New Hampshire anti-abortion politicians Rep Fran Wendelboe and former State Rep Phyllis Woods have gotten their socks in a bunch over HB 184. The bill repeals the state’s 2003 parental notification law that requires doctors to notify at least one parent 48 hours before performing an abortion on a minor. The other day the two Republican warhorses tossed a couple of tired chestnuts at repeal supporters: minors need parental consent to get their ears pierced or get an aspirin from the school nurse. It follows, they argue, that parents should have a right to a “say” in their minor daughters’ decision to get an abortion.

Wendelboe and Woods, however, haven’t always been so concerned about that parental “say.” In 2003, while they were busy saving fetuses, Woods sponsored and Wendelboe backed HB 104, New Hampshire’s Safe Haven newborn abandonment law that encourages these minor daughters to hide pregnancies from their parents, forgo prenatal care, and give birth alone and in secret in places like bathtubs or hotel rooms. The law lets these “desperate mothers” then anonymously drop-off their newborns at the neighborhood fire or police station or hospital, or even at a church with no questions asked– and return home to mom and dad as if nothing has happened. No name. No shame. No blame.

What kind of twisted legal system requires a minor to inform her parents about her unwanted pregnancy if she wants to terminate it, but encourages her to keep that same unwanted pregnancy a secret from her parents if she intends to carry to term, give birth unattended, and anonymously abandon her baby?

Wendelboe and Woods need to put their money where their mouths are. If they are genuinely dedicated to parental notification, they should demand that their Safe Haven law be repealed immediately. After all, don’t parents have a right to a “say” in their minor daughters’ reproductive decisions?


  1. Thye’ll never go for it, M. From their perspective, forcing parental notification of legalized anonymous abandonment will force young women to abort.

    “That’s some catch, that Catch 22.”
    John Yossarian


  2. Well what has happened now is that parents are either forcing their children to abort. I hear it is up to 50%. Young women are also keeping their children. Their parents are supporting them on this now. These people don’t want these young girls to go to their parents.

  3. While I would like to think that every young woman has the kind of relationship with her parents that would allow her to discuss her unplanned pregnancy in a rational way, I am too familiar with the characteristics of Reality to imagine that is actually true. Thus, as a matter of personal autonomy, parental consent should not be required.

    Really, this shouldn’t be a matter of law at all. It should be between women and their physicians and anyone else who they choose to involve.


  4. “What kind of twisted legal system requires a minor to inform her parents about her unwanted pregnancy if she wants to terminate it, but encourages her to keep that same unwanted pregnancy a secret from her parents if she intends to carry to term, give birth unattended, and anonymously abandon her baby”

    Nor does a minor need to inform her parents or obtain their consent, in order to relinquish.
    It’s all about getting the baby.

  5. no child left behind

    mother nature


    i was walking around; came across a sign,sans a one horse town;

    …*you cared, you changed a life..*

    well, do you think the crisis pregnancy centers, even the ones who change their names, (to protect the innocent,and hide the guilty)?!

    short calloused ignorant, meaningless sentences that leave birthmothers staring out into space ………

    they cared..they took our babies…they changed our lives…..

    humanity…….guess it wouldnt hurt to use that same sentence to reclaim some lives………..i just hate it when the crisis pregnancy center lies………………….mother nature…………

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