The history of adoption, like our own individual history as adoptees is often hidden, forgotten or never recorded. While we recover our own pasts and the rights taken from us, it is also important to recover the lost history of adoption. It is part of us. We own it.
When we think of Chinese-US cross border adoption, for instance, we think of the 1990s and beyond. The truth is, the “placement” of Chinese children to the US began much earlier, in the 1950s, when Chinese refugee children from Hong Kong were sent to the United States to be adopted by Chinese-American and American couples.
News to you? It was to me! Google “Hong Kong Project” and see what you come up with.

Prof. Choy is not adopted. She developed an interest in Asian-US adoption when Korean-American adoptees, trying to fill in some blanks in their histories, took her classes in Asian Studies at the University of Minnesota.
Her lecture at OSU was taken from her research for Global Families, the book she is currently writing, under contract with New York University Press. She describes the book on her webpage:
While recent books claim that adoption is transforming America, the international turn in American adoption—its historical origins in U.S. wars in Asia, the controversial rise of its popularity in the United States, and the emergent body of cultural production by adult Asian international adoptees—is poorly documented. “Global Families” explores the international adoption of Japanese children by American families in the post-World War II period and of Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese children during the Cold War. It analyzes the distinctive role that this history plays in expanding what counts as Asian American experience and identity and in confronting the contradictions of U.S. immigration history.
I don’t intend to go into Prof. Choy’s lecture in great detail; rather I’ll report some of the hidden history of adoption she’s uncovering. (I took extensive notes and as usual, can’t read some of them!) I am responsible for any errors that occur here.
Prof Choy has been working extensively, (though not exclusively) with the archives of International Social Services-US Board (ISS-US) to uncover this part of adoption and Asian-American history. ISS, an international organization, was created in the 1920s to serve the increasing number of families involved in international situations such as custody, paternity, and separation through war. Adoption was not part of it’s original services but became a natural addition due to the growing number of mixed race Japanese and Korean children made available for adoption due to US (and European) military occupation in Asia (and elsewhere) after World War 2 and during the Korean War.
Emerging as an international power at the end of the war, Americans liked to see themselves as “globalists.” Unlike the “racialized” Far East where mixed-race children suffered social ostracism and often abuse, Americans were color blind ( at least according to IA pioneers Harry and Bertha Holt) and “forward thinking.” International adoption was seen as a modern way to create a family and a method to help children in need. Those IA families served as a powerful visual of the United States as a tolerant, multi-cultural nation. At the same time Americans flocked to adopt Asian children, however, black children in the US were unadoptable and foster care stigmatized.
Prof. Choy pointed out that children fathered by American soldiers in Japan and Korea were presented (marketed?) to paps because they were half-American, making their adoption more acceptable. Maybe paps saw adoption as a sort of repatriation or civic duty. The Holts argued that race made no difference to children or adopters. ISS-USA, which had decades-long experience in social services, knew it did–one of many differences between ISS-USA and like-minded international service agencies and the American adoption industry that continue today.

In 1954, a symposium was held (I didn’t record the name or location) to discuss transnational/transracial adoption that specifically addressed issues of cultural diversity, the necessity or importance of maintaining cultural identity and traditions, racism within the adoptive family and community, and assessment of adopter ability to deal with problems that would arise with the adoption of an “oriental child.” Of course, all of this sounds very contemporary and unfortunately still controversial.
ISS-US established the Hong Kong Project in response to the interest in the Hong Kong’s refugee children. In 1955 only 4 refugee children were processed for adoption. In 1959 139 were processed, overshadowing the 49 Koreans and 26 Japanese also sent to the US. In 1961, with much publicity, the US received it’s 500th Hong Kong adoptee. The 1962 airlift of 48 children from HK to Los Angeles received international publicity, with one newspaper reporting under the headline: “Bamboo Curtain Tots Arrive.” In 1962 another 114 Asian (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) adoptions were processed with only 89 white Europeans. That year also marked the beginning of the decline of the Hong Kong Project due to HK’s increased economic stability, the expansion of social services, and the development of domestic adoption programs.
US international adoption, as I wrote about earlier in Operation Pedro Pan. and related blogs, needs to be viewed in the political context of the Cold War where children and child welfare were used for propaganda, political, and humanitarian (or thereabouts) purposes. IA was linked to refugee resettlement and strategic immigration, and, to cast the US as a helper nation. Prof Choy did not bring up any nefarious intent as we saw with Pedro Pan.

Fifty years later, those same attacks are made on individuals and organizations that demand ethical childcare and adoption over expediency and money–the latest example the adoption rush in Haiti. Go to my blog End Child Exportation and Trafficking in Haiti to find entries and links regarding the attacks by drive-by child savers and missionaries on SOS Children’s Villages and UNICEF.
Prof. Choy’s paper was much more detailed and nuanced that this report. I did however want to share this little known history with readers. It’s important stuff.
Excellent, isn’t it great to see someone who is not adopted or a mother involved in this area?
So agree on the importance of adoption history not being lost, so much is hidden and purposely concealed.
Invaluable, Marley.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write that up.
Deeply appreciated.
I had absolutely no idea that adoptions from China occurred prior to 1992. Thank you so much for sharing this information.