CHIFF: Voices for Vietnam Adoption Integrity Opposes CHIFF. Read the statement!

Today, Christina from VVVAI published an amazing statement from the group: Why We Oppose CHIFF: A Misguided Bill With Misaligned Priorities. The statement lays out everything that is wrong with this horrendous adoption industry-driven attempt to circumvent the Hague and other international adoption safeguards and send separate thousands of children from their families, homes, and culture. It is most appropriate that this statement comes from those that CHIFFters claim to serve: international adoptive parents and potential international adopters. Continue Reading →

“Sip & See” Celebration: Gladney’s Legacy of Love for “birthmothers”

I like the idea of a birthmother tea. I imagine proper women in white gloves and pill box hats perched at well-appointed card tables sipping Lady Earl Gray from finely painted china cups, delicately munching scones with strawberry jam while they discuss Downton Abbey. Continue Reading →

The Smell of Mendacity: Mary Landrieu says “No CHIFF. No Citizenship” Deport the old; import the new

Landreiu. you see, has been instrumental in holding up the Immigration bill to twist the arms of international adoptees and their organizations whom she loves in to supporting CHIFF.

Kevin Haeboom Vollmers blew the lid off this last week in his Adoptees Rock blog Senator Mary Landrieus’ Big Diss Of The International Adoptee Community It has not gotten the AdoptionLand attention that it should. so I’m boosting it here. Continue Reading →

May 4th 1970: When the political becomes the personal

My boyfriend, G, was one of the Kent 25. The 25s’ names were never released, but we knew who they were.

G is listed in FBI records as a high school student. He was not. He was an Army veteran, discharged 7 months earlier after a turn in Germany. Even though thousands of miles away from Viet Nam, the Army had taught G to hate the war. Continue Reading →

Top Ten Reasons to Oppose CHIFF

Distribute Freely!—Mo Flatley and the #stopchiff working group -working to make adoption better and safer for kids and families, both birth and adoptive

Reason #10 #stop chiff While adoptive parents may wait birth parents search for abducted kids

Reason #9 to #stopchiff The bill does nothing to address rehoming, a serious problem that puts kids at risk.

Reason #8 to #stopchiff Real adoption experts know #chiff won’t solve real problems in adoption.
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New Jersey. When is OBC access not? What kind of right denies itself?

No copy of the agreement, if it actually exists in writing, has been published, so we have only news reports to go by. So far, it appears that all the state’s adoptees will be able to receive a copy of their original birth certificate; but some OBCs will be mutilated by state bureaucrats to make a few disgruntled birthparents emotionally comfortable. I haven’t heard if it is only the parent(s) name that will be blacked out (as per the new Ohio law) or if the original name of the adoptee or other information that could be deemed as “identifying” will go, too. This is nothing more than the old black-out/white-scheme that’s been around for decades and rejected repeatedly. Until now.. Continue Reading →

“Making Interstate Adoption Easier.” Jeff Katz takes down CHIFF w/Bastardette commentary

CHIFF and its propagandists have refused to come up with an explanation (even a bad one) that would explain how international adoption, which they constantly claim to be humanitarian missions to rescue warehoused kids, cleans up the fostercare-adoption mess stateside that warehouses kids. In fact,CHIFFsters scrupulously avoid the issue outside of a vague, “every child deserves a family;” thus, unabashedly tossing American foster children into the dumpster while simultaneously scheming to scoop up allegedly unattached Third World “orphans” to drop behind our white picket fence. Continue Reading →