Just received this bulletin from Kevin Ost-Vollmers, the Land of a Thousand Adoptees, regarding the bureaucratic silencing of of adoptees and first parents by the US Senate Foreign Relations/Congressional Coalition for Adoption Institute.
Of course, none of this should be surprising. Adopted people and their first parents–the alleged beneficiaries of adoption policy, laws, and international agreements– don’t count. From past experience it takes a crowbar to break into federal and state) adoption roundtables, hearings, and inquiries unless you are an adoption agency or represent an adoptive parent organization–and usually the latter aren’t even welcome.
I am shooting off a short email to Kathleen Strottman right now and will post it later today.
In the meantime, read Kevin’s alert and send Strottman an email. Adoptees are not silent pawns. We won’t shut up.
Done, and done!
Thanks for the head’s up!
Thanks, Sandy It’s always interesting how the producers and product don[t count. We’re kinda like hotdogs and slave labor.
I sent an email! I stated I was both an international adoptive parent AND a member of PEAR. Who is disgusted that neither first families nor adoptees were asked to join the “roundtable” discussion”.
Elizabeth Case