I know this is not serious Haiti news, but I just had to comment. As if things can’t get any worse in Haiti, now comes attention whore and obsessive tweeter Tila Tequila announcing she intends to adopt two (or three) Haitian “orphans.” Of course this wouldn’t happen even if hell freezes over. Numerous sources report that Tequila, apparently recovered from her suicidal tendencies over the December death of so-called fiancee Casey Johnson and her thwarted “attempt” to adopt Johnson’s adopted daughter (another hell freezes over impossibility) tweeted her orphan saving intent yesterday. Last month I wrote about the Casey Johnson adoption scandal here. My favorite headline is Hollywood Gossip’s Tila Tequila Threatens Haitian Orphans with Adoption. Her tweets include (original spelling) I will adop 2 children from HAITI….I’m going to try to do that ASAP! Those poor babies ! Mommy is coming to rescue u my Angels! xoxox.I am going to have 2 biological babies of my own, then adopt 3 other babies who need a home! TILA FOR PRESIDENT!!!!For real 4 real Im filing papers now to adopt a child…a boy around 2 years old!! I’m sooooooo excited! AHHH oops! I wasn’t supposed 2 tell u that!” Aceshowbiz reported Continue Reading →


Please distribute freely For the last week, Bastard Nation, like the rest of the world, has been watching the devastation of Haiti. The images are frightening, sad, and heartrending, especially those of the children. We have also watched with alarm the rush to rescue Haitian children by adoption. Within three days of the earthquake, Catholic Charities of Miami had set up a scheme modeled on Operation Pedro Pan, a joint State Department-CIA-Miami Diocese project in the early 1960s to separate children from their parents, creating young pawns in the US war against the Castro government. Although “Operation Pierre Pan” in Haiti is on hold, at least for now, numerous evangelical churches and ministries, adoption agencies, secular organizations, unfinalized adoptive parents and other individuals–many with conflicts of interest–have joined the rescue mission call to remove children immediately, no matter what their family status, to the US for the purpose of adoption. Haiti is still under rubble. Aid is slow to arrive. Survivors are spread out in shelters and camps, or live in the streets. The dead are unnumbered, unknown, and unnamed. Family members continue to search for each for other, and it will take weeks or even months for final conciliation. Continue Reading →