I know this will bring a grateful tear to your eye.
Bethany Christian Services, in celebration of National Adoption Awareness Month, is sponsoring a 30-Days of Prayer event. On November 8 (sorry, I missed this until now) the agency offered this prayer especially for Class Bastard:
You are not alone in your pain. Walking with God does not mean you will never weep. It means that you will never weep alone. Today, we pray for adoptees grieving the loss of their biological families, countries, and cultures.
And it’s not even April Fool’s Day.
Bethany, the worst Big Box Agency in the world, has separated tens of thousands of families and now it wants to help us “grieve” over the losses it has facilitated –and made how much in the process? A $billlion? Bethany cries, on the backs of its victims, all the way to the bank.
To add insult to injury: All those druggie bmoms (November 7, 2020):

Prayer creates opportunities for God to show up, to move, and to do what only he can. Let’s pray for God’s presence in a birth parents’ journey to one day reunite with a child they placed for adoption years ago.

Does this mean Bethany is praying for the unsealing of all adoption records in the US? Pass me your ‘shrooms, Bethany.
And while I”m at it, as of October 31, Bethany has raised $300,000 in its Family Money Changes Everything pimp-a-thon I wrote about 2 weeks ago. It’s a start. Do you have any idea whom you’e donating to?
Bethany’s two 2019 Form 990s are also published on its webpage (earlier 990s are available on Guidestar. They reveal the total compensation for high-level executives :
- $864,000 Reportable compensation from the organization
- $517,000 Reportable compensation related to the organization
- $195,662 Estimated amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations
Grand Total payout to Bethany Bosses: $1,500,000.
Bethany would be a little more digestible (but just a little) if it just came out full-bore capitalist for-profit and stopped clothing itself in Christian evangelism and “good works. “But then, hypocrisy is profitable.
Class Bastard doesn’t need thoughts and prayers from Bethany Christian Services. We need Bethany to shut up and go out of business, Close your bank account and send your money to Bastard Nation and other affiliated adoptee-led groups and allies who are state-by-state, law-by-law dismantling your decades of shit and misery.