California there they went! Our girls are still on the run!
Carlos Rivera, the 18-year boyfriend of one of the desperados, says his girlfriend called him and an aunt about four days ago, and that the trio is probably in California. A news update posted a few hours ago claims that the New Hope van has been ditched in Cal, though no city was mentioned.
Gina Castro, mother of Rivera’s girlfriend, isn’t too happy with the handling of the case by American Fork Police Chief Lance Call. Call, she claims, won’t talk to her personally, preferring to let the unhappily frying panned, Jana Moody act as his sock puppet. Call defends his odd behavior claiming he simply wants to get along with Castro and the other parents. “Some people get very intimidated in talking to a police officer directly,” he assures. “If we can just keep this as cooperative as we can, we’ll be in a lot better shape for everyone.” Why Call believes the parents are uncooperative remains a mystery.
Mother Castro now admits that Bad Daughter, didn’t really enjoy the scenic view from her New Hope cell (or maybe it was that red, white, and blue shower curtain that set her off) and… wanted to keep her baby. Imagine!
From the Provo Daily Herald:
Castro suspects that her daughter didn’t want to give her baby up for adoption, when friends and family members were telling her to. It may be one of the reasons why the girls decided to run…
Castro said she knew her 16-year-old daughter didn’t like being at New Hope. Far away from her friends and boyfriend, the girl didn’t like not being able call or e-mail them. That’s what her mother wanted, originally. That was my whole plan, trying to get her away from the whole elements in Chicago, going through a teen intervention program,” Castro said. “Now she’s in a worst position when she started.
Yeah, it really sucks. To save yourself from the embarrassment of a little bastard in the house, you incarcerate your nasty daughter in a Mormon Behavior Modification Camp cutting her off from her boyfriend and her entire support system. Now, because of your prissy self-esteem issues she’s charged with aggravated assault, stealing a vehicle, using the stolen credit card…and kidnapping!
Can Plymale & Associates be far behind?
The Provo Daily Herald claims that “pro-choice blogs” are running almost as wild as the maternity girls on the incident. Strangely enough, when I did a Google search tonight I saw little on the the other aisle–the anti-aborts–outside of a couple tongue gluckings over ungrateful girls. Perhaps they’re too busy marching through Washington to pay much attention to real– life women affected by their whacky agenda. Whatever…
Feministing, a feminist blogger Bastardette actually likes, has posted a short piece with a lot of good comments. One of the more surprising responses (though I don’t know why) is that so-called liberal and progressive feminists have no idea that maternity camps still exist. Did they think familial embarrassment and disapproval over an oopsed teenager went the way of white gloves and Gidget? As liberals they must have slept through Bushian fulminations snorting full-blown from the nose of Wade Horn (sample ) Marvin Olasky (sample), and the earlier rantings of Charles Murray, Michael Novak and the late Elizabeth Fox-Genovese (both). Shotgun marriages are also nice, though they tend to get in the way of maternity homes and generating product for the adoption industry. But then, we don’t live in a perfect world and fish are bound escape the net.
For FY 2002, the Bush administration proposed that $33 million in taxpayer dole be used to fund “maternity group homes” as a means to decrease abortion and increase the adoptee population. During the July 11, 2001 House Ways and Means Committee meeting, committee chair Bill Thomas explicated happily that the return of the maternity home movement was part of a greater program for federally funded abstinence education to rid the nation’s public school system of factual sex education. Thomas blamed contraceptive use on unplanned pregnancy.
This isn’t just about girls getting pregnant. This is about young boys impregnating girls. But because they teach about contraceptives, even though they teach heavily about abstinence and it is abstinence that is really serving them, they don’t get a dollar of Federal money. So I think we need to look more realistically.
Of course, since then, the nuts have taken over the asylum as shown in the recent appointment of Eric Keroack to head the Department of Health and Human Services’ family-planning program and control Title X funds. Keroack, like Bill Thomas, believes that contraceptives increase the number of pregnancies. In fact, he calls contraception “demeaning” to women. Karoack also promotes the idiotic abortion-breast cancer link and holds the odd belief that multiple sex partners leads to an over-production of oxycotin hindering women’s ability to bond.
If the ice pick hasn’t been shoved deep enough into your eye socket, you might enjoy reading The Implementation of Maternity Group Home Programs: Serving Pregnant and Parenting Teens in a Residential Setting found on the Health and Human Services webpage. The writers of the report acknowledge the input of the late Greg Foltz, former NCFA board member and director of the anti-adoptee rights St. Andre Home in Maine. Gee, would he have an agenda? The report informs us that teenagers–well women in general–to receive the full benefits of maternity home life need to make a full 2-year commitment (what an appropriate word!) to their own incarceration. Whether New Hope demanded our girls–or rather their parents–commit to 2 years at their mountain retreat is not known. Two days would be too much. Sort of like spending your vacation in Minerva, Ohio.
I have no idea how much New Hope was sucking out of Gina Castro, but Feministing has a link to the costs of selected maternity homes that should blow your socks off. With that kind of money Bastardette could buy a new car–or a mom who can’t afford to keep her kid, could.
