Here’s more out of Utah on our teens behaving badly.

News reports verify that I was correct. New Hope Maternity Home..er… excuse me….”group home” is the late residence of our runaways. According to this morning’s Salt Lake City Tribune, after whacking Jana Moody, wife of New Hope owner Spencer Moody, in in the head with a frying pan, one of the girls apologized. “You’re a good person.” We just need to do what we need to do.” Indeed!

Spencer Moody remains clueless as to why the girls may have found his mountain retreat anything less than an exceedingly pleasant experience, though he admitted that most of them “are not happy to be there when they first arrive.” And the maternity girls’ parents were certainlly pleased with New Hope’s results. “We’ve had parents call us and thank us for giving their girls back the way they used to be.” They returned home virgins?

Mr. Mooney, told the Trib that he plans to close New Hope. “After this, we’ve decided it’s the end of it.”


So far no word on where the girls have gone. A national attempt-to-locate alert was issued for the van. The girls also confiscated Jana Moody’s credit cards, check book, and cell phone, but there’s nothing in the press reports to indicate they’ve been used.

Can a movie be far behind? Or better yet, a state investigation into Moody’s activities?



  1. PS,
    Here’s an article for your archives.


    Note Singer and Ofshe’s six conditions for thought reform programs, and note how each of these in present in a maternity prison:

    Six conditions are simultaneously present in a thought reform program:

    obtaining substantial control over an individual’s time and thought content, typically by gaining control over major elements of the person’s social and physical environment,

    systematically creating a sense of powerlessness in the person,

    manipulating a system of rewards, punishment. and experiences in such a way as to promote new learning of an ideology or belief system advocated by management,

    manipulating a system of rewards, punishments, and experiences in such a way as to inhibit observable behavior that reflects the values and routines of life organization the individual displayed prior to contact with the group,

    maintaining a closed system of logic and an authoritarian structure in the organization and

    maintaining a non-informed state existing in the subject.

  2. In 1964 my mother tried to force me into one of these places. I was 17 and had already graduated high school and although I was not ordinarily a particularly rebellious teen (I was terrified of my mother), this was the last straw. I refused to go and when it was plain to me that I was going to be forced, I attempted suicide.

    This took me out of my mother’s control and put me in the hands of the state of California which, as bad as it might seem, was better than being forced to live in a maternity home and being forced to give up my child.

    Several years after the child was born my mother kidnapped my child (and my second child) and took them to Utah. Until reading this blog, I had no idea why she went to Utah because our family had no ties there whatsoever. But now I understand that the laws there support people like my mother who obtained a guardianship (telling the court she didn’t know where I was and claiming I was a drug-addicted prostitute…both claims untrue). The Utah court made no attempt to locate me, it just issued that guardianship, which allowed my mother abscond to New York and hand my kids over to her brother and sister-in-law for adoption. New York, accepting the Utah guardianship, did not question the situation and permitted the adoption, despite my aunt and uncle having been declared “unsuitable” during three previous home studies when they tried to adopt non-related children.

    I eventually got my kids back (8 years later) but only after my aunt and uncle were tired of the antisocial behaviours the kids were exhibiting (and the money it was costing them).

    There is a LOT more wrong with adoption and its processes than is covered so far in this blog, especially regarding Utah and its legal system. My story is a lot longer and more complicated than revealed here, but the fact remains…if Utah had handled the situation in a more circumspect manner, it would have denied my mother the guardianship and my children would never have been adopted…I would have died before I signed my babies away.

  3. In 1964 my mother tried to force me into one of these places. I was 17 and had already graduated high school and although I was not ordinarily a particularly rebellious teen (I was terrified of my mother), this was the last straw. I refused to go and when it was plain to me that I was going to be forced, I attempted suicide.

    This took me out of my mother’s control and put me in the hands of the state of California which, as bad as it might seem, was better than being forced to live in a maternity home and being forced to give up my child.

    Several years after the child was born my mother kidnapped my child (and my second child) and took them to Utah. Until reading this blog, I had no idea why she went to Utah because our family had no ties there whatsoever. But now I understand that the laws there support people like my mother who obtained a guardianship (telling the court she didn’t know where I was and claiming I was a drug-addicted prostitute…both claims untrue). The Utah court made no attempt to locate me, it just issued that guardianship, which allowed my mother abscond to New York and hand my kids over to her brother and sister-in-law for adoption. New York, accepting the Utah guardianship, did not question the situation and permitted the adoption, despite my aunt and uncle having been declared “unsuitable” during three previous home studies when they tried to adopt non-related children.

    I eventually got my kids back (8 years later) but only after my aunt and uncle were tired of the antisocial behaviours the kids were exhibiting (and the money it was costing them).

    There is a LOT more wrong with adoption and its processes than is covered so far in this blog, especially regarding Utah and its legal system. My story is a lot longer and more complicated than revealed here, but the fact remains…if Utah had handled the situation in a more circumspect manner, it would have denied my mother the guardianship and my children would never have been adopted…I would have died before I signed my babies away.

  4. It has been confirmed that the Moodys who ran the New Hope Maternity Home are practicing Mormoms. Interesting how no religious affiliation is mentioned on their web page, nor is there mention of fees for the “wonderful” service they provide embarrassed families of pregnant teens.

    I read a list called exmormon.org for people who have dropped out of the Mormon church, and their friends, and they have been extremely supportive. For the most part they are outraged by this case and also rooting for the young moms to make it to safety. Utah has a huge industry in Homes and Camps and programs for “bad teens” of all sorts, gay, unwed mothers, just plain rebellious. Some kids have died in wildneress camp “tough love” places. And we all know what a cesspool their adoption system is. Yes, brainwashing indeed.

    Has anyone heard any further updates on the girls who escaped? I hope they are still free and smart enough to evade capture until they get to safety and someone who can advocate for them.


  5. As much as I decry any form of religious intolerance, I have to say that the LDS got their comuppance with that one. The Mormon way of adoption is especially heinous and presumptuous. They believe they can perform a “sealing” rite that will make that child a true member of the adoptive clan. They also are not above increasing their already powerful numbers by more means than just that annoying, door-to-door evangelism they practice. Now they have their own breeding farms. I wonder what their ultimate agenda might be.

    Run Girls, and keep on going! My inner teen, raped of my children, is running with you.

  6. I wish my mother had of been able to run with me instead of being forced to surrender me to the clutches of identity fraud and the hellish abuse that adoption really is.

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