There is nothing worse than a sore winner. I’ve seen enough unpleasant people and organizations over the years gloat when they win. I thought I could avoid gloating tonight, but I can’t.
As someone who has spent the majority of her life in Ohio, I am tripping tonight with the win of Issue 1 which enshrines abortion rights in the state constitution. With 95% of the vote counted, it passed 56.6% to 43.4%
I just did a quick Twitter check-in (I refuse to call it X) and read the histrionics of amateur misogynists and professional grifters such as Lila Rose. founder and president of Live Action, and Kristian Hawkins, president of Students for Life, and a bit long in the tooth for studentacy. Hawkins may be the dumbest cluck of the bunch outside of incels who post that women can only conceive if they orgasm. (others claim there is no such thing as female orgasm), rape can’t cause pregnancy, the state should jail or even execute women who have abortions, the womb and the uterus are two different things. and periods can be “held in.”
Anyway, for decades Rose-Hawkins and their retrograde crowd demanded that abortion be thrown back to the states to decide. That’s what happened today. Ohio spoke. Other states spoke. You just don’t like what they said. I’m gloating.
Now the Rose-Hawkins think tank gang is complaining that Democrats poured more money into the state than did the Republicans. Repubs and conservatives let themselves be bullied by liberals. (Do libs bully?) Bottom line: Republicans (they seldom evoke Trumpsters) didn’t tote their barge and lift their bale. Now there is blood in the air. Traitors will be punished.
Despite the ridiculous claim about Republican cheap-asses, my social media was jammed with “Vote No on Issue 2” propaganda insisting that abortion be abolished to “protect women.” How women who are unable to obtain an abortion they need or want are protected by the inability to get one was never explained.
Ohio voters aren’t stupid like they were treated.
It will be interesting to see where Ohio Right to Life and its cronies will work their adoption strategy. They love adoption as much as they hate abortion, and they just lost their sledgehammer. These guys never ever support legislation that might actually help women in any meaningful manner including keeping their kids rather than turn them into the adoption spammer., preferably at birth. Years ago, I attended a meeting at the Ohio Statehouse where I learned that certain GOP leggies claim that any bill that has anything to do with women was a pro-abortion bill. You know, like a state-funded women’s smoking cessation program. I am not making this up.
These are just a few random thoughts. Not the best. It’s late. But I’m gloating.
(No, it will never be X!)
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now!
Both the GQP leaders of the Ohio Senate and House have stated that this vote is not the end of the matter of abortion rights.
My neighbors who had both a “vote no on issue 1” sign and a second sign that read “vote no on everything,” replaced both today with a new sign: “Pray to end abortion.”
And last night Vijay Ramaswamy, one of the GQP presidential candidates who is from Ohio, said that they needed to emphasize adoption to voters.
The meltdown on Twitter is quite the thing to see. Evey incel on the net is out there blathering on about how the “slutty women” of Ohio are on a murder spree. Bryan Kemper, formerly of Rock for Life and some other organizations and now has a ministry in Troy, needs to be wiped off the floor. He’s calling Ohio “Auschwitz” Michael Bray is down there around Wilmington. Maybe can drive his car into clincs. I need to read what Elizabeth Johnston has to say yet. Have you followed her divorce? Very interesting. Parick is a bad bad bad boy,but we knew that years ago. His career as a Christian Nationalist and in medicine is tanked. He’s doing tel-med now and doesn’t like to pay child support.