My Unicorn has Flown Away: Slight NAAM burnout

unicornFor the next couple days, I’ve got to work on my article for the Columbus Free Press about the HB 307, the new Ohio adoption bill.  I’ve got some fairly wacky stuff from Ohio Right to Life to add and a couple interviews to finish up the piece.. Then, cut it down from what I expect will be 1200 words+ to 800 words or less.  Hardly enough, but it will get the word out to a much larger audience. than here.

But, what am I missing?   Other people who have read HB 307 wonder the same thing? What’s the damn bill about?  Does anyone really believe that an individual or couple considering  putting their newborn up for adoption is discouraged from doing it  because paps don’t have a big enough  tax credit  from the State of Ohio?  Or that  finalization takes longer than 60 days?  Neither would occur to me. I live on Planet Earth. I might want, however, my own tax credit,  for having the kid and giving it up to  benevolent loving strangers. Oh, wait….I don’t want to put any ideas into ORTL’s head.

I am gong to try to talk to ORTL president Mike Gonidakis tomorrow and see if he can explain the philosophy behind this bizarre strategy..  My deadline is Monday evening, so there is plenty of time for an epiphany.

Alas! I fear I’m suffering from Early NAAM Burnout Syndrome tonight, too. So much to write about, so little interest in doing it. My unicorn has flown away. Is anyone else feeling burnt out by NAAM?

I need a pitcher of Bloody Marys.  Or maybe I’ll go read some Stendahl.  Anything but adoption.




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