Erggkkk! Bastardette is Back! I Think…

July has been unintended down time. It didn’t start out to be that way, but travel, the horrible heat ( air conditioning only in my bedroom and I hate typing in bed) and a yukky mystery ailment that’s kept my hands, arms, legs and feet (but not my middle) red, welty, blistery, scratchy, and scabby, reduced me to spending my time developing a relationship with re-runs of of Bones, NCSI and Mad Men marathons.

I’m back now. I think. The mystery ailment is not as severe and the weather is cooler. If Don Draper can come back, then I can. I don’t even need a prostitute to slap me around to get me here. Besides, there’s is so much to say.

I’ve been mulling over where to begin on my review of the Evan B. Donaldson’s double dealing For the Records 2, Then, there’s my trip to the Annual National Council for Adoption Conference (beware of Elizabeth I’m-a-Progressive Bartholet, the Evil Witch of Harvard). And how about that nutty op-ed in the Times of Trenton under the signature of the troglodyte New Jersey Coalition to Defend Privacy in Adoption: Open birth records will mean fewer adoptions that is almost enough to make me support piece-a-crap 799/1399/1406. And really. What IS wrong with fewer adoptions? And of course, the passing of adoption reform and adoptee rights pioneer, Annette Baran,

While I’m getting my groove back, I recommend you read Anita Field/Bastard Granny Annie’s fine EBD Report: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back.

If you’re from Cleveland, you know who this is!

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2 Replies to “Erggkkk! Bastardette is Back! I Think…”

  1. Come on already DB….I have been impatiently anticipating your next blog. I’m not much into TV series, but I am into “Daily Bastardette” and eagerly await the next ‘episode’.

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