Our Future is in Our Hands: A message from Ron Morgan; support James Lane

The recent news stories,documenting  adoptee abuse in great detail, is an opportunity for us to strike for our rights.  While I’m writing up Bastard Nation response  I’m posting a very important message from Ron Morgan. Take the fire and run with it!  Ron Morgan: Well, it’s happened again. The media reacts to a breaking story revealing the maltreatment of adoptees by interviewing a bunch of non-adoptees. PBS gave Adam Pertman of the Adoption Institute a forum to react to the bomb-shell Reuters “re-homing” series, and you know what he said? “Derp, I didn’t know!!!”This is why it is CRUCIAL for us to support candidates who understand, embrace and advocate for Adoptee Rights. James Lane is a Late Discovery Adoptee running for New York City Public Advocate. James Lane deserves our support.Don’t sit on your hands while so-called experts and self-described advocates use their positions of POWER to pontificate about our rights!This is NO JOKE, people. As adoptees our future is in our hands. Write letters, demonstrate, button-hole your legislators, but take a couple of minutes to click on the link below and DONATE to an adoptee running to be our ADVOCATE! Donate to James Lane today!https://votejameslane.nationbuilder.com/donateAnd if YOU ARE INTERESTED Continue Reading →


Anybody who doesn’t know that politics is crime has got a few screws loose. ….James EllroyTonight, one of the brightest Bastard lights went dim. Ron Morgan, aka B. B. Church, has retired from the movement I cannot tell you how sad this announcement is for us. Ron has been around longer than almost anyone. He predates Bastard Nation. I first met him on AIML around 1995 and immediately loved his brilliance, his humor, his cut-to-the-core style. Ron is the heart of the adoptee rights movement. He is the Heart of the Bastard. Ron has been our Real Politiker. He knows how things really work, not how we think they should work or want them to work. Ron is a theorist, a philosopher, a writer. Our blood poet. Ron understands AdoptionLand dirt and corruption. He’s walked the gutter. Ron is one of the few masculine voices heard above the cacophony of the girrrly girl world of adoption reform. Maybe that’s the problem. Sometimes shit happens. As Ron writes tonight on his blog: I am simply posting tonight to announce that I am no longer participating in the Day for Adoptee Rights event. The event is still going on without me, I Continue Reading →


Bastardette received a post this morning from her favorite adoptee activist and shit kicker, Ron Morgan, director of the Adoptee Rights Organzing Project in San Francisco and organizer of the “notorious” Honk if You’re My Daddy event at Studio City in LA last January. Referring to Bastardette’s The Great White North Snows Adoptees, (see below) Ron brings up excellent points regarding the ethical implications of Mr. Anonymous Adopter’s secrets and shame letter and Member Klees’s reading of it into the record. Since when should personal pathology be elevated to public policy? With Ron’s permission I am posting the entire letter below. —– Original Message —–From: “Ron Morgan” Sent: Thursday, May 05, :32 PMSubject: ] Appalling testimony in Ontario Legislative Assembly > Hello everyone,>> I’m writing tonight to bring your attention to testimony read into> the record during a debate in the Legislative Assembly of> Ontario, Canada, over a bill that would change regulations> regarding access to adoption records.>> Personally, I don’t support the bill in question, neither does> Assembly Member Klees, who introduced the letter into the> record. However, I find the letter deeply troubling. Here is the> URL for the portion of the debate that contains the letter:> http://www.ontla.on.ca/hansard/house_debates/38_parl/Session> Continue Reading →