunion are personal matters outside of government control and mediation. SB 5453 maintains the current level of adoption “confidentiality” and practice. Adoption records are Continue Reading →


I don’t care if this IS a commercial! I’m waiting for the professional adoption class to file a complaint about it. After all, if the Care Bears and Anne of Green Gables offends…and Who’s Your Daddy and Orphan (and here) will kill off adoption, (no pun intended) …this is bound to make adopted clean slates feel like second class citizens. Bloodlines indeed! “It’s my turn.”

Missouri SB 351: Passes Senate; Bastard Subservience in the Name of Protection and Shame Continues

Really bad SB 351 passed the Senate yesterday. I don’t have the count right now. While the passage of this bill is enough bad news for one day, new language has been added to the perfected bill to make the day even darker: If the biological parents have consented to the release of identifying information under subsection [11] 10 of this section, the court shall disclose such identifying information to the adopted adult or the adopted adult’s lineal descendants if the adopted adult is deceased. If the biological parents were married to each other at the time of the request for identifying information or at the time of death of one of the biological parents, the information shall not be released until the death of the surviving biological parent, unless the surviving biological parent consents to such release. In other words: more restrictions, more red tape, and more third party consents to keep bastards subservient to the state and our birth records locked up. It’s worth noting that SB 351 and its companion HB 427 are supported by Missouri Catholic Charities. Below is a comment we received on Bastard Nation’s testimony entry posted on the Daily Bastardette: Yes, SB 351 Continue Reading →

Rhode Island: Providence Journal Supports Clean Bill S0361/H5453!

From the editorial page of today’s Providence Journal: People in the Senate have been blocking change on a number of fronts. For instance, the Senate leadership last year absurdly wanted to change the bill to allow access to original birth certificates only to those 18 or over and born after Jan. 1, 2011! That largely defeats the purpose of the clean bill above… We implore the Senate to stop holding up this legislation. It should promptly pass Senate Bill 0361 (the sister House version is H 5453) and let adoptees know this vital information about themselves. Read the entire editorial and voice your support at the link above! H5453 will be heard in RI House Judiciary on April 12. Bastard Nation will submit our support testimony this week and later post it on Daily Bastardette and the Bastard Nation blog page. For more information on submitting your own written testimony for H5453 contact: Roberta Di Mezza Committee Secretary 401-222-2258 Also contact Judiciary Committee members. Go here now for our action alert and committee contact information. Make Rhode Island #7! ADDENDA: I was in a hurry yesterday and forgot the add the caveat that the editorial stresses medical history–again. It is Continue Reading →

April 1 News Flash: National Council for Adoption Disbands, Regroups as National Council for Adoption Abolition. Will Unseal all OBCs Immediately!

This just in! The National Council for Adoption has announced that it has ceased its 31-year promotion of adoption. As of April 1, the organization will be known as NCFAA: the National Council for Adoption Abolition. It’s first act will be to order states to open immediately, the original birth certificates of all adoptees with no condition. “It’s the least we can do. Our shameful acts have destroyed the lives of millions” says NCFAA president and CEO, Chuck Johnson. “We need to make amends. Whether they want them or not, we’re going to make sure that every adoptee in the United States receives ASAP a certified copy of their OBC.” Johnson says that NCFAA is so excited about its new mission that it will pay the cost of reproduction, certification, and FedExing of all documents. In addition to unsealing OBCs, within six weeks of April 1, NCFAA plans to open regional adoption abolition re-education camps for adoption agents, lawyers, and facilitators as well as Catholic Bishops, Mormons, civil libertarians, and coerced-pregnancy advocates. Special adoption abolition intensives for politicians are planned in each state starting with New Jersey, Missouri, Texas, California, Utah, and Florida. Utah politicians will receive special instruction on Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation Action Alert: Support Rhode Island HB 5453. Write today!

BASTARD NATION ACTION ALERT RHODE ISLAND HB 5453 PLEASE FORWARD FREELY. Support HB 5453 – Clean Bill! Make Rhode Island #7 HB 5453, a bill to allow any adoptee 18 years or older to obtain a copy their original birth certificate upon written application, with no conditions or restrictions, will be heard before the RI House Judiciary Committee on April 12 (moved from April 5). An identical companion bill, SB 0361 has been introduced in the Senate, but has not been scheduled yet. Read bill: Status/History: Please write to Judiciary Committee members today and urge them to support the bill as written with no restrictions. HOUSE JUDICDIARY COMMITTEE: Edith H. Ajello, Chairperson: [email protected](401) 274-7078 Christopher R. Blazejewski: [email protected]) 484-8814 Jon D. Brien: [email protected](401) 766-9887 Michael W. Chippendale: [email protected](401) 497-4495 Doreen Marie Costa: [email protected](401) 206-6891 John J. DeSimone: [email protected](401) 454-1400 Robert E. Flaherty, Secretary: [email protected](401) 781-7200 Donald J. Lally Jr.: [email protected](401) 792-9090 Charlene Lima: [email protected](401) 222-2258 Michael J. Marcello, Vice Chairperson: [email protected] (co-sponsor)(401) 647-5905 Peter F. Martin: [email protected](401) 924-2402 Richard P. Morrison: [email protected](401) 222-2258 J. Patrick O’Neill: [email protected](401) 475-0265 Michael A. Tarro: [email protected](401) 272-8300(401) 272-5060 Secretary: Roberta DimezzaPhone: (401)222-2258 OR [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Continue Reading →

Missouri HB 351: Bastard Nation Submitted Testimony – OPPOSE

Tuesday, the Missouri Senate Health, Mental Health, Seniors, and Families Committee held a hearing on it’s greatly flawed SB 351. (text, status/history) Bastard Nation, through our long-time member Carla McBrine as able to submit our opposition testimony in person. Unfortunately, the committee voted the bill out of committee (I haven’t been able to find the roll call vote) and the bill is headed for the Senate. At this time, we don’t know if it will be scheduled for a vote. The session ends May 13. TESTIMONY SB 351: access to identifying information for adoptions original birth certificate Missouri Senate Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee March 29, 2011 OPPOSE Privilege is the opposite of rights Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization is the largest adoptee civil rights organization in the United States. We support full, unrestricted access for all adopted persons, SB 351. Under current Missouri law, the original birth certificates of all Missouri adoptees are sealed and cannot be released to the adoptee except by court order and only with the consent of both the biological and adoptive parents. This 4-signature consent represents the most restrictive OBC access law in the United States. For as long as we Continue Reading →

Madonna Update: Mercy Leaves Orphan Look Behind

Remember Mercy James, Madonna’s latest Malawian acquisition, and how worried we were about her? While working on something else today I found a recent picture of the youngest Ciccone that certainly puts my mind at ease, and I’m sure it will yours, too. Through the modern miracle of adoption, Mercy has gone from the unfashionable orphan look: to the fashionable internationally adopted by a celebrity look: She’s been spared Suri’s high heels, but what’s in the purse? Meanwhile sister Lourdes and the entrepreneurial Mama have released a new teen line of clothes, Material Girl. At least they’re affordable. Can a Mercy line for the internationally adopted be far behind? For more on Madonna check her on out on my bottom right sidebar Yakkity Yak.