Here’s to our maternity girls.
Be safe.
At night we ride through mansions of glory in suicide machines
Sprung from cages out on highway 9,
Chrome wheeled, fuel injected and steppin out over the line
Baby this town rips the bones from your back
Its a death trap, its a suicide rap
We gotta get out while were young
`cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run
Born to Run, Bruce Springsteen
May they get far, far away from the baby-takers. I am not surprised that there are breeding farms in Utah. I wish I had used a fry pan on a couple of people about 44 years ago.
I am glad to see some follow up regarding these girls. I couldn’t believe how Stepfordisque the news articles were.
I attempted to post this information on Feministing but they apparently haven’t approved it yet.
From the interview the Moody’s claimed they did not know how far along in the pregnancy the girls were. Would that not be something necessary given their services?
I found the Moody’s statements curious. They spoke of the girls they had helped and how until now, their efforts were a resounding success. Yet, due to this one incident they quickly decided to close the facility. Wouldn’t their counseling of pregnant teens include perseverance, not giving up, correcting errors and moving forward? Then how could they be so quick to throw in the towel?
The following is what I discovered in my quest to make better sense of the article.
I found “industry” related texts indicating Spencer and Jana Moody owned “New Hope Maternity Home” in American Fork.
I found two web sites for “New Hope Maternity Home” in American Fork.
I found “industry” related texts indicating Spencer and Jana Moody owned “New Beginnings Maternity Home” in Kanab. The documents with information regarding New Beginnings Maternity Home seemed to pre-date information regarding New Hope.
I discovered the web site associated with New Beginnings was no longer functional.
I am curious so I find a web archive of the New Beginnings web site
As you can see there apparently is very little difference between New Hope and New Beginnings.
When I started looking for additional information for New Beginnings Maternity Home (Kanab) I found this description from a city council meeting minutes.
“They don’t lock up the kids. The parents can use whatever means they choose to get them to the school. These kids are not criminals. They are kids who don’t get along with their parents and are rebelling against their Christian heritage.”
Then, I found where they were named in the WWASP class action law suit.
It seems apparent to me that perhaps the Moody’s picture perfect world is a bit of an illusion.
I wish these girls the best.
Oh Marley, you made me cry with the Springsteen quote. Really gets to an old Jersey Girl:-)
Thanks for the update and “anon” thanks for the information on the Moodys. I too noticed that they claimed not to know how far along the pregnant girls were. Hmmmmmm. They sound like creeps, maybe perverts too. Anyone see the picture of Mr. Moody from the Deseret News? Looks like a mean old redneck.
Born to run….yes, I hope these mamas have a great story to tell their kids some day, with a sound track by The Boss.
I too am very glad that someone is tracking these girls who seems to care about THEM not just the occupants of their wombs. I was adopted as a baby and my biological Mom did choose to give me up of her free will but it has left awful scars upon her soul. She once told me went into a maternity home of some sort that when she was pregnant with me (early 70s) but did not offer any details. I could see the memory was painful so I have never asked any questions about what happened. She loves me so much and I love her back even if we did not meet until I was adult that I never want to inflict further pain upon her. I leave it to her to tell me what she wants me to know and feels able to speak of. Maybe this is why I felt a nauseated sinking feeling in my gut when i read of those girls running away. Where they first to remain pregnant? Where they being forced to give up their babies? Where they being abused by someone in America Fork? It had to be bad for them to run away.
One of the more surprising responses (though I don’t know why) is that so-called liberal and progressive feminists have no idea that maternity camps still exist. Did they think familial embarrassment and disapproval over an oopsed teenager went the way of white gloves and Gidget? As liberals they must have slept through Bushian fulminations snorting full-blown from the nose of Wade Horn (sample ) Marvin Olasky (sample), and the earlier rantings of Charles Murray, Michael Novak and the late Elizabeth Fox-Genovese (both). Shotgun marriages are also nice, though they tend to get in the way of maternity homes and generating product for the adoption industry. But then, we don’t live in a perfect world and fish are bound escape the net.
Like a lot of the public, I think the entire spectrum of adoption experience is just an abstraction to many if not most of them.
Abortion they get, adoption not so much.
When adoption is generally understood as the exploitation it so often is, we will finally have made some progress towards our political and social goals.
Excellent, excellent post.
I had to comment on kidnap’s post. It might be hard for the feminist contengient to see adoption for the exploitation of women that it is since there are, from what I have heard, several women who have adopted in the NOW heirarchy.
To me, this is one of the most shameful aspect of infant adoption…women predating other women.
Thank you for posting this. I was one of those unaware of modern-day prison – I mean Maternity Homes for young, prengnant women.
I share my sentiments with the other posters.
I hope these young women are able to keep from being inprisoned, again, by those who are helping themselves to their babies.
Run, mommas, Run!!
It is quite possible as someone suggested that Moody was not the pleasant mushy gushy man that he professed to be. It is also possible that he was trying to sexually abuse the girls.
