Here’s the letter I wrote to the Orlando Sentinel regarding David Bundy’s claim that the Florida Children’s Home Society promises anonymity to women who place their children for adoption. Please go over to the site (link above) and add your own comments–or write a letter. To the Editor: David Bundy, CEO of the Florida Children’s Home Society claims that parents who place their children are guaranteed anonymity (Nov. 18). Under what authority does Mr. Bundy make this promise? In the 30 year War Against Adoptees, the adoption industry has been force feeding this mythical promise to lawmakers and the public in an effort hide their own misdeeds. They have been unable, however, to present one single document or other evidence that shows these “guarantees.” Original birth records are sealed when an adoption is ordered, not when parental rights are terminated. If the child is not adopted, the birth records remain unsealed. During the relinquishment and adoption process, names and other identifying information about biological parents are often posted in legal ads in newspapers and appear on court documents given to adoptive parents. The not-adopted need not justify why they want their vital records. They have a presumed right to their Continue Reading →


Sunday, two adoption shills, NCFA crony Aaron Britvan and Florida Children’s Home Society David Bundy, crawled out of their cabbage patch to complain about the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute’s “For the Records” report issued last week which recommended the opening of adoption records to all adult adoptees. I obviously have problems with the report, but I’ve also got a problem with adoptacrats who write to newspapers, grinding their fangs because the beneficiaries of their hard work don’t sufficiently appreciate their efforts to disengage us from our identities and rights. And first mothers….it’s a wonder, at least according to these bullies, that the poor “vulnerable” dears answer their phones for fear of what BBB’s (Bastards Behaving Badly) might do. After all, our moms (why don’t these hacks ever mention dads?) were “promised anonymity.” Did they sign the papers in invisible ink? Anonymity? Bastardette must be dense. I thought it was all about “confidentiality” and “privacy” But then, since the advent of legalized baby dumping (what the adoption class nicely calls “Safe Haven laws”) we’ve seen a conflation of these two Axis of Evil favorites with their new favorite “promise”: anonymity. Or maybe these guys think they’re all the same thing.If Continue Reading →