I have some deadlines to try to meet for the next couple of days. NAAM blogging is taking hours of my time away from “real work” (though I consider this also “real work), and things aren’t getting done.
Besides dealing with brain-eating NAAM, a good part of my misfunction is because Donald Trump moved into my head more than 8 years ago, and he’s refused to move out, even after dozens of eviction notices. I believe that he has pigged his way into a lot other people’s heads, too, so I am not alone. As an oppositional researcher, among other things, however, I can’t ignore him or parboil his fat ass on the backburner while I take a breather and get my act together. I should take up stamp collecting or gardening to get balance, but if I do that I may not want to come back to the fray.
Anyway, during NAAM and beyond I plan to write some about Trump and his Criminal Family, incompetent nutbar associates, Project 2025 and any other malevolent plan that is exposed, and how they will impact adoptee rights and adoption in general if they go unheeded. Other adoptee activists I hope will follow suit.

“And standing there as big as life And smiling with his eyes Says Joe “What they could never kill Went on to organize Went on to organize” “I Dreamed I Saws Joe Hill Last Night. (Song by Earl Robinson)
So today just a word of advice. In the words of the great Joe Hill, Wobbly organizer and songwriter just before he was executed by the State of Utah nearly 115 years ago:
Don’t Mourn, Organize.
This is just the beginning.
(No, it will never be X!)
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now!