I hope that a good lawyer comes along to represent them, that the home in question is investigated, and that the filthy putrid adoption industry is further exposed as well.
My own mother was in such a home, and it was a horror show for her in the 60’s, as it was for most women that I have known who were in such a prison.
I hope that they run too, as the religious freaks running these places, are not doing this to save or help anyone – they are doing this with dollar signs posted to their wicked eyes, to sell other people’s babies to infertile strangers.
Where, pray tell, are same sex couples able to get children if not via adoption?
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“Where, pray tell, are same sex couples able to get children if not via adoption?”
I know a bunch of lesbian couples who became parents through donor-conception. The way your question is framed seems to imply that the desire “to get” children is some sort of entitlement (enjoyed by straights, desired by gays and lesbians), and that this entitlement means that adoption is ok since it services that entitlement. The comments on this blog by women who’ve been coercively “de-mothered” by the historically heteronormative version of the middle-class entitlement to “get a baby” should at least give you pause to speculate if there is a non-exploitive alternative. Unless you don’t give a shit how you get the baby as long as you “get the baby.” An interesting perspective on “getting a baby”, written by gay playwrite Edward Albee, entitled “The Play About the Baby”, is an interesting place to start.
Can you say “Lebensborn?”
As for the hypocrits–er, ah feminists–they adopt so abuse of females for adoption is desirable to them.
Once someone, anyone, is infected with baby obsession, nothing else matters.
Have the po’d PAP’s been heard from? It would be disengenuous for anyone to claim there are not already down payments if not payment in full already for these mothers’ babies.
In our perverted culture, I can imagine the wild-eyed PAP’s going on TV as heroes pleading to the public to turn in the mothers as though they are the kidnappers instead of themselves.
Ah, the free enterprise system, ah, our Judeo/Christian/Calvinist ethnocentricty, or whatever the hell it is. Life’s short, then we die, who decided infertiles count and mothers don’t?
Well, just read one of the mothers turned herself in a few days ago. She was with her own mother.
Not a snowball’s chance in hell that she will ever see her baby after it is born and nobody cares. Well, actually a lot of people care, happy care, but they will care because some infertile will find a product to buy and they will say how wonderful that is.
What kind of country is this anyway? Who made motherhood a crime?
For some reason, this is reminding me of Sherman Alexie’s book, “Indian Killer.”
you go bb, great response.
“The way your question is framed seems to imply that the desire “to get” children is some sort of entitlement (enjoyed by straights, desired by gays and lesbians), and that this entitlement means that adoption is ok since it services that entitlement. The comments on this blog by women who’ve been coercively “de-mothered” by the historically heteronormative version of the middle-class entitlement to “get a baby” should at least give you pause to speculate if there is a non-exploitive alternative. Unless you don’t give a shit how you get the baby as long as you “get the baby.”
Having lived and worked in Utah for 4 years some time ago, it shouldn’t be a surprise such a home existed in “Mercan Fark” as the locals pronounce it. This is one of those Only In Utah stories that usually features salamanders, blood atonement, pedophiles, ponzie schemes and invariably a creepy pudding faced White guy who’s often a scout leader or a Chuch bishop.
Sheesh…left this out.
Thank you for the excellent post!
Gotta admire those girls. That was one gutsy (and desperate) thing to do and will be on the lookout here in Norcal for pregnant teens on the lam.
I’m 67 and thought homes for unwed mothers didn’t exist any more. I know there used to be at least on SD, but I haven’t heard anything about it since the sixties.
The way I started finding out about the modern homes is I do a lot of political blogging on other sites and being the good old SD legislature can’t seem to keep their minds off banning abortion, a lot of the posts on these sites pertain to that.
I am extremely pro-choice, have been since the fifties, and I tend to say what I think, therefore some of the discussions can get fairly heated, but interesting.
It’s amazing what you can learn on these sites. I guess I can honestly say I didn’t realize there was such a stigma to unwed mothers now. In SD we see a lot of unwed mothers and in Sioux Falls, SD there are some high schools that have on site day care facilities for the teen mothers.
All in all this is interesting and I will be attempting to learn more.
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My husband just came home with some new frying pans!!! They will always be a symbol of freedom and hope for me from now on.
Run girls Run!! And if anyone comes across them then help them please.
Hopefully these girls and their babies will be okay. But NOONE writing in this should speak about the conditions of New Hope OR New Begginnings unless having expierenced them first hand. Noone wants to participate in a maternity home or a rehab center or wilderness program – but they are all over the world. I want to make this clear: Mr. Moody is an extremely nice man that never sexually abused anyone. The Moodys tried their best to help girls decide what was the right decision for them, whether keeping their babies or adoption. They never brainwashed anybody. I agree, the situation was not what a pregnant girl would want-they would want to be at home. This home was to keep girls safe, without others influences. They didn’t do this for money but because they wanted to help girls out. If it wasn’t for them, I would possibly be dead or homeless now. Because of them, I am moving forward in my life and am very sucessfull. These girls decided to run away – so goodluck to you.
More about this program: