I am struggling to get a needed project finished by midnight which I haven’t even started as well as to catch up with my NAAM postings. So I will keep this short tonight.
Cody McDevitt from Repro Rights NOW, published a blog today, which ties in a little bit with my Day 7 blog. Cody asks the question: Will Trump Keep His Promises on Abortion, IVF? Of course, expecting Trump to keep promises about anything is as likely as him dropping his grabbing-female- grabbablies hobby or foreswearing orange tanner.
I don’t follow IVF discussions closely. Generally, I don’t like IVF, but tend to remain neutral on it. I have enough on my plate without that. (35 years ago I worked with a lesbian who underwent IVF without her partner’s consent and knowledge while the partner was out of town. You know: a “surprise gift” to seal their relationship. It did not turn out well.)
Opponents of IVF are so cringe, however, so lately, I find myself, whipping off nasty comments at them on Twitter in the spirit of “your body, your choice” even if I also cringe at “choice” language.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump poses for photographs with a pair of babies during a campaign rally, Friday, July 29, 2016, in Colorado Springs, Colo. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Since I don’t follow IVF news, I was unaware that Trump has promised “free universal IVF treatments.” I do remember, however, his claim to be the “Father of IVF” which brings up the disturbing image of him whacking off into a kinky glass tube (or a sock) to pictures of Alina Habba or Laura Loomer.
But what the hell?
In our current capitalist money-grubbing healthcare system, I cannot imagine why IVF should be free. If it’s free, why not free pre- and post-natal care for all or even free newborn adoption for all? If the Trumper Gang has its way there will plenty of that product to go around. Free abortion, of course, would be out of the question.
Well, to quote Trump:
“Because we want more babies, to put it very nicely,”
And Trump, who never met an insurance company he didn’t want to pump up or a government entitlement he wanted to cut, said–you guessed it–insurance companies or the government (ie, taxpayers).
I wonder if future IVFers voted for him on his promise of a free baby?
A couple of years ago Cody was nice enough to interview me and post a blog on my opposition to Safe Haven Baby Boxes. Repro Rights NOW is a great daily blog with up-to-date news and commentary often on repro rights topics that don’t get a hearing in most media. I don’t know how he gets it out every day. NAAM is exhausting for me, and I don’t even have a real job I have to do first.
(No, it will never be X!)
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now!
Poke the Bear 2024
Day 8 — 22 Days to Go