Who Got the Vote in AdoptionLand Poll: Results are in!

The results are in on Bastaradette’s Unscientific Who Got the Vote in AdoptionLand  Poll.  Not surprisingly Romney lost  to Obama by a landslide of  37-1. Due to the Blogger poll set-up, I had to do three separate “ballots” for  Bastards, Bio Parents of Bastards and Adoptive Parents of Bastards. Forty-seven Bastardette readers replied.  Here are the results: Bastards  (Total votes:  33) Obama 27 (81%) Romney 0 Stein 1  (3%) Johnson 3 (9%) Vermin Supreme 0 Other 0 Nobody 2 (6%) Biological Parents of Bastards  (Total votes: 10) Obama: 8 (80%) Romney 0 Stein 1 (10%) Johnson 0 Vermin Supreme  1 (10%)Other 0 Nobody 0 Adoptive Parents of Bastards (Total vote: 4) Obama 1 (25%) Romney 1 (25%) Stein 1 (25%) Johnson 1 (25%) Vermin Supreme 0 Other 0 Nobody 0 Totals:  47 votes (rounded off) Obama: 36 (72%) Romney 1 (4%) Stein 3 (6%) Johnson  4 (8%) Vermin Supreme 1 (4%) Other 0 Nobody (4%) Interesting how Bastards and their Bios voted so closely.  The one adoptive parent vote for Romney skewed the percentages, but Obama still came out with a 72%  victory,  which I suppose means that adoptee rights advocates think Obama and  Democrats in their state legislatures are Continue Reading →

Bastard Demographic Poll: Who Got the AdoptionLand Vote?

Thanks heavens the election is over!. Living in a swing state  I’ve been deluged for the last few days with phone calls from and Mr and Mrs Mittens,  Rick Santorum, Mike  Huckaabee, Clint Eastwood, Pat Boone  (a distant relative through adoption),  the Big O couple, and numerous underlings.  Frankly, I’m impressed that I’m so important. Watching  the returns tonight–I forget on what station–I saw a demographic run down of who voted for whom.  White single women, married Christians,  20 something Hispanics ,etc. This got me wondering about Bastard democraphics.  From Facebook  it appears Obama got the Bastard Vote, (e didn’t get mine, but neither did Roimney, I voted for Gary Johnson and Vermin Supreme (left) for VP).  To facilitate my curiosity I created a Bastardette Poll in  upper left-hand corner. Blogger won’t let me do anything fancy, so I created 3 polls.  One for bastards, one for first parents, and one for adoptive parents. I tried to extend the poll to the end of the month but the app wouldn’t let me, so it closes around 4:30 AM on November14 around 4:30 AM.  The poll is anonymous, but if you;d like to post here whom you voted for and  why, Continue Reading →