Does this image make you sick to your stomach, grind your teeth, go for the nearest ax handle?
Very few things in AdoptionLand irk me anymore, but the so–called “life-saving” images of anonymity and identity erasure that Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Inc spreads over social media, schools, doctors’ offices, churches, and billboards do. Not only the images of course, but more importantly, the pernicious and false message the baby abandonment box company conveys to the public–and even worse–politicians who hold the civil rights of adopted people in their hands:
Adopted people don’t matter
As if this isn’t bad enough, SHBB Inc marches into legislative committees with Bible and baby box bill in hand, right behind adoptees and birthparent activists with our own bills trying to restore adoptee rights access to our own original birth certificates and other state-generated and held records by convincing politicians and record-jailers that birthparents do NOT want anonymity.
So welcome to the asylum where the erasure of the relationship between child and parent is legislated, encouraged, and celebrated. The opening of the baby box in Portales, New Mexico, the other day featured a ribbon cutting by small children, and was shin-digged up with noise makers and cheers! (last few minutes) Oy veh!
One of these days I’d like to write something on the iconography and lexicography that perpetuates adoption mythology for some “greater good” that is never defined except by special and entitled interests and leaves the “recipients” out
I’m just throwing this out for now, especially the images that you might not see unless you hang out on SHBB’s Facebook page or TikTok. My internet was out for several hours today and is now cutting in and out, so I’m even more behind than I was before.
Reposted on Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
(No, it will never be X!)
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now!
Poke the Bear 2024
Day 3 — 27 Days to Go