It’s probably a coincidence that National Adoption (Awareness) Month and Thanksgiving both fall in November. It is also fortuitous since it gives the adoption industry and its ancillaries the opportunity, like every other business, to cash in on Black Friday, that strangely named day-after-Thanksgiving Big Sale Day that has overtaken George Day (Washington’s birthday) in popularity and spending and
prole consumer riots on the floors of Walmart and Best Buy. Is there anything more American?
Not according to the US baby acquisition folks.
Last week Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc announced a Black Friday sale on all of its swag. Since the organization “unfortunately” (its words ) can’t place their Box Babies into Forever Families itself, and is stuck with state agencies and private adoption agents doing the work it so wants to do, the alternative is to sell its own promotional goods to fill its coffers.
Now’s your chance to get one of your favorite ‘Hands of Hope Collection’ T-Shirts for our Black Friday Prices! Now through Sunday, all of our Hands of Hope T-shirts are marked down to $10 a piece. A great stocking stuffer for your friends and family! Go to the link below to purchase now:

Then there’s Black Friday Babies. RG Adoption Consulting (I’d not be surprised if others follow suit) offers a Black Friday $500 discount on all adoption services. Hurry Hurry get you baybee while they last! (Thanks to Dr Michele Merritt for posting this on Twitter!)

Then there’s Black Friday Surrogacy, which I wrote about during NAM/NAAM 2021:

Oy vey izmir! Excuse me while I clutch my pearls. Safe Haven Baby Boxes would like nothing more than to get a piece of the pie, but is limited by pesky law–not to mention ethics such as they are–from taking a gobble. Adoption brokers and agents offer holiday discounts. And surrogacy businesses….will arrange a designer baby. I’ve often said that contemporary adoption practice is the bad marriage of the worst parts of capitalism and socialism. I think capitalism is getting the edge.
Who says adoption isn’t commodification?
(No, it will never be X!)
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now!