Not due to Glenn Beck’s wanky adoption ideology, but good to hear– according to Media Matters and the Color of Change:

Three companies who run ads during Glenn Beck — NexisLexis-owned, Proctor & Gamble and Progressive Insurance — today distanced themselves from Beck. LexisNexis has pulled its advertising from Beck and says it has no plans to advertise on the program in the future. Both Proctor & Gamble and Progressive Insurance called the Beck advertising placements an error that they would correct.

Color of Change said in it’s press release:

The mobilization came after Beck called President Obama a “racist” who “has a deep-seated hatred for white people” during an appearance last Tuesday on “Fox and Friends.” More than 45,000 members responded to the call by signing a petition directed at advertisers, including LexisNexis-owned as well as Procter & Gamble.

What Beck is doing is race-baiting at its worst, it’s dangerous and it’s hard to imagine any company wanting their brand associated with it,” said James Rucker, executive director of “Beck has now shown that his extreme views are more appropriate for a street corner than a major media program. He no longer deserves the backing of mainstream advertisers.”

GEICO, Nutri-Systems, and UPS has not responded yet. Go here for more information.

UPDATE: Here are other advertisers still on the Beck bandwagon: Bowlfex, Nutrisystem, Gerber, UPS, Orbitz, Vontage, Ameritrade, and Verizon wireless

UPDATE: I hate to belabor Glenn Beck…but why not! This came across my screen earlier today: Our favorite adoptanut joking about poisoning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. This oughtta look great on any future home study.

Pelosi, as third in line of presidential succession, is under Secret Service protection. People have been investigated for joking about far less. Will the SS or FBI look into Beck’s little joke? I won’t hold my breath.

True story from my mother: During the Nixon administration my mother got her hair done every Friday by a woman who ran a beauty shop in her home in Salem, Ohio. The woman was married to a disabled World War 2 vet. Sometime in the early 1970s surgical procedures were developed which enabled him to recover enough to get a job at a nearby VA Hospital. He was so upset at the shabby facilities and incompetent treatment he saw there that he wrote Nixon saying soldiers would be better off killed in Viet Nam than living at the VA Hospital. Shortly afterwards, on a quiet afternoon at a beauty shop in Salem, Ohio, the FBI came looking for the husband. According to them, he had threatened to kill the president by complaining about VA hospital conditions. My mother, a lifelong Republican and Nixon supporter, sat there in the chair and witnessed the whole thing. The incident contributed to her later disavowal of the Republican Party.

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  1. Beck is a Rush Limbaugh “wannabe”.
    Unfortunately for him he doesn’t even have that kind of negative talent. Pitiful guy.

  2. just another happy adopter in who is on the wagon, got his adoptee, and wants everyone to know how wonderful he is just wait till his ratings falter,then marriage, then ping pong the adoptee.

    ahh, America you can smell money in the air for big mouths tooting their horns, while saying how wonderful they are as
    humans NOT!!!!

  3. To add to your mother’s story on the Secret Service and “threats” to the president…..When Reagan was president my husband was at a conference in Kansas City where there was also some event Reagan was going to speak at. My husband looks like Jerry Garcia, long hair, beard, and generally scruffy. He was sitting in the hotel bar, sketching the patrons in a little note book.

    Secret service came over and said they needed to speak to him, demanded to see what he was drawing, and asked him stuff like did he collect guns or want to overthrow the government! I guess his answers were ok since they let him go. True story.

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