Freedom from Want. (2023, November 25). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_from_Want
I intended to post a fairly short blog today on how Students for Life,(SFL) co-opted adopted people for National Adoption Day this year (not for the first time) and to point out how it likes to link celebrities to the organization’s “pro-life” and adoption agendas, presumably without their consent. Things got in the way, and it wasn’t finished.
Instead, I will just post an exceedingly stupid Tweet from SFL president Kristan Hawkins, that suggests, for the 27,000th time that she might be prone to drunk posting.
Keep in mind that Hawkins is a member of the secretive elite rightwing Council for National Policy (CNP) (and here) jammed up with dark money and very politically powerful individuals.* and their organizations and businesses. CNP is funded in part by unpaid Trump adviser and former Executive VP of the Federalist Society, Leonard Leo, who wants to re-build the US in his own image.That Hawkins became a CNP member staggers the imagination. Other members may be awful people, but they must have something on some kind of ball to get to where they are today. Hawkins doesn’t.
Hawkins really outdid herself today:
I wonder, did any abortion advocates tell their families today to call the turkey in the oven a “potential” turkey as it wasn’t a “real” turkey until it came out of the oven?
For stuff like this, she pulls down, according to SFL’s 2021 990- form, a SFL salary package of $266,382 and another $36,041 in compensation from related organizations. Total = $303,423. (Guidestar-free registration required)
Leonard take note: I know you’re awfully busy trying to re-elect Trump and whipping the low-hanging masses into chaos, but you really should take some time out to read what your protege says in public. Why in the world are throwing money at this twit? Are you and the CNP slipping? According to The Trump File’s CNP page, it looks like Kelley Anne Conway, Steve Bannon, and Charlie Kirk, who says that Democrats are “sex craved perverts” who want to turn the US into “sexual anarchy,” have been signed on. Yes. The slip is apparent.
CNP membership is notoriously difficult to pin down, but here are a few former and current members taken from The Trump File’s CNP page.
- David Barton: Christian Nationalist; rejects separation of church and state; crackpot fake historian
- Gary Bauer, President, American Values; former President, Family Research Council; former Vice President, Focus on the Family (James Dobson)
- Jim Bopp – prominent rightwing attorney; attorney for National Right to Life; architect of Citizens United; attorney for Safe Haven Baby Boxes
- Nelson Bunker Hunt – Major funder of the John Birch Society; funded the National Endowment for the Preservation of Liberty involved in Iran-Contra; supported Strom Thurmond and George Wallace
- Wayne LaPierre – CEO and Executive Vice President, NRA
- E Roy Moore – Founder and President of Exodus Mandate, “a Christian ministry that encourages and assists Christians to leave “Pharoh’s School system”(government schools) for the “Promised Land of Christian schools or home schooling.”
- Judge Roy Stewart Moore – Former Chief Justice, Alabama Supreme Court where he was removed twice for judicial misbehavior; accused by several women of sexual assault when they were under-age. Best known for his refusal to remove a large block of granite engraved with the Ten Commandments from the Alabama Supreme Court which he installed in the middle of the night without the consent of Associate Justices
- Oliver North – Iran Contra
- Fr Frank Pavone: Former President, Priests for Life; dismissed from priesthood and laicized by the Vatican in 2022 for “blasphemous communications on social media” and “persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of the diocesan bishop; also accused of sexual harassment
- Tony Perkins – President, Family Research Council
- Erik Prince – Founder of the private military company Blackwater; currently president of private equity Frontier Resouce Group; brother of Betsy DeVos
- Ginni Thomas – Wife of US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
- Bill Walton – Trump transition team
An excellent book on the NPC and related shenanigans read Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right by Anne Nelson. Hawkins has a couple cameos.
November 26, 2023: lI just had to add another doozy that just showed up:
Keeping abortion out of the military isn’t hurting military readiness… but forcing COVID shots, attacking religious freedoms, and discharging good people sure did. Stand with Tuberville.
(No, it will never be X!)
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now!
Poke the Bear 2023
Day 24 — 6 Days to Go