NAAM Day 29: Hate v Incompetence: My Personal and Political Social Media Challenges

I have been hesitant to add Bluesky to my itinerary. Why? Because various folks tell me it is full of “nice people”…and well…I just don’t want to spend my time with” nice people.” As far as I’m concerned it’s a bunch of “nice people” as a class, (nothing personal) afraid to lock and load, that has turned the US into a clown car of fascists, white Christian nationalists, queerphobics, misogynists, sexual deviants and predators, crooks, embezzlers, fraudsters, grifters, plastic surgery freaks. anti-science nuts, and overall incompetents who probably spent their high school years in detention. All fronted by sleeve-snickering billionaires and foreign tyrants. You know who you are, bitch boys. Continue Reading →