NEVER MIND: I no sooner got this up than we learned that the bill is DEAD. RIP HB 1223, SB 152 and South Dakota’s civil rightless bastards. South Dakota HB 1223 was defeated Friday and is supposedly being reconsidered today. Please go to below to the original action alerts and send a message of support for a clean bill and reconsideration. It’s been very confusing. The bill’s sponsor who claimed to want a clean bill, voted YAY for the corrupted amended version and the sponsor of the corrupted version voted NAY against his own amendment! Please contact the House and asked members to (1) strike the amendment on the floor (2) if the amendment is not struck on the floor, urge members to vote NO. Contact information: Here is my letter: I understand that HB 1223 is scheduled for reconsideration today. This bill started as a clean bill to restore the right of all South Dakota adoptees to access, with no restrictions, their own pre-adoption (originial) birth certificate upon request. The bill was amended with adisclosure veto (under a false title of “birthparent contact preference,”) that creates a special right for birthparents to ban access–a special right that no Continue Reading →