OHIO: Support Ohio Adoptees–BEAohio Up and Running on MySpace

There is a new addition to MySpace: BEA–Buckeyes for Equal Access. BEA has been formed specifically to support Ohio HB 7, which, as CURRENTLY WRITTEN restores the right of all Ohio adoptees to unrestricted access to their birth certificates. It also abolishes current birth parent disclosure vetoes in place since 1996.


BEA is an independent group not affiliated with any organization although it adheres to a no compromise, leave-no-one-behind, policy.

Anyone can become a BEA friend, but we are inviting particularly anyone with an Ohio adoption connection who believes in the unalienable right of all adoptees to their identities and public records of their births–that adopted persons are legally equal to the not-adopted. We want people who will visit, write call, fax, and email Ohio legislators and demand that adoptees be treated equally

Compromise is in the air. We need you not only to work for passage of HB 7 AS WRITTEN, but support those who go to the mattress for adoptees. They need to know they aren’t alone and have the backing of the the adoptee rights community.

And don’t forget the 1996 adoptees with vetoes who aren’t yet old enough to speak for themselves. We don’t want to be asked years later, “Why did you leave me behind?”

Leave no one behind!

If you are an Ohio adoptee, a parent who relinquished or adopted in Ohio, a current resident of Ohio adopted in another state, involved in adoption–or just believe in adoptee equality, then join us. Please drop us line and let us know your Ohio connection. a good email addy, the Ohio city most representative of your situation so we can have show legislators that people all over Ohio care and are speaking up.

If you surrendered a child in Ohio and have your surrender documents, we would appreciate a copy of them to present to the legislature.

A regular webpage up soon, but in the meantime please stop by BEA official MySpace page for regular updates.